lunedì, novembre 27, 2006

KRBSABFbL! Rockin!

What have I been doing lately?

Knitting: I'm knitting Alex a scarf for Christmas...It is navy blue and gray, with really big stripes. I don't know...I hope it will look OK. I dropped a stitch within the first inch or so, but didn't realise until I was a few rows past, and couldn't be bothered to go back and fix it. I don't think Alex minds, though...she was just stoked that I was making her a scarf. I named the D.S. Timmy. It is amazing how cheap yarn is in Italy, omigod. Maybe I just usually buy fancy schmansy expensive yarn in the US, but I bought a pack of 5 knitting needles, four skeins of yarn and a JFK patch and got out of there for €14. Crrrazy, I know!

Reading Blogs: This is probably my favourite pastime, and I daresay that the fact that I do read so many is partly responsible for the decline in posting in my own. But how can I help myself?? Why dwell on the boringosity of my own life when there are so many interesting things out there?

School: I spend a lot of time at school. My school day starts by getting off the bus in Maddaloni, having a tiny cup of supes-hot espresso, wandering around a bit [with Alex, if it is any day but Monday], then heading to class. That entails consulting the list of classes and then the map that says where to find them. Then I sit in class and play Hangman, read Spider-Man comic books, or knit. I might have a period in another class, which means that I am either still bored or used as a teacher's aide. If I am REALLY lucky I have at least 1 period in the computer lab.

Alex: She is departing this fair [::snort::] country December 10th, and therefore I have been spending as much time as possible with her. We had our [most likely] last sleepover on Saturday night...Total decadence. We went to L'Anfora and split a plate of Ravioli and a boat of gnocchi, then when we came back we put on red lipstick and sunglasses and ate cookies, candy [the 3 types of fake M&Ms, then marshmallow mushrooms and erasers], pink cotton candy from a cup, and drank yellow Fanta. We listened to Madonna and Depeche Mode, and then watched Spider-Man before bed.

Being Frustraded by Liars: Especially ones named Katia who are Alex's host mom...Golly Goshfase! I can't remember [or be bothered to check] if I wrote before about the last time Alex tried to sleep over, how Katia said that Giuseppina told her that Al wasn't allowed to sleep over at my place anymore, and that we completely did not believe her. Well, when Alex was talking to Giuseppina, she actually came straight out and asked her if that was true, and of course Giuseppina was like, "No....". But when Ale asked Katia about it, she called Giuseppina "scema" [stupid] and a "strega" [witch]. What the? Alex told her that my mom had said it was okay, and so her mom said OK too, but then, after a not-so-quiet conference in the bathroom with Carmen, she told Alex that Carmen had talked to Dani at school [not true] and Dani had told her that my mom only said yes because Giuseppina called her and asked her [also not true]. I just don't get it. Oh wellz.

Hmmm that pretty much wraps it up for now....

Oh by the way you should check out the is kind new and Revamped!

Chuckling giddily,
Bee Electric

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