giovedì, dicembre 07, 2006

"Yeah, sure, whatevz..."

Yesterday was pretty fun! I went over to Al's house for lunch, like I said I would, though it was a little crazy trying to get there. I had asked my mom the day before about it, and she was like "yeah, sure, whatevz..." but then I guess everyone forgot about it...when my mom called me for lunch at about 1:45 [I was going to Alex's at two] I was like, "Um....yeah..." Long story short I got to Alex's OK [actually exactly when they were driving up] but I was kind of worried for a bit.

I still wasn't feeling tip-top; I had a wicked headache and my stomach felt a bit topsy turvy. Though I wasn't going to let that stop me, and ate all my food. It was farfalle with tomato and ricotta cheese sauce [not too bad...a little watery tasting though], a little meat patty and some peperoni [like roasted peppers in oil, not pepperoni like pizza], and then mandarin oranges. We also had this strange cake stuff for dessert and Alex made coffee.

After lunch Alex and I lolled about her room for a little bit, chatting about nothing in particular...we made a mini documentary thing with Tupelo...waiting for it to be 4:30 so we could go out. When we did, we went to the candy store [of course], then wandered around a bit...I did a miraculously letarded step...I stepped off the sidewalk onto the hells of uneven street and my ankle completely buckled...I was all "durrrr"...

On the way back to the house Alex got some nutini or however you spell it [like little snail shaped breadstick things] and I ate a couple...heh heh heh...

Later we were going to try and find the aussie boy but then Katie started spewing nonsense about Plane ticket confermations so Alex had to deal with that, and then it was time for me to go home.

For dinner we had some delicious tuna fish and tomato salad...mmmm....

Slightly fishy,
Bee Electric

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