giovedì, gennaio 25, 2007

Evals and Oregon and Pain in the Rib

Man, my ribs still hurt really badly!! I don't know what is up with that!!! It even showed up in my dream...It's not even just a bone hurt anymore, more like it has infiltrated into my organzZz...spesh my solar plex, it feels like it has poked its way into my...whatever squishy thing is beneath it. HurtzZz like mad but i haven't said anything about it 'cause i wouldn't know what to say "'scuse me i fink i may have a pain in mah organzZz or mah ribzZz an' it hurts a rather lot but i can't really explain it" and also i keep hoping it'll just go away. here's to hoping!

I got my mid-year ASS3 evaluation questionnaire bit thing today...i have no idear how to fill it out, as it asks host family questions and i dunno whether to answer for this one or the first one...gah I hate filling out evalz...that was like, the worst part about SEP, spesh 'cause you had to, seriously, do about 15. in one day. YUKSTER.

speakin' of SEP, they have the costs up [$1220 for tuition, room and board plus $25 registration fee - thazZz for campers...i think it's half that for JCs] but no sign of the applications. they have 6 days before they are officially LATE. and i cry. slash email them.

mKay I'm gonna go...moan and groan and dig out my ole bus passes now, catch yaz on the flip side!!

wondering if you knew that you can get packages of pre-made pancakes in france,
Bee Electric

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