martedì, aprile 10, 2007

Dawson's Creek is the BEST

Hey hey hey!!

So Easter was kinda craze...heaps family an' food an' whatnot...I didn't actually eat THAT much though at lunch, and I only had a piece of salamz, prosciutto, and ricotta for dinz so it wasn't too bad.

To-moz is the first day back at school and I am so basically not excited, OMG. I have gotten used to sleepin' in, wearin' PJs all day and sittin' in front of the teevee, not a blackboard. Phuh.

I was thinkin' about it, you know [big suprise there], and I think the [main] reason that I have been feeling so bleachugh lately is that here I'm kind of, well, isolated, I guess. Haha funny joke, right? Isolated in the European city, not in the one-hoss Nor Cal town. But here, I only get online every couple of days or so, and even then I can't do nearly the amount of staying in touch with friends and catching up on news and pop culture things as I would like or am used to. I do watch TV but the majority of that is music videos or reruns of '90s shows. The only magazines and newspapers, really, are ones that I brought with or that my parents send with packages. So I'm just kind of stangant and starving for new information and inspiration.

Of course, back when moving to this house first came up, all I wanted was stagnancy. Well, now I got it. Be careful what you wish for, I guess!!

And to all the peeps that read this and get all worried up about me:'s nice to know that you care, but don't spend too much energy on it. I'll just keep pluggin' along alright...though if I don't have a BLT and Coke float on June 23, some shit is REALLY gonna go down.

One thing that was nice was I french-braided my hair today after my shower. It isn't quite long enough, though, so they are falling out a bit. We'll see what it looks like when I wake up tomorrow.

I also haven't really been feeling like Bee Electric lately. Or Bee Cupcake. Maybe it's cuz I changed my hair, and I almost always change my name when that happenz. I dunno. But I think I'm going to start going by Nico. Nico Jack[son].

Ketchup with ya later, Have a nice Wednesday!
Nicoletta Jackson

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