venerdì, novembre 17, 2006

Bee Electric and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Yesterday was pretty much a terrible day. I couldn't get to sleep the night before, and so it was hard to wake up in the morning. I did wake up on time, but then when I fell asleep again my legs were crossed Indian style and so they were all numb and painful when I woke up again.

We only had 3 hours of school, which originally I thought was great, but then we ended up going to this demonstration thing at the Military Base. z0mg, BORE CITY. Holy crap! At first it was kind of cool, ya know, with all the MiMis marchin' about and stuff with their uniforms on [I mentioned to Gina how silly it was that my first trip to a Military Base [that I can think of] was in Italy, she agreed], but then this fella started to talk over the PA system. And talk. And all there was to look at was all these MiMis standing in formation. And all they had to look was us. I seriously think we were being used as props, 'cause there supes were these peeps with professional video cameras and photo cameras and whatnot, and whenever any of the cameras pointed at the crowd we had to cheer and wave the Italy flags that were handed out. Neither Gina nor I got one, which we were rather sad about. But yeah, the presentation was boring...I slept through it...literally...that was GREAT. And then when the guy was done talking these little groups of MiMis dressed up in costume [I think representing different time periods in Italy's military history or something] would come to the front and pose in a scene, and then walk off, and then these trucks with all these different kitchens and laundry rooms and showers that the MiMis use[d? I couldn't tell if these were past or present] drove by. It was riveting. I took a lot of pictures.

When that was all over we left, and had to walk [across town...we were bussed over but had to walk back] all the way to our bus the hot sun...and I had my BLACK winter jacket and my backpack...It was horrid...

The bus ride home was pretty uneventful, but when I went to get off, the stupid driver closed the doors in my face. Ignoring my [and others'] shouts of "APRI! APRI!" [and "OPEN THE £%$€ING DOOR!!], he just kept on a-driving to the next stop. I was like, you have got to be kidding me. Luckily Angela's stop is after mine and Gra and Dan's, so she walked with me to one of the Plaza's and Dani and her dad came and picked me up. When we got home they were starting to eat lunch, which was bad because it meant that I had [inadvertently] interupted it. During the meal, my mom asked me why I didn't get off the bus with Dani and Grazia, in a "duh, what were you thinking??" kind of tone. I was like, "well, I tried..." and then she's all "Well you need to pay more attention" and I was like "????? it wasn't my fault!!" ::sigh::

Then later we went to go get my phone activated...which entailed going to the Vodafone Central place, and filling out a form. I brought my passport this time. It was far enough away that we had to drive [plus it was dark by then] and when we got in the car my mom started bitching about having to drive me and Dani [and sometimes Alex, I think] around every day. For one thing, she doesn't have to drive me every day, and also, if she, oh, I don't know, actually let me out by myself, it would make life easier for everyone.

After the phone thing, Dan and I went to Gra's house for a bit, and got home right before we needed to leave for the gym. I didn't know we were going to cut it that close, so I had to rush changing and whatnot and then I didn't have time to fill up my waterbottle. So I was gasping like a fish when we finished at the gym.

It was a pretty much lame-ass day.

But that was the worst one in a isn't all bad here...

Pluggin along,
Bee Electric

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