domenica, dicembre 03, 2006

We seem to have Lost the Captain

Yesterday was pretty rad...though strange. I overslept by mistake [again!] so I didn't go to school...though it did occur to me when I woke up [at like 7:45 or so] that I might have been able to take the bus that we took on Friday [we didn't have 1st period so got to go in a little later], but then I actually thought about it and realised that I didn't know exactly when it stopped, if it was fer sure running that route that day, and how to get into school after it started. And me wandering around in SMaV slash Maddaloni by myself in the cold is probably not the best thing ever. So I said "whatevz" and went back to sleep...ended up sleepin' in until 11ish, which was AWESOME. I heck of needed the sleep though, as I hadn't gotten much in the past few nights.

So yeah I didn't go to school, though when I went online I had messages from Gina and Alex telling me to call Alex, and then Franco IMed me telling me to, then when Dan came home from school she repeated the message. I was like, "Geeez, I got it already!!"

That afternoon I cleaned my room [woohoo! I know!] and then I went over to Alex's. We went to the Candy Store to try and find something to supplement Franco's present [all we had was the giant chocolate cigar]...we didn't find anything satisfactory but we did get him a card and i got a bag of candy...oops...

After that we walked around a bit and got a couple of diet Cokes, then went to Franco's party. We were actually about a half an hour late because we got there a little late and then we had to fill out his card before we went in, but whatevers.

The party was pretty was just exchange students [Alex, Me, Gina, the other Alex, Heather, Pasqual, Franco of course, and Annette], then Heather's sister and Franco's brothers, so it was supes small. We spent a lot of the time talking, some time dancing [though Alex and I left the room when they played Rock this Party because we loathe that song so], and there was pizza and pop, though Al and I consumed neither [we were very proud of ourselves]. We did, however, go for the cake and champagne that was busted out later...heh heh heh...

Alessio was picking us up at 10.30 so we ducked out a little before then, and went out by the street to wait for him. We found him a couple of minutes later and I guess that he didn't know where to go [I had asked Dan to tell him but I guess that didn't happen] and tried calling what he thought was my cellphone but was Al's dad's...I felt bad for making him go to all that trouble but there was nothing I could do...

So when we got in the car he was all "We're going to Caserta is that Okay with you?" I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't, but luckily Alex and I are down for pretty much anything.

We actually ended up going to Gonzales's pub, in San Marco, which is actually where the other Alex had her birthday...but this time we were down in the basement, and it was super-rad. It had all those green bar lights and whatnot and felt more Irish pub than Mexican pub in Italy...whatevz, there was a sign that said "All Gamblers and Fancy Women must register with the captain before the ship leaves for New Orleans". I took a picture of it with MJ, but, unfortunately, it just came out as a big white blob and I didn't have time to Tup-it. Whatevz.

We ended up getting home at, like, 1:30am or something...everyone was asleep by the time I came in, and so all the lights were off inside, but the Christmas tree was all lit up and decorated and glittering and it was the most beautiful thing. I actually just stood there and looked at it for a while until I felt like a dork and went upstairs.

I wasn't too tired [a side effect of sleeping in so much, I reckon] so I set up on the couch with my laptop and my big puffy comforter...ended up sleeping there...woke up in my pearls and converse and Paris t-shirt...felt like a bit of a dweeb.

Glamming it up as only she can,
Bee Electric

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