lunedì, marzo 05, 2007

Signs point to Plus

Dang! Today is my day for kind of accidentally catching the best shows on KQED! This morning when I got up [and went online, duh] it was only about 8 minutes into Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me! [8am my time, 11pm California time] so I listened to that, and just now [1 am here, 4 pm CA] is Says You! Hausome. Unfortunately, the shower called so I missed This American Life...if figures that Wait Wait's podcast is up now but This American Life's isn't. WTHull?

+ + +

In other, awesome news, I watched this Hunter S. Thompson documentary on Google Video the other is a BBC doc from 1978 called "Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision" and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. While watching it, especially because my experience with actual footage of HST is, to say the least, minimal, I was overrun with a extreme sense of deja-vu [connected to the movie of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas]. This is owed to the fact that Johnny Depp does a pretty damn spot on job playing Duke/Thompson, as well as the fact that a lot of the original writing was used, verbatim, in the script. Clips of HST driving across the desert or just talking, wearing his shorts and his visor, when interspersed with voice over quotes from Fear and Loathing in L.V. was just strange. This is my generation!

Favourite HST quotes from the documentary:
"I am living a normal life, I have a ranch, you know, a wife and child, and peacocks and dobermans." [I wish my normal life included peacocks!]
"That's why i'm so healthy, folks. I always roll my ice in chlorophyll before drinking my whiskey." [After dropping his ice on the lawn]

Note: The doc is 50 minutes long, so you best have a pretty speedy internet connection.

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So, I was reading N.E.E.T. Magazine [thanks, Fred for the link!] the other day, and it is filled with heaps of heaps rad things! In case you haven't heard of N.E.E.T. [No idea what, if anything, that stands for] is a free magazine, published exclusively online, that highlights independent designers and people in the fashion/creative type world! Though this issue is almost 150 pages long, a good percentage of that is photospreads, and ads [not unlike a print fashion mag! Though these ads keep you from having to plunk down 10 bucks to read it], so it doesn't take too long to read. Unless, of course, you keep clicking the links in it to all the contributors' websites, like I did!

Though I would pretty much adore to have anything I found, here are my two absolute favourites:

Gameboy Purse by Emma Ferguson

As soon as I saw this purse, I fell in heart. Of course, it pleases the wanna-be retro/gaming nerd side of me, but the real reason is because it is the same model [or at least looks it] as the one at my Grandmother's house that Danny and I used to play Tetris on. <3 Click the heading or picture for the link; you have to scroll down the list about halfway because there aren't individual product pages. £15.00 [approx. US$29.00].

Electric Pendant and earrings by Fuzz Design Workshop

I think that owning this jewellry is a job requirement for me. Plus it is radtastic anyway! I think I like the silver mirror versions better than the black [suprizing, I know!] because they are shiny and more electric looking! Of course, I'd be OK with just having one or the other, but just imagine how hausome it would be to rock all that at once! Got dang! Click the links in the heading for product pages, and the thumbnails for larger pictures. Necklace: AU$46.00 [approx. US$36.00]; Earrings: AU$36.00 [approx. US$28.00].

+ + +

The Game Boy Purse got me thinking about Game Boys...and you can get some Originals pretty cheap on eBay! Someone should buy me one [fave games: Tetris, Super Mario, and PacMan]. I remember when Game Boy Colors were the cool new thing...all the fancy type kids had 'em. Ah, the good old days before the PSP and all them other new-fangled portable gaming devices! I don't even know how they work anymore.

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I am working on getting my eclipse pictures/post together for y'all! It turned out being more excitin' [to a certain extent] than I expected!

Thinking she should probably post this already,
Bee Electric

P.S. The longer you look at it [and the more times you type it], Game Boy begins to look insanely wrong...even more than words usually do! Crazy...

P.P.S. You get truly excellent results when you do a Google Image Search for "disgruntled."


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