mercoledì, gennaio 24, 2007

How'z ya bin?

Hey Kidz...

I've been somewhat which I mean I haven't been roxin' a fever or anything...I slept all night and woke up this mornin' between 11:30 and 12 going "OMG WHERE'S MY PURSE?!?!?!" ['cause, in my dream, I had left it somewheres in the White House...yeah, that's right, they let me in]

I still am mad tired lots of the time and feel a lil' weak [prolly a side effect of the fact that I wasn't eatin' much for the past 4 dayz...] and kinda sore from staying in bed all day...spesh my rib cage and solar plexus...ouchie!!

And I have yet to take a shower so I rexon I'm still a bit stinkster...vabbè I'll take one 2nite...maybez go to school 2moz but I don't know. Haven't been to school since Sat which has been quite nice...apart from the fact that I was sick through 2 non school days [Sunday and Tuesday] and therefore couldn't enjoy them...

OK well I'm off to go lounge in my bed, read UK Elle, and watch The Lucy Show on my laptop...

Catch yaz later....
Bee Electric

P.S. Current weather: Cold, gray, windy, and rainy.
Current listening: M.I.A. - Sunshowers. I wish.

P.P.S. Was gonna call my parents after I finished thizZz...but then though about it; what would I say? "Hi, Mommmy, my ribz hurt....durrrr" So I decided, m'kay, no kthnx. Soz Mummerz...I'll call you some time else. Or you could call me. -whatever-

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