sabato, febbraio 24, 2007

Somethin' sweet for y'all

...after all the negz! I was in a foul mood for the past couple o' days, and I am totes sorry I kinda took it out on y'all!! So enjoy the cupcake. Which brings us to...

What is up with all the cupcakes? Well, first off, I ask this of you: why the heck not? Cupcakes are cute, and MAJ delish. I have always been a loverrr of the tasty treats [hence my tradition of chocolate cake/chocolate frosting/chocolate sprinkled cupcakes every year for school on my birthday...last year would have been the...12th or 13th year...straight...] and semi-recently [within the past few months] adopted the word [and image] into my new alter-ego, Bee Cupcake. And yes, this is an alter-ego to Bee Electric, which is an alter-ego. DANG, I just can't seem to stop collecting them [see bottom of post for more info on this]! Soon I am going to be able to play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but with myself. Holy handbags, I'm awesome!

So yeah, back to cupcakes. I was feeling the need to make over the site a little, as it's been the same[ish] for ages, and I was gettin' tired of the header [especially because it was too large for the rectangle bit]. And what is better for a makeover than cupcakes? Can't really think of anything. I must say that my obsession with the little frosting topped cuties has only increased during my time here in Italz, especially because they don't have them here. Isn't that insane? So I can tell you right now that one of the first things I'm doing when I get back to the U.S. of A. [besides eating a huge bowl of Annie's Mac'n'Cheese and weenies] is bake loads of cupcakes. And real cakes, too, as I am kind of amazing at them.


On to new! fun! bee! news!

**Our school was on fire today! Well, kind of. Somehow [most likely a cigarette, but we didn't see anyone around there], the pile of discarded desks/chairs/other flammable items outside our classroom window caught a-fire! It wasn't what you might call a roaring blaze, but there were some definite flames, some stinkster smoke, loads of ash, and air distortion goin' on! Unfortunately, it was all over before I could snap a pic of either the conflagration or Giandomenico wielding the fire extinguisher, or I would be able to share it more with y'all. Added just that more excitement to a normal Latin class, though! 'Cause, you know, Latin class is just so excitin' I can hardly stand it. ::rolls eyes::

**I am goin' to Rome again! [The first time —besides when we flew in at midnight— was just to go to the theater, and though we walked around a lot, didn't really get any info on what we were seeing. And yes, I still haven't finished the post] This is another trip set up by the exchange program, only hopefully the actual trip will be more organized than the sign up process! I got the flier 4 days before I had to complete a bank transfer [of 145euro] and fax in the registration! 2 of those days were weekend, as well, which means I pretty much had 2 days. THANKS, GUYS!

Frustratin' sign upness aside, this should be a pretty rad trip! We are going to see all the major sites [Trevi Fountain, Colliseum, Museums, Vatican City, St. Peter's Basillica, etc] and it should be a party to the UTMOST. I'm pretty much really excited! I don't think anyone else from Maddz is going [they've all been to Rome loads] but this girl from the Yucatán [Mexico] that I met on the Paris trip is going, so I am teh uber stoked about that.

**Some excitin' things are gonna be happening in the somewhat near future with the Fred Flare Blog!! Stay tuned, y'all!

**I am working on finally getting slightly older posts [especially ones with prepped pictures] online! Since they will be dated for when they actually happened, I will also post a new entry when they go up, so's you don't miss them!!

**KEITH! OMGosh, you left me comments! <3 Soz I didn't mention them before, but blogger doesn't send me notification when I get them, and I didn't see them until my mom referenced one and I was completely confused!! So to reply:
*RIS is basically the same as CSI, but Italian! I love it to death.
*I am pretty fluent in Italian! My speakin' is improving by the day, but I can understand [for the most part] TV and movies, conversations, and, most importantly, class!
*Hopefully I'll have another podcast soon! They're fun!
*I'll fer sure send you before and after pics! Shoo those winter blues away!
Thanks for makes my life!

Well, I think I'm gonna finish this entry off and post it!!

But before I go...have you ever wondered what I looked like when I posted a particular post? Probably not. But, in case you did...

Click the pic for the flickr set!
[Don't worry, it's only about 7 photobooth pics]
Oh yeah, I gave up giving up sugar. It's my lifeforce, what can I say?
Sorry, Jesus, dude. I tried.

Livin' for the cupcakes,
Bee Electric

P.S. If you look at other pictures in my flickr photostream and are confused by them, they must be for posts that aren't up yet.
P.P.S. About the alter-ego thing: I have had various alter-egos in my life, and have compiled a list [by no means complete] for you to peruse [and ask for deets if you want]: Joe K. Bean, Fredricka Bloom, Raina Thomas, Fred, Bee Electric, brain is not working now but there must be more... ::shrugs:: -whatever-


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