domenica, agosto 27, 2006

Not so Chocolate Decadence

Have you seen Metropolis? Have you seen the Revamped 80s Version? If not, you haven't lived. Or, perhaps you have lived. But not decadently enough. That version is very exciting because you're watching an old silent movie but it feels like you're watching an eighties movie. Thank you, video store!

In other news, it is Macaulay Culkin's 26th Birthday. Happy Birthday, champ! You may be filming a movie called "Sex and Breakfast," but the world will still think of you as the kid from Home Alone. ::makes "Home Alone" face; chuckles; begins to twitch uncontrollably:: Sixteen years later and you're still wierd lookin'. Way to go, bud!

To-day I was held under brief employ as a parking attendantish person at an art opening. There was a lot of picture takin' (some of which can be found here, more to follow when my internet decides not to hate me), weenie eatin', eyePod listenin', and anger supressin' [when folk would not follow my parkin' directions]. All in all it was a good job.

Cursing her dialup,
Bee Electric

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