martedì, dicembre 19, 2006

Not Exactly Chinese Water, but close

Today I underwent a unique form of torture. And worse? I signed up for it.

Today we didn't have school in the morning 'cause we had double rotation, so I had a nice chance to sleep in, take a shower, paint my nails [of course, I have chewed off most of the paint by now], etc. It was a nice, leasurely morning. Then was lunch [pasta and beans, mmmmm, and....gah, I completely forgot...], then after lunch Dani asked me if I wanted to go into Maddaloni with them to talk to the teachers. Not wanting to seem a hermit and anticipating perhaps an hour, hour and a half of sitting in a classroom whilst teachers blahbed away, I agreed.

Big mistake. What amounts to Parent-Teacher Conferences in Italy-World is everyone standing in the [boiling hot...I swear, they think they're New England or something, cranking up the heat when everyone's got their winter coat on] hallway outside a classroom waiting to pop in for a second to exchange a few sentences with a teacher, than repeating the process for the other 15 teachers you have to visit. Since I didn't actually have any teachers to talk to, that meant I just stood in the hallway for, oh, I don't know, four hours. [That is not an exaggeration]. I didn't really have anyone to hang out with [though I did chill for a bit with Caitlin the Australian] so I just stood there [there was no wheres to sit and the radiators were the poky kind] and got tired and my feet hurt 'cause I was wearing my boots because they're the easiest to put on in a hurry.

So yeah, it was mad boring and on the way home my mom told me, "Maybe it would have been better if you had stayed home..." My [in my head] response to that was, "Yeah, thanks for telling me that, oh, I don't know, before we went??" But in reality I just [truthfully] said I hadn't known that it was going to be like that, that it is different in America.

For dinz we had some tasty fire toasted saussies, and watched this Samuel L Jackson/Chris Cooper movie that was pretty chrazy...Lots o' whatnot goin' down....Now I'm going to beddy byez! No school tomorrow [like usual...normal rotation]! And that means sleep! And pie! Okay, well, maybe not pie...

Dreaming of Sara Lee,
Bee Electric

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