lunedì, novembre 06, 2006

The best Jew drawer EVER.

That is my MSN status, 'cause it is true. Today in the English class I help out in we were playing pictionary [which means that I was drawing on the board and they had to guess what it was], and the last word I got was "Jew harp". So, of course I drew one, but, come on, even if you know what a Jew's harp looks like, do you really think that seeing one drawn on the blackboard would be easy to guess?? No, right. So I had to draw the clues...When the teacher gave me the word she asked if I could handle it, and my response was "Sure, I can draw a Jew!" And I'll be damned if I wasn't right. I drew the best lil' ole Orthodox Jew that blackboard has ever seen, complete with hat, beard, and curly bits. It was beautiful. And then I drew a menorah and a couple of different types of harps...they got it but didn't know [or couldn't remember] the word for "Jew", just "Hebrew" they kept saying "hebrew harp?" It was a wee bit frustrating. Not quite as frustrating as "Zebra crossing" [crosswalk, to us normal folk]. I drew one, then I drew a zebra [which they thought was a giraffe, so I had to draw one of those and cross it out], and they still didn't get it so I finally just drew a still took a while, though. For grandfather clock I drew a grandfather clock, and then a was ROCKIN'. And then I went to the computer lab.

Dude, whilst in the computer lab, I was reading a Wikipedia article about Marie Antoinette, and either it was hella biased or it SUCKED to be her. Like some parts would have been cool, but she was in way over her head and hella people took advantage of her. DANG I want to see that movie!!!!

Oh yeah I also got a new jacket and it was a whole ordeal but it is PIMP...more on that later 'cause I think my bro wants to use the computer...It is hard to tell because sometimes he is all "don't worry about it, finish up, take your time, and then I'll use it" but sometimes he's all "don't worry about it" 'cause he doesn't actually want to use it...I should get off, just incase it is the first one...

Dusting off the chalk,
Bee Electric

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Thy kikedom come, thy will be done.