sabato, febbraio 24, 2007

Move over, Mike. There's a new Teevee in town.

Holy Geez, I have become such a teevee head lately! These are the shows that I watch on a [semi-]regular basis: Seventh Heaven, Smallville, Grande Fratello [the Italy "Big Brother"], RIS 3 [ended this week], Dr. House, Grey's Anatomy, Next, Amici, Striscia la Notizia, Date My Mom, and Room Raiders.

Tonight was Striscia, then Dr. House. While I was waiting for House to start, I checked MTV and there was a programme on about "Young Hot Hollywood." I've actually seen that before [in an airplane some time], but it was more interesting than House, which, for some reason, failed to intrigue me tonight. I must admit I don't find it the most thrilling of shows in general...perhaps some of the wit gets lost in translation. So I flipped back and forth between MTV and House until Grey's Anatomy came on.

Excellent episode tonight, omg! There was a crazy huge emergency that resulted in a couple o' folks stuck together with a big pole [think that one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl where Will and Elizabeth stuck the three pirates with a pole. Only real people.], severed limbs floating around the ER, lots of fun stuff! And all the doctors got called in from the bar, where Grey was drowning her sorrows in tequila. Therefore, she spent a good deal of time wandering the hospital with an IV in her arm, trying to sober up. [She did, eventually, and was all helpful and whatnot...don't know how long she's gonna stay dandy though, as her doctorlove decided to go back to his wife.]

After Grey's [when I usually hit the hay...or the internet] was Nip/Tuck. That show is WEIRD, dude! To be perfectly honest I didn't really pay attention past the first 15 minutes 'cause I was talking to my bruzzler on the telephone, but still! Don't think I'm gonna make a habit of that show. Helps that it starts at, like, 11pm, anyways...

Glued to the boob tube,
Bee Electric

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