mercoledì, febbraio 21, 2007

Good-bye, powdery white substance!

This is what I am giving up for Lent. Sugar [that is all specifically sugary things like soda/candy/cookies/other dessert types, I'm not going to stand over my mom and make sure she doesn't happen to use sugar in ANYTHING] should be kinda difficult as I adore sugary things. But whatever.

Last night the toilet exploded. I pressed the little flushy button, then went to wash my hands, when I thought to myself, "That sounds louder than normal! And what on earth is that fine mist I feel upon my feet? OH MY JESUS!!" Did I mention this was at midnight? Luckily my mom was still up, as she had to fetch Valeria at a party at 1 or something. I really demonstrated my communicative abilities when I went to get her. Mom: "What's up?" Bee: "Um..." points in general direction of bathroom "I.." mimes pushing button "and...water..." makes exploding motions with her hands "yeah..." GAR! When she came to the bathroom [by now referred to by locals as "Lago del Bagno"] and saw what was goin' down, she opened the drain in the floor and went to go shut off the water. So our house isn't completely flooded, but we also have no water. WT hull??

Earlier last night was also the final episodes of this season of RIS. Everything turned out OK, I guess. Capitano Riccardo Venturi finally got to Francesca, saving her just moments before she died [she had drank a glass of water that the serial killer had put poison in], and came climbing heroically out of the hole in the ground [the SK had put her in this underground cave/tunnel bit, with a heavy duty glass door separtating her from the way out. Capitano is a badass, though, and this, coupled with his desperation (he could see 'Cesca, collapsed on the floor) allowded him to bust that shizZz] just as everyone [including Darling Davide] came drivin' up. Then Davide had to go run after this super evil criminal who Riccardo had let out to help find Francesca, but the dude had Riccardo's gun and was gonna bang bang Davide! Needless to say I wasn't really breathing at this point. But when the criminal dude fired his gun so did Davide, but only Davide's hit the mark. That kinda messed him up a bit...I dunno if the CD had a history with the them or something 'cause all the carabinieri types seemed sad when he died. -whatever- The eps ended with Riccardo and Vincenzo [Francesca's dad] being friends again [they had a falling out last week when Riccardo's hand spazzed and he dropped his gun, which was then grabbed by the SK who shot Vincenzo], and Francesca recouperatin' in the hospital. Only Riccardo might not be capitano anymore next season because of the hand thing [caused by a bomb that blew in his face a few weeks ago] is worrisome, specially if he can't hold a gun. The only other thing that I wasn't too ezacktly happy about is that Francesca and Davide are just friends now. I totes thought they were gonna be together, especially because he was so out his mind when Francesca was in danger, but he is still with his girlfriend/roommate, Sara. I guess that is what he ought to do, as she's preggers. But I like it better when he's with Francesca. Other than that, though, things were dandy.

Sorry that was so long, but every week it's 2 back to back episodes, so I had 2 and a half hours or so to cover!! Now here's some pictures, so you know who I'm talking about:

Vincenzo [Francesca's dad]


Capitano Riccardo [who in real life is named "Lorenzo Flaherty"...brotha's half Irish!]

And to finish it off...
Davide!!! <3 Il mio amore perfetto.

Done with the RIS talk now...Kinda. I want to buy an all-regions DVD player for my house in California, so I can buy DVDs here [such as, oh, I dunno, RIS, and other movies that aren't out in the US] and, as I'm not ezacktly swimming in cash, would like a cheap one. I found this on Amazon...should I get it? Does anyone know any good all regions DVD players??

OK ketchup with ya later!

Searchin' for the mustard,
Bee Electric

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Never heard of this show b4. Bee, are you like totes fluent in Italian? Wow.