venerdì, dicembre 15, 2006

Bet you'll be a little confused...

School has been supremely boring lately, ‘specially with Alex gone…I pretty much spend all my time with Gina, as she has the same schedule as me now. I try and get in the computer lab as much as possible, like usual, but I can’t be in there every period, as much as I would like to. So during the intervening times [when we don’t have other classes…which usually means either being a teacher’s aide type thing or just staring at the wall] I play hangman with Gina [we’ve pretty much run out of movies and so have switched to TV shows, though we are running out of those too], try to work on my English essay [God…I wish that I could actually write about books that I at least like…trying to get through The Scarlet Letter again has been quite hellish], read my Barack Obama book [totes interesting and awesome, but you can only spend so many hours at a time with it], or doodle. Yuck….Thank goodness that Christmas vacation is coming up…

I am kind of worried what is going to happen when Ginaroni leaves…it’ll be just me and Franco at the ole Scientifico. The Aussies are the coolest, of course, but they are all goin’ bye bye at the end of January, I think. The other Alex is here, but I hardly ever see her. I dunno, maybe I will be able to throw myself into English and Latin [party down] but I suspect that my level of boredom will rise exponentially. Though, come to think of it, I will be switched into 5A [Valeria’s class] so maybe that will help. The kids in my current class [3I, with Dani, Grazia, etc] are pretty nice, but I am kind of beginning to be the kid that gets kind of picked on…not really a lot but on my way out of the classroom today I got tripped [on purpose] twice. It was pretty much lame…I don’t want to go back to middle school. Hmmm….

So yeah, the whole Italy thing has kind of flatlined…I really miss Hanna and all my frenzZz back home…thank God for the Intar Wub, that’s all I can say! I hecks of wish that Mary Jane was connected, it would make calling them at odd hours [and if they were so inclined to call me] so much easier! I think that I am going to see if, on Monday, when we go to the bank [to pay for Paris], we can go to the Vodafone place…Jezus.

Today is our 3 month anniversary in this golly gee country! That is really weird to think about…we are a third of the way through…In some ways, partly because Paris, partly because so many people are going home, and partly because I am switching fams, it feels like it is ending now. It is hard to imagine that I still have 6 more months! That seems so long…but then again so does 3 months and look, we’re here already! The time seems to have at once sped by and taken forever. Hopefully the next two 3 month chunks will be fun!!

I figured out one reason why my birthday might have kind of petered out to a lame end…I didn’t have chocolate-chocolate-chocolate cupcakes, for the first time in…::counts on her fingers:: [seriously] eleven years! That is a long time of chocolate-chocolate-chocolate cupcakes! And so when they are not there something just doesn’t seem right, even if you cannot put your finger on it right away. The summer after I get back I want to have a Sweet Sixteen/Super Seventeen birthday party [as I never had a Gualala party last year]…perhaps I can have some thriple [by which I mean triple] C cupcakes then…right the universe. Cupcakes is a fun word to say! Which follows because cupakes are a fun thing to eat! Mm mm Deeelicious! Oh, another thing I want to do when I get home is have a nice big bottle of Sunny-D. They haven’t got it here!!

On a more sprightly note, I love High School Musical! Yes, I do realise that I am about 34578023 years older than the target audience, but gosh darn that is a good movie!! Thank you so much for the DVuD, mumster [and popster]! I am partway through my 3rd time watching it…[keep in mind I just got it yesterday] and it just keeps getting better!! Golly gee!! I really don’t like Sharpay, holy cow. She has bad roots [something I reckon I know a lot about!], a bad voice [singing and speaking], and a bad nose. Gross!

Guh…I was totally thinking about something to write but Sharpay Evans made me forget it. OOOOH, I remember now!! Something else that j’adore [P.S. I speak French like a CHINESE PERSON!!] is Fred Flare, z0mg!! I know I am totally obsessed with them and keep talking about it but MAN! They are kind of rad to the extreme. I love the blog to death, ‘specially how it keeps me updated on not only FF business and cute things in generale, but also ‘cause it helps me keep up with the gossip about the celebs that matter. [That would be Paris, Nicole, Brit, Gwen, MK & A, and that whole gang] This is a good thing, as, unfortunately, my online time is such that I haven’t time to keep updated on EVERYSINGLETHING.

Hmmm not sure I have mentioned this before, but I got my hair dyed!! I got blue black, and it is actually remarkably blue! Like, if you just look at it it looks black, but there is a lot of blue in it. The only thing about this is that it is not as SUPER MAD DARK as I might like, but whatever….They did a pretty good job [it was INTENSE to just sit there as someone else did all the work…weird…] only they missed a bit of my roots in the front [trying to avoid dying my whole face, I reckon, which was nice of them]. That normally wouldn’t be much of a problem, as in general I have pretty dark hair, but the part in the front is actually quite blonde, so it really shows. If you can see that part, which you actually usually can’t because my bangs are in the way. Yay for bangs!!

I think this entry is quite long enough and I have emails to write, so TTFN! [Jeez, I haven’t said that in an age…]

Filled with marmalata,
Bee Electric

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