mercoledì, agosto 16, 2006

Anorexic Movie Star

Not much interesting has been going on Electronic Paradize, and by much I mean anything. But I'll see what I can scrounge up anyways. Got any cigarettes, cigars?

I am so glad that I only have one more chapter of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States to read and do questions for. I reckon if I have to deal with much more of Zinn spending page after page talking about what jagoffs everybody is/was I' something! Something exciting! And dangerous! Like...leave the country! Got damn when did I become so genius?

To break up the monotony I've been watching 1930s war movies (for history!) and cutting out pictures of my favourite anorexic movie stars. And socialites etc. How I wish I could be like that...thin and tan and make a headline when I buy a new pair of shoes. Well, we can all dream, can't we?

Speaking of dreaming, Jeffrey Rowland, Cowboy Poet Hacker Intar Wub comix extrodinaire is on his way to the Snakes on a Plane premiere in Hollywood. ::smiles gently:: Golly gee! Good things can happen!

Didja notice the snazzy new additions to the site? They're fabulous...check out the sidebar, and scroll all the way down to see the beautiful footer banners.

Painting her nails pale pink,
Bee Electric

added to the Wish List

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