martedì, febbraio 13, 2007

Swedish People are Insanely Brilliant!

I. Love. IKEA. So therefore I was totes stoked to check out it Italz one! It was kind of amazing. The layout was a bit different than the other ones I've been in [Emeryville and Palo Alto], in that it seemed a bit more open and spread out ish...those two are a bit more stacked feeling. Maybe the difference is because this one is probably a bit newer?

I started completely freaking out when we were walking around, like I usually do, because I wanted to buy every single thing. Seriously, IKEA is pretty much reason to build a house with 10,000 rooms, just so's you can recreate all of their samples!

I love taking pictures in IKEA, partly because, as I can't buy all the prodz [obv!], I don't want to forget anything! And also because the pure genius of it all makes awesome pics! Unfortunately, I was only able to get a few before an employee guy was all "Halt afore I force-choke you!" Chillax, dude! Store folk are much more crazy insane in Italz, I think. In the US I can snap whatever I want and they don't care. This is the second time in good ole Italy that I've been told to stop takin' pictures! Man... There were, however, some supah-sweet funhouse mirrors in there that I couldn't resist documentin'...had to be all super sneakz, because they were right next to an info desk. Bros didn't notice, and I came out clean!

I didn't buy too much, just a few pretty notebooks that were on sale. Oh yeah, and Flossie the Barnslug, Herbie's new BFF and the latest addition to my collection of weird-lookin' but cute stuffed animals! [Why "Barnslug"? Because I mis-read the tag that said "Barnslig". And slug sounds better, anyway. Better, and dangerous.] I also have my eye on a Joanna doll from OverCompensating [they are gonna be sold later this week], and am hoping that I [a] don't miss out and [b] can afford one.

Unfortunately, this trip to IKEAz did not include the traditional meatball munchin' and lingonberry gobblin', as my fam didn't really want to stop in the restaurant [we got tasty 1 dollah cheese sammiches on the way out], and I was kind of scared of eating an entire jar of lingonberries all by myself.

There was a playground in the parkin' lot that Valeria took full advantage of, and some pretty sweet flags that I wouldn't have minded stealin'. Next time, next time.

When we got home, the first order of business was assembling the crazy pouf that Vale got, upon which Valeria and Vincenzo soon made themselves comfortable.

All in all it was quite the successful trip, and I hope to make another one soon!

Wanting to live in IKEA,
Bee Electric

P.S. Click the pic to go to the set, links throughout lead to individual pictures.
P.P.S. The number of links in this post borders on obscene.

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