venerdì, gennaio 12, 2007

Che cazzo?

Gah! One thing you get used to with Mac computers is that they don't get effin' viruses all the time! That and they don't get messed up as much. So yeh, our computer at home is all wonkified! At first we thought it was 'cause the plug got pulled (my mom didn't know how to turn it off...I had left it on to download -oops-), but it quickly became apparent that that wasn't the problem. What it was doing was starting up, displaying an error notification window, and then, after a few minutes, restarting. Not very nice of it!! We thought that maybe it was a virus, but a Virus check scan of the computer came up with "no threats found". Okay. Then I tried clicking the "send error report" or whatever button (up until then we had been clicking "non inviare"), and it took me to the Windows page, where it said that there was a Stop Interrupt Error in the Video drive or something, and the best way to fix it was to download the most up to date drivers. So I tried that, but I think it wouldn't let me (stupid punks, putting their page in Italian), 'cause the version of Windows isn't authentic. Fuuuuuudge. After doing some more reasearch online today, I have pretty much found that the only way to fix it is the thing I can't do. CAN ANYBODY HELPIFY ME?? We might have to take it in to get fixed, but hopefully doing that will not require reformattation...the only thing that I have on there is some music or whatever so's it's not that big of a deal for me, but Vale's got all her files and what not. AND MY PUTRID BROTHER DID NOT PICK UP HIS PHONE FOR LIKE 7 HOURS SO HE COULDN'T HELP ME!! Thanks a million, bro. Oh, btw, the error code we kept getting is "STOP 0x0000008E". Grrrrah.

The (kind of) upside of not having a working, internet-enabled computer in my room is I actually went to bed at a (semi)reasonable hour last night! But when I did go to bed I had the strangest dream...I don't remember the beginning, but where my memory starts I had signed up for the Army. I don't know whether I was 18 or whether they just took me when I was 17, but it doesn't matter. I had to take the school bus to my army base, but first I was going to Mendocino to pick up my camera, which was in my locker. Before we left my mom reminded me to bring some reading material, and what I picked up was this brochure about a type of Mulino Bianco [a Barilla sub-brand that makes cookies and bread and other baked goods] cookies. We were driving along, and I was reading or something, not paying attention. Then we start to stop, but not in a normal way for a bus. The engine shut off but we kept moving forward, and kind of bobbing. I realised that we were floating. What the? That's not how you get to Mendocino! When we pulled up onto the beach and got out, my confustion only increased. Instead of being on, like, Big River beach or something, we were on this almost tropical looking Island. I say almost because there were white sand beaches, but the trees were closer to pines or redwoods than palm. One thing that definitely impressed me, though, was how saturated with colour the place was, like a travel brocure. The ocean was this incredibly deep turquoise aqua, and the trees were impossibly green. I soon came to realize, however, that everything was coated with a thin layer of ice. Not frozen into place, like some sort of deranged Snow Queen palace effect, but that kind of melty ice that you get in California. So was the sand, but not completely. I asked someone what was going on, and they were like, "maybe they want you to start your training a suprise. Some sort of survival thing or something?" And that started freaking me out, 'cause was like, "NO! I have to get my camera!!" And then I "remembered" that we were going to stop at the Port of Versailles on the way, and this must be it. Note: Port of Versailles is where we stayed in Paris, and is nothing like the scene discribed above. Never the less, this calmed me down, as we were where we were supposed to be. Since the whole place was so icy, but looked so warm, I wondered what the water would be like, So I kneeled on the sand and put my arms in it. It wasn't too cold, but then my heavy backpack pushed me down and I started to slide, headfirst into the water!! That was scary! However, I was able to wrestle myself up again. Then the whole reality of signing up for the Army hit me, and I started major panicking. I couldn't shoot people!! Holy cow! What was I thinking?!?!?!?! Before I got too freaked out though, my cellphone went off [in real life] and woke me up. It was weird!!!

OK, gots to go to class now!

Not a soldier,
Bee Electric

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