lunedì, gennaio 29, 2007

Technically Disco

Ciao Raga!!

Hmmm where to begin...I haven't had a proper update in [i]ages[/i], mostly due to the fact that I have actually been [i]sleeping[/i] lately, -omg-.

On Saturday evening I called my dearest duckling of a best friend, and it was LOOOOVELY. We had such a nice D&D chat, something that we haven't really had a chance to do since I left. It reminded me just why I like her so much, why she is my SUPER AWESOME BEST FRIEND WONDER TWIN SUPERSTAH. Not that I had forgotten...the only downside is it made me miss her even more. What the heck is up with that??

But Duckster, even though I don't think you read this, you wanted to know what we ended up doing that night, so here goes: We actually ended up going out, even though I really didn't want to, as I was super mad tired. However, we left the house an hour later than planned, which meant I spent an hour on the couch watching Mtv [Room Raiders: Arizona, and Date My Mom]. When we eventually left, we walked to this discoteca where apparently there was a festa. We didn't go in, though, just stood around in the cold for ages, until we drove to this pizzeria/rossticeria and got something to eat. I spent 2 euro on a REALLY GROSS hot dog and french fry sammich. I should have just stuck with the 1 euro pizza. Dang.

After eating we returned to said discoteca, again did not go inside, but stood around in the chill for a while longer, until Vale etc got bored, and we went to Antonella's house. [On the way there we passed a girl I knew who said hi to me, but I totes did not recognize her and took too long to respond. And then I tripped over a chair. 10 points!] At Anto's house we just sat around, and I was so tired that I literally fell asleep. ::shrugs:: What can ya do? After a bit we returned home [2 hours after we left], and I promptly went to bed. It was loooovely.

The next day [Sunday] was pretty chill...I slept 'till about 9, got up, took a shower, watched a lil' Mtv [since I figured out that we get it I watch it pretty much whenever no one else is using the TV. Yesss!], then we went to Imma's house for lunch etc. My bro and his fam were there as well, and then some cousins etc showed, too. I played some PlayStation with Vincenzo and Salvatore [my lil' nephews], and totes got my bum kicked in Mortal Kombat. But hey, it was my first time playing, and I actually did pretty good until we met the crazy otherworld fighting chicks, who completely annihilated me.

Today we had 2 hours of lesson and then assemblea. Which, in this case, meant they played music really loud outside. -party-. And we got let out at noonish. 10 points for coming home early!! I ate lunch, took a nap, watched a little Japanese cartoons, a little SpongeBob, then we went to Imma's house for din dinz. While there, I watched American Pie 2 on the Italian. Wow.

The new episode of the Fred Flare podcast inspired me to write up this lil' list of things I be added to in the future as we get closer to VALENTIMES DAY OMG!!

I love: Fred Flare * My friends * Coffee * The Internet * Comic books * Pizza * The Eiffel Tower * New York in February * Valentime’s Day * Hearts * California * My blog * Staying up late * Sleeping in * Dancing * Watching movies * Hot dogs *

I have more things to share with the peanut gallery [that would be you, darling], but as it is after 1am and even though I have rotation 2moz I would like to sleep!

Hoping that Veronica still has some charge,
Bee Electric

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