lunedì, gennaio 15, 2007

Let them eat gigabytes.

My hair. Is in such a horrendous state right have no idea. I haven't done ANYTHING with it since I put it up...yesterday night. So it is still a matted, hairsprayed mess. Only now all squished and retarded looking. -whatever- I have rotation tomorrow...I'll deal with it then.

I am downloading Marie Antoinette!! In English!! I sure hope there is room for it on this computer... I'll burn it off tomorrow.

OHYEAH I should have frenchy pixXx to post soon!! Yay for Paris!

I have a new favourite TV show. It is called RTI or something and I guess it is like CSI. That's what I hear, at least. I've never seen CSI. But RTI is super rad with detective work madness and dead peeps and whatnot! Yay for television!

Putting on her lab coat,
Bee Electric

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