lunedì, ottobre 30, 2006

Not Adam...

Dude! I totally saw Brody-fase again! [In case you don't know, Brody-fase is this guy that I saw...probably a month ago on the way to the bus that looked like Adrian Brody, only with an eyebrow ring.] It was awesome. Now he looks a little less like Adrian B, but still rather good lookin, what with his eyebrow piercin' and whatnot...Mmm...He totally caught me staring at, 7 times. We (Dani, myself, and another girl whose name I'm afraid I cannot recall) were sitting outside the bar during first period eating Snickers, and ole Brody-fase came amblin' by. I was like, Woooooah! Repeat sighting! Rad! And no way in hell was I goin' to miss out. So I just kept a-lookin', even when he kept turnin' around, and then his friend did...Of course, my luck being what it is, he was totally hanging out by the door when we went to schoo,, smoking, or just being a hooligan. So I just ignored him but in my head I was goin' "dude, you are sooo hot..." Hopefully I shall encounter him again.

Jesus Christ. If this wasn't a case of be careful what you wish for, then I don't know what is. Holy crap. So, I got transferred to 5th grade P.E., which was pretty much awesome. The kids in 5C are pretty nice and there are some cute boys. By some fluke (I don't know WHAT I was thinking...) I agreed to play with them. Oops. Now I remember why my nickname is Bridget the Retard. I, obviously, haven't played volleyball since middle school. And I sucked then. But now...any shred (and we're talking Kleenex through the washer shreds) of skill that I might have acquired during that time is loooong gone. And guess who just happened (Idk if he's in that class or whatever) to be chillin' like a villan, watching me earn my reputation as the Worst Volleyball Player at the Liceo Scientifico? B-fase! What the HELLfire? So I just ignored him, but I was like, "errr..." and, at the earliest opportunity, escaped to sit outside with Franchi. Of course, Brody-fase ended up outside as well, and that is when I realized why he's Brody-fase and not Brody-teeth: the lad has a rather awful set of chompers. It's not even that I'm a snob about these things (I am just fine with a bit o' tilt, though my truelove has marv teeth), but these were getting on towards homeless man. The fact that he was smoking didn't leave much hope for improvement in the colour area, either. So this is the verdict on Brody-fase: He is darn cute, as long as he doesn't open his mouth.

Contemplating dentures and shit luck,
Bee Electric

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