mercoledì, gennaio 17, 2007

German cinema is the SHIZNIT. And often terrifying.

Good golly goshness it is chillster up in heah! [Heah being my room at the moment]. The heater's on but I think that Vale is absorbing most of the heat directly into her body...thanks, hun!

So I've been working on the Paris pics...they are turning out pretty good so far, I reckon. I mean, considering my mediocre photography skillzZz. I should have the 1st batch up tonight, that is, if I can figure out how to re-burn a DVD. We shall see...

Wow, I just had the worst time answering my cellphone, omigod. It went off, and I was like, hey, that's my cellphone! It wasn't in my pocket like it usually is, so I started digging through my school bag, looking for it, and I couldn't find it and couldn't find it. Then I realised that the noise was coming from my jew-bean-oh, and lo and behold, it was in the pocket. Yay for super stealthy traXter skillz!

I go my ICO today. I reckon it is a pretty good issue. There was an article about the volunteer help with cleaning up the theater which was pretty rad...I'm supes sorry I had to miss out on that! 'Cause we all know how much I love cleanin' up shizZz that ehn't mine. [Note: I am not being sarcastic here.] 10 points for California the country being #6 as far as top world economies! And seriously what is up with being able to open our mail, Prez? Someone needs to get ahold of that kid, he is out of control. Why the heck why don't you just make us all write post cards, that way you can save time and energy [and cut the State Letter-opener budget and give more tax cuts to the rich]? Oh shoot I best not say that...they'll probably do it!!

Speaking of Ameriker goin' to heck in a saddlebag, I was trying to explain the American Health Care system etc to my sister, her husband, and my mom. It was really hard!! [a] 'cause I don't entirely understand it myself, and [b] I had to do it in Italian. I think I got the point across, though, that is is dang broke and don't help nearly no one!


Oh yeah, another thing that the paper reminded me of is that I'm missing Berlin and Beyond this year! What the heck is up with that????

Blowing her nose on a 3 dollah bill,
Bee Electric

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