martedì, gennaio 23, 2007

In-flu-enza, betchez!

Hey kidz!

So, in case you were wondering why you haven't heard from the ole Beester in a couple o' dayz, it's 'cause thizZz lil' lady has been sickster in bed with the influenza omg! At one time rockin' a fever of 104° [that izZz Farenheit...40° Celsius]!! But yeh, I'm pretty much all bettah now, 'cept I'm still awful tired an' sore from stayin in bed for 3 days, plus I feel all gross and smell kinda funny [spesh my's obscene]. So I reckon a shower is totes in mah future for todayz!!

Kay well I'll update more l8rz but I'm tired now and kinda thirsty...

Hopin' she don't relapse,
Bee Electric

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