sabato, febbraio 03, 2007

My Classwork...Expunged

Written durin' school today...btw I have no idear what Expunged means.

*2dayz HOT TOPIC (by BeeDecree)*
The First! Ever! Bee Electric! Vlog! Podcast! Video Bit! Cosa pensi? Whatcha think? Of course it iz short and kinda lame, but then, so am I! I hope you had at least a little fun watchin' it, as I had a bunch o' fun makin' it! Even though I had about half a second of usable footage. "Footage." Haha! I'm such a toad. Hopefulling the next installment/episode/whatever will be sckooler.

Holy Jumping Butterballs! My stomach is havin' a Grade-A meltdown! I think it prolly has somethin' to do with my weird-arse diet yesterday:
*Breakfast: Pack of saltines [4 crackers], Snickers, 2 coffees
*Lunch: 1 serving pasta with chreamy sauce, shrimp, and zucchini [in the pasta], diet imitation Coke
*Dinner: Pepsi, lots o' potato chips, dark chocolate, greens awith olives, capers, and pine nuts [later].
Que healthy! Vabbè...

Speaking vaguely of health-related issues, Vale quit dance [at least the classes here— as far as I know she still wants to go to the Academy/Institute in Rome after graduation], and by default, so did I. She says it's for real this time. If that's true, I reckon they are gonna have some major holes in their dances! I'm fine with either way she actually goes— though I want her to be able to dance, because I know she loves it, I also know what it is like to be in a situation so letarded it takes a lot of the joy out of something you adore [::cough::gymnastics::cough::]. It would be nice not to have as many bored outta my skull hours per week, since I was yanked without explaination [what the hull?] from the moderna choregraphy, so I wasn't gonna be doing that anyways [I reckon].

Breaking news! This just in! There izZz a new Aussie girl at our school! Sketch-ay. I thought we weren't going to gave anymore, since they all went home. Apparently, however, the Australians are disPATCHED in bATCHEZ. So we got a new lass- she's from near Sydney [which I heard as "New Sydney" at first. Bee: "There's a New Sydney? Rad! Gotsa jump on that bandwagon!" OzZzie girl: "Ummm...."] I can't recall her name but she seems pretty nice. During our little rendez-vous Miano [the first time I've seen her in weeks; apparently helping Bee not have math and physics classes is not something she feels the need to do. Thanks, luv!] lent me this photocopied Italian course book from Giuseppina— If I want to use it I gots to make my own photocopies, then give it back. Mom— are you sending me that Ultimate Italian book? Perchè non vorrei pagare per fare le fotocopie per un libro [forse anche troppo facile] se sei inviandome un altro! Dude! That Aussie girl was all, "Do you speak Italian?" [I reckon 'cause Miano was givin' me a "Learn Italian" book]. Before I could answer Miano was all, "She's lazy." Thanx, hun! My response was pretty much "What-EVAR! I speak Italz like a mad woman, and am a pretty good hand at Napolitano, too. So therez." Beh.

Since I am basically GeniusGirl, I have a devised a brill-beyond-brilliant way to make my boring classes [i.e. nearly all] slightly more interessante! IzZz called "Veronica the Super Duper EyePod: Operation Stealthster." ThazZz rite, innit! What VtSDEP:OS means is that [with sweatshirt on & hood up] I can listen [with one ear open so I'm not compleets oblivious] to the audio content of my choice instead of, say, Italian fraction nonsense. 10 points for technology!

Yuck...English class. Teacher's still stuck on the whole other day thing, sayin' I was "upset" and whatnot. 'Scuse me, lady, but I wasn't upset — OK, maybe I was, but more in a "I HAVE TIRED OF YOU AND THE IGNORANCE OF YOUR WAYS" sort of fashion than the implied "OMG the teacher said I'm wrong brb g2g cry now!!!!11!". Apparently she "has nothing towards me" which is too bad 'cause I sure as heck have something towards her! It is a neon arrow of Dislike and I have named it JesusFish. Oh mio dio, now the Latin teacher's talking about the "contadino" thing. What monster art thou? I do bid thee to speak, to reveal thyself for what thee truly be!

A snazzy thing about bein' in Italy: nearly everyone here [spesh teen-folk...or maybe that is just who I hang with] does the airkiss howdy/buhbye, and everyone says "Ciao" like it were goin' outta style. That means that I can, too, and be Normz like Rockwell, instead of a pretentious twit like most people who do that in the U.S. There, it's for 20-something wanna-be Europeans with Netflix queues and Starbucks in the cupholder. Here it's as common as the "Yo, dude"/head jerk is in the hallways of America's high schools. Only so much more continental. Ciao, darling, I'm off to my Pilates class. Slurp.

OMGosh. I just got the BESTEST idear for a television show! My new capacity as GeniusGirl is keepin' me hoppin'! This is how it [the TeeVee show] works: if the target/victim is foreigner, they are secretly filmed whilst an actor from the cast [masquerading as a member of the general public, of course] does something obscenely stereotypical American to them. If the T/V is American, they are tricked into being an obscenely stereotypical one [note— this could prove too easy - more interesting, maybe, if the T/V is a birkenstock wearin' peacemonger treehugger who sponsers a 3rd world child]. Hilarity ensues, and when the joke has played out, the T/V is given a cheapo miniature American flag that they wave as I waltz out from my cleverly hidden spot to deliver what is sure to be the most popular line since "You're fired!". Wait for it...wait for it...."YOU'VE BEEN YANKED!" Oh shizZz! Possible episode ideas include: "MAYBE YOU'LL MAGICALLY LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH IF I SHOUT AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS" and "Look, honey, it's a terrorist!" [Pointing at a harmless bearded fellow— possibly not even Middle-Eastern]. Season finale: invade a country that has nothing to do with us and, at high cost [both money and in human life] make it more unstable and dangerous than it was before. What do you mean that's already been done? Day-um. Unrated Season DVD extras: Draw inspiration from "Guantanamo Bay" and "Abu Ghraib". I'm gonna be the Ashton Kutcher for the next generation. Without, you know, Demi Moore. HAUSOME!

I just read that last paragraph over. Dear God I'm a twisted lil' creep. I can't believe I even posted it...

Just a little messed up,
Bee Electric

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