lunedì, febbraio 19, 2007

IntarWub Goodies!!

What I have been chexin' up on in the world of the InterNets.

*Urban Curators: I ran across these folks on BoingBoing and totes fell in love with them. From their mission statement: "The goal of the Urban Curators project is to engage the public in the celebration of the decaying urban environment, recognizing its inherent aesthetic qualities as well as the important role that it plays within our cultural habitat." Urban Curators was started by a group of RISD students, and what they do is run about Providence, Rhode Island, hanging gold frames on old buildings and such, to bring attention to "objects and views that are of aesthetic or cultural value". One reason this strikes my fancy is that I spend a lot of time taking pictures of such things, because sometimes a crumbling old wall can be beautiful. Needless to say, most people think that I'm quite daft.

*This video: I believe this is what they call hysterically funny...especially because it is in Norwegian, which is inherently hilarious. Don't worry, though, the Norwegian subtitles are subtitled in English.

*MAKE: Blog's Egg Drop Secrets: I should really hold on to this, in case I need to do this in physics next year. Although I don't think a jar of peanut butter is usually on the "accepted materials" list. Oh well, it didn't work anyways. Was kinda gross, though!

*Spice Girls Reuniting!: I heard some whispers of this possibility on the Fred Flare Blog a lil' bit ago, but this looks like it might actually happen! Everyone's favourite Girlz are gonna be back! in! action! this summz, with a super large concert in LDN and then some other ones as well around England. OK, I am totes organizing a pilgrimage, OMG!

*YouTube: I have been spending heaps of time on YouTube lately, mostly watching music videos and feeling nostalgic for early Good Charlotte. Now, I'm still super keen on GC, I like their new songs [though the whole double release Chronicles of Life and Death thing was patently LETARDED] and whatnot, but I kinda miss back when Benji had outrageous hair and before Joel started dating overly skinny celebutantes [Hilary Duff, who we all know my feelings on, and now Nicole Ritchie]. That is why I still sleep with a poster of them [Benj's pink jaguar hair included] above my bed.

"The Anthem"

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"

And I'm out.

Dancing around the room,
Bee Electric

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