domenica, gennaio 14, 2007

Things that get 10 points

*Boys who fix broken computers!! I went out with the E|X crowd last night, and when I came back, the computer was all fixed up by a very nice young man with a wallet full of CDs! It is quite rad-o-licous, as I can now go on the internet. Which, as we all know, is essential to the existence of this lil' electronic rockstar.

*Moshing! Last night, after Gina left, Valeria, Anto, and the whole crowd went to this...I don't even know what to call it...gathering? This empty building, where a band played American [yay for songs I know!] and Italian [still cool but I didn't know the words!] punk/metal/reggae tunes! I guess that is where all the "alternative" types in Maddaloni convene [which was about, oh, 30, tops, but still more than I thought there were!] to chillax and jump around like someone cocained their dougnuts! Thing is, they didn't exactly start playing until late...after we wandered around quite a bit, and I had a wikked stomach ache. I think it was because I ate a bunch of candy bars at school [mistake!], too much lunch, and then gelato [even though I didn't want to...I was forced] when I was out with the E|Xies. We stopped to get food at a food truck, and I didn't buy anything [since I knew it would make my tummy hurt more] but it looked soooo good, and when Vale couldn't finish her sammy [which had weenies and french fries in it] I did...I knew that wasn't a good idea, and, as predicted, the pain in my gut was turned up a couple of notches. -whatever-, at least it was tasty! And, whilst hanging about by the food truck, I applied my black lipstick [for the first time in MONTHS], utilizing the grime covered side mirror. So punk rock! When we finally got back to the place, they were finally getting around to playing. Super rad! I had tons of fun jumping about, and there was this one rad kid, who has a sidehawk and was wearing the same striped dress I always see him in, 'cept for tonight he mixed it up and added tights [under shorts..durrrr], that was running around and slamming into folk! Jest fine with me, and I slammed him [and some other lads and ladies] back more'n a few times. Unfortunatly, we had to be back at midnight, which gave me, oh, about 10 minutes of mosh time, but golly, it was the best slam dancin' 10 minutes I've had in a while!! Hausome! On our way back home, though, Valeria told me that if you wear black lipstick people think you're a prostitute. Thanks for the forewarning, babe! But then she said that tonight it was OK, 'cause we were with "dark people", and they understand. It's all good, then, and I wasn't planning on just parading down the street in it like I do at home, anyways.

*Orlando's birthday! The future Mr. Electric turned 30 yesterday! -holy shizmuffins- That sounds so old!! But then again I'm 17 and that still sounds odd to me. Woot woot gettin' married in 5 years! My god...5 years ehn't much, is it? Good thing I've already started planning...

*Paris Hilton, The Like, Lily Allen, and Madonna! Parz, Likez [?], Lilz, and Madz are my new! downloaded! music! on Vale's computer...and thusly ROCK THE HOUSE. When we are not listening to Valeria's metal and whatnot. Which is not too often o.O. But I think I'm gonna burn 'em off some time soon, then I can listen to them all the time.

*Fan fiction! I'm back on my ff boardz...which means that life is getting back to its normal, abnormal state! I heart Elijah Wood...and my lil digital palz!

Well, that is all the 10 pterz I can think of for now! At least that have something to do with yesterday.

Gina left on her whirlwind tour of Europa yesterday...her mum came down and we tooled around Maddz for a was quite fun! But I'll write more about that later, as I gots to go get ready for a festa at a discoteca. Oh snaps. And a half.

Making faces in the mirror,
Bee Electric

P.S. I think we're being bombed. I'd be concerned but Madz and Britterz are singing to me so I just can't be.

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