martedì, novembre 07, 2006

Like Oreos...only more delicious

Hmmm...yet again I busted my gut at I see why they don't have vending machines at the schools in the US...well, at least at the schools I have gone to. o.O Though they must make a killing on that thing...actually there are two, one on each floor...'cause it is usually nearly completely empty by the end of the day. My favourite thing to buy out of it are the Ringo cookies...they are only 50 cents a pack, and you can get vanilla or chocolate filling. They are like sandwiches, with one cookie vanilla and the other chocolate. They are like Oreos, only smaller, and better. I also like buying Snickers and Kit Kats, but they are cheaper at the bar, so I usually get a couple when I get my coffee. One thing I have yet to purchase, but I really ought to, are sandwiches. You can get a prosciutto and cheese tramezzino sammy for a dollar. Euro. Whatever. Is that not awesome?? And it wouldn't be all gross and stuff 'cause these puppies are refridgerated. How could you not support an enterprise like that??

The one vending machine I really like is the coffee one...You can get a cup of coffee for 40cents!! And a cup of coffee and chocolate [what I did today] for FIFTY CENTS. It is DELICIOUS. At first I was like, what the heck, 'cause all the coffee options etc. are "dolce", but they dump the sugar in first so if you snip in there and dump it afore the coffee comes a-pourin', you're in buisness. But I kept the sug this time 'cause I was a-mochain' it up. Dude, you know what is teh lamex0rz, though? That ding danged machine don't give you change. So I put a euro in, and got my coffee, then it was all "50cents credit!" Now I needed that 50cents to get some cookies, so I got Franchi a hot chocolate and he gave me 50cents. Isn't that wierd, though? I should check it every time I walk by to see if there're credits...may get a free coffee one day!!!

School is such a blow...Today I played hangman, went to the computer lab, wandered around school, went to PE for a little bit, went back to the computer lab, got kidnapped by a class that is in love with me and I don't know why, went to Alex's class, got rescued, went to the computer lab again, went back to Alex's class, then went home. Today I didn't, but at least I have started doing some what productive things in the computer lab, such as reading up on French history. Today I had other things, like blogging and looking at webcomic merch, to do. Tomorrow we don't have school, but...Thursday! I will continue to learn! Yay!!!

I hope that I can go over to Ale's house this afternoon...I gots to buy my battery charger and some candy...Plus we have to get Luca [Franco's brother] a birthday present. What do you get for a teenaged Italian boy that you don't hang out with that much?? That is not super-spendy?? These are questions that must be answered!! Because we are going to his party tomorrow!! Shhhhh, it is a suprise...Hopefully it will be fun! We have to go to Professoressa Santo's house first [she is the B3C/ASS3 Local Rep] for a meeting, and then Gina, Annette, Ale and I are going to Franco's house to set up whilst he and Luca are at church. Gosh DANG are we sneaky.

But yeah, I hope that I can go to Ale's, [a] because I haven't really gotten to hang out with her lately, and [b] because my bro stole back the OC dvds...I have to copy and burnify them for laterzZz...first I have to clear out some space on my harddrive...gosh DANG I hate doing that...

Lately I have been saying "voi" instead of "vorrei" by mistake. Like this afternoon I told Dani that "You want to make tortolini" and "You want to buy a Treo." I am such a tool.

Well this post is mighty long so I reckon I'd best end it.

Galumpfhing off into Snow Flake City,
Bee Electric

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