domenica, giugno 24, 2007

And In the Mornin', I'm makin' WAFFLES!

Or, you know, scrambled eggs. And bacon. And coffee! This morning I got up at, like, 7:20...made brekkie for the 'rents. It was kinda cool! I made scrambled eggs with Havarti dill cheese and bacon and coffee. I think that it all turned out OK; I just ate the bacon and drank coffee so I don't know about the eggs. No one has died yet, though, so I reckon I am safe!!

I really need to learn German already. I didn't have a chance to listen to my podcasts over the last few days what with the travelling and whatnot, but I reckon I will start up again. I think that I will look at Pay 'n' Take next time for a textbook.

Oh, guess what? I introduced my frenzZz to Tokio Hotel and they like the music, even though they don't find them quite as good looking as I do, and think that Bill looks like a girl. Whatever! My parents also don't find them completely unsufferable, which is good as it means that I can listen to TH in the car or other places where they are too.

I ate my first frozen peas in nine months today! They were quite how I have missed them.

This afternoon we are going to watch a play of Anne Frank, and then tonight my friends and I are going to see Knocked Up. It will be quite a day filled with entertainment and fun. Well...Anne Frank maybe not so much, but the movie is a comedy.

Before we leave for the play I have more putting away of stuff to do...yuck!! It's also kind of hard now because my room is not really organized great right now. I mean, my mom spent the whole time I was in Italy cleaning and organizing it, but it's not really in a workable way, especially because heaps of my stuff is still floatin' about in the ether in my checked luggage. I just have to get it kind of put away for now at least...get it off my floor.

I can say "My name is Charlotte and I am a pineapple" in five languages. Heck yes that is useful!!

OK I'm off to do some organizin'!

Wondering if she will find some pantaloons,

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