venerdì, gennaio 19, 2007

Sleepin' is Where It's At

Hi Kidz!

I have decided that I'm going to start going to bed earlier. Because I think it's a bad thing when you sleep until 12.30 and only get six hours of sleep. And that's the most sleep you've gotten all week. Especially 'cause I'm tired all the time and most of what I do online between the hours of 2-4 is be frustrated 'cause no one else is online. Or get really angry, like last night...that was weird. o.O

Today I actually didn't do ballet, as [a] I didn't have my stuff with me, and [b] they were just practicing pas de deux stuffs. I did do "Moderna" which is not the Modern Dance crap you're thinking of...more like hip hop. It was fun, but I kind of pretty much sucked 'cause I haven't done much dancing in MONTHS. I was all stiff and looked totes the kid that just sits in front of the computer all day [represent!] admist all these ballerinas. 'Specially 'cause I was wearing pretty much all boys clothes [Conz, boxershorts, my gym pants from Targ, and my 21deadmonkeys tshirt] 'cept for my socks [pink polka dotted] and my bra. WHATEVER it was fun!!

Also- what is up with girls hanging up all the tags from their clothes? It is like a world wide habit, seriously. I don't get it! Sure sometimes I'll save a tag if it is cool lookin', but I know girls in the US and here that, like, hang 'em off the bulletin board or wall or something...all of them. I don't understand! Hmm. Maybe I'm not a real girl. I'm an octopus.

Well, gots to go to a birthday party...I don't really want to, as I am pretty tired [see above], but hopefully it won't go too late, as we have school 2moz. For the first time in days. I'm gonna wear my pretty blue shirt that my mommy gave me, my All My Base tee, and my black skirt...Rockin'!

With her cheek on the keyboard,
Bee Electric

PS I am totes besties with Keith and Chris from Fred Flare, OMG. I had left a comment on the blog [like usual] and K totally emailed me back and asked about how Paris was. And then when I left another one on their post about their Costa Rica vacay, I got this from Keith: "YUR SO SWEET, MS. BEE!!!! Thanks!" It makes my day every time they comment me back. Hopefully they will remember how much they love me when I apply for a job...

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