domenica, febbraio 04, 2007

Questions I often find myself asking

"Who stole the Wolf's Poop?"


"Why did I not listen to online/get podcasts from NPR etc before?"
Oh yeah, I physically couldn't until this week. DURRRRRRRRRRRR.

Speaking of podcasts I would be working on my next but frankly I am having too good of a time listening to the radio.

Whatever, tomoz is Sunday [FINALLY, OMG] so I can work on it then!!!

Ugh, I have a stomach ache. Possibly caused by the hot dog/french fry sammie I had for dinner. Or the can of Pepsi I drank. Or the repeated [futile] attempts to produce a quality belch.

EVERYONE STATESIDE SHOULD GO SEE Factory Girl SO'S I CAN BE PROPER JEALOUS OF YOU. Yes I know critics or whatever are saying it sucks but I still want to see it. <3 Andy and Edie and Mary-Kate Olsen [who is in the movie for like 30 seconds]. And: Did anyone see Blood Diamond? That's another one I really want to view.

I think it's funny that our lil' cinema here is playing the same movies as Point Arena. Rockin'!

Boy I sure am excited for Spider-Man 3! Black Snake Moan looks pretty snazzy, too. Bridge to Terabithia seems different than I remember the book, but I actually don't remember much from the book, except it made me cry.

See ya at the movies,
Bee Electric

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