sabato, marzo 03, 2007

Lunar Eclipses: Been there, done that. Can I please sleep?

Nothing much going down except I finally just finished The Departed and it is my favourite movie of 2006, hands down. Sorry Little Miss Sunshine [my previous favourite]. All I can say is:
*Martin Scorsese
*Leonardo diCaprio
*Matt Damon
*Jack Nicholson
*Marky Mark

I just spent two hours on the Internet not replyin' to emails, updatin' this, commentin' on the FredFlare blog, or doing any of the numerous things that I really ought to. Instead, I read Jeffrey Rowland's livejournal archives. A years worth. 10 points for time well spent!

Got damn we gots to go to school in 10 minutes. To watch the lunar eclipse. I feel the need to point out here that it is not even dark yet. And it is not going to be full until midnight. In case you lack artithmatic skillz, that is six hours from now. This blows my Saturday night.

Look at how letardedly skinny Kate Bosworth is in this picture from before she and Orlando [who is now supposedly with Penelope Cruz] broke up:

Which brings us to....
Happy Last Day of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week! I celebrated by eating 76 pounds of cookies and more candy bars than I have in a month.

Dragging her fat bleep to school,
Bee Electric

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