venerdì, febbraio 02, 2007

This is the Comedown

Dear peanut, I hate Michele, aka Gina's ex-host brother. OMG. I never really liked him, due to his creepyness and jerkfase ness to Ginster, but he never actually did anything directly to me.

Story time!

This afternoon, after Vale's dance class, we went over to Giovanni's house for pizza. I was supes sleepster, but figured whatevz, I can handle this. Before the pizza came I was pretty much just chillin' on the couch with everyone, watching music videos. Then I ate too much greasy-arse pizza [I haven't had a quality pizza in ages, this sucks], and everyone went outside to smoke cigarettes, so I settled down on the couch with MTV on. And fell asleep. Until Michele and Fabrizio, hiding behind the other couch, started throwing stuff at me [starting with a pillow, progressing to other objects]. Hard. And then giggling. Fragz. He was all proud of it later, too. Grrrrr....

What the heck is it with me? Do I have some big neon sign that everyone can see but me that says "Plz be mean to me"?? Yuck.

Then, to further end my day on a bad note, I just found out that Pascal, Annette, the other Alex, and Franco all went to Rome to see Gina and the German before they both went off to their respective countries [that would be America and Australia]. Nobody told me about this before [there was vague talk of going to see Gina, but no firm plans, and no German mention], or afterwords...I just now happened to see some pictures. That makes me really...I dunno...sad? Because I would have liked to say goodbye to Gina again, and I heart Dave so seein' him would be hauseome. Whatever, can't do anything about it now, but I am a little hurt.

Wandering off to dream of feta cheese,
Bee Electric

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