sabato, aprile 07, 2007

To-day we went to the mall

and there were some patent shoes and bags that almost made me forget that I was sad. Then I realized that I had left my moneyz at home. And that I couldn't actually afford more shoes and bags. Because I paid someone a lot of money to f*ck up my hair. And then I remembered how lame my life was.

It got a little better when we got home and watched Jumanji on the teevee. I was quite jealous of wee Kirsten Dunst's braidinz, as they [she had two] were quite long and thick. And, come to think of it, probably faux. Dang. Still...

Happy Day Everyone Thought Jesus Was Actually Dead!

And in case I don't get on-line, Happy Day That It Turned Out He Wasn't Well Kind Of But Not Really tomorrow!!

Call me the girl with the fried Egg heart,
Bee Electric

P.S. I heard the US Easter Bunny/Egg Hunt trad. described on a show on MTV Italia [since they don't do that here...losers] and it sounded rather silly and strange when a foreigner described it. Huh.

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