giovedì, novembre 09, 2006

His other leg has been misplaced.

I've been trying not to be wierd in what little homework that I have been assigned, but today when I was writing sentences [in Italian, obviously] using simple conjunctions, and it was sooo boring that before I knew I wrote "My dog only has three legs, therefore he cannot walk very well" and "I cannot go to the hospital because it is closed, and so I have to die". Oh well. I didn't end up turning them in today, anyways, because the class didn't exist [see previous post].

I am so proud of myself today!! I didn't eat any breakfast, and only had an espresso before school and then a mocha-ish thing during. And then I took no seconds or anything at lunch, and didn't have any bread! I can do this! And I am going to gym later!! Rockin'! Only we had these fried steaks things for lunch so now my mouth tastes of fried breading because I wasn't sure if we were going to be having coffee. However, since it looks like we won't be, I reckon I will go eat half a banana, pop a piece of gum, and format some photos!!

Dang you know what sucks? I totally video taped my ride to school, but it didn't import into iPhoto and I didn't notice before I deleted it off my camera. Grrrr. Oh by the way I finally counted and I walk 10 blocks to the bus stop in the afternoon. And then ride the bus back those 10 blocks.

Thinking in Italian,
Bee Electric

P.S. Today when I was eating a banana, I looked at the top [it was sliced in half, so it was a crossection], and theriously thought to myself, about the complex structure of the peel etc, "Man what a genius invention by the monkeys!" And then I was really glad I didn't say that out loud because OBVIOUSLY monkeys didn't invent bananas. xB

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