lunedì, gennaio 15, 2007

Small Town seeks Non Lame Website

I was looking at the Gualala website just now, and I have to admit that my first thought was not "Oh, Gualala, how I miss thee," but "Golly Gee this website sucks." Sorry, kids, but sometimes the truth hurts. Like when someone puts broken glass in your Cheerios. It's all good until you start bleeding from the mouth, esophogus, and upper intestine. OK, I officially have no idea what I'm talking about now.

I think I'm going to go write a story and wait for my parents too call me. Instead of replying to the 10000435 emails that I really ought to. Or, you know, sleeping. Only tools sleep. And I am not a tool. Shut up, Daniel.

Contemplating crackers with a wistful smile,
Bee Electric

P.S. I was sitting outside waiting for MJ to ring, 'cause I'm going to go outside to talk to my parents so's I don't wake up my mom and Valeria, but it was WAY TOO COLD to just sit there holding my cellular telephone in one hand and my eyepod in the other. So I came inside. Mom, if you're reading this, plz callify me!

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