sabato, giugno 30, 2007

Newly blonde

MMM I bleached my hair can find the flickr set here. Now I am too tired to write anything else. See la l8rz.

Blondey blonde blonde

venerdì, giugno 29, 2007

The Magic of Espresso...

So last night I kind of didn't eat dinner...instead I drank nearly 2 pots of espresso [according to the box, each pot is 3-4 cups, as in servings]! I was pretty shakester afterwords and didn't exactly nod off early, but this happened instead:

Craze, riiiiight? I am so proud of myself, spesh 'cause I also cleaned up my nail polish stuff [I am still trying to get my b&w frenchie done the heck does Bill do it??], un/loaded the dishwasher, and washed the other dishes. My 'rents were supes suprised when they got home! In a good way...durrrrr... lookit what my mom gave me:

Yeah, those are gold stars. [Silver...whatever]. My suggestion, but still!!

Ok kidz...Imma go take me a shower as I kinda smell funny...this afternoon: bleachin' fun!!

Keepin' it real,

mercoledì, giugno 27, 2007

New arrivals!

I got one of my suitcases today!!! Which is kind of genius...and means that the floor of my room now looks like this:

Which I feel kind of bad about, as my mom spent basically the whole time I was gone making my room not look like that...Soz, mom! [do you even read this anymore?] I reckon I have to get organizin'!

A bad thing is I seem to be missing some magazines and my DVD holder [including 12 Lord of the Rings dvds, Spider-Man, The Virgin Suicides, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more], and possibly my certificates from my Italian schools. Fuuuuuuuuudge. However, I don't know fer sure until I get my other suitcase — what with all the rearrangin' that was going down I don't really know where anything is/was. Apparently there was some computer glitch with British Airways and there are thousands of lost luggages chillin' in London. Snazzy! ::rolls eyes::

To-morrow I am going to the birthday party of someone I have not seen in over nine months...It should be fun, and hopefully not too awkward. I still haven't told them that I am not going to their school next year...oops!!

Oh yeah, I got my Hot Topic order today! That means that my mom can bleach my hair on Friday [I hope she does a decent job of it this time...I will try to give her thorough instructions], and then I can dye it! Though the colour that arrived was a good deal more...fuchsia than I was expecting [who knew "Virgin Rose" was pink, not red?], but I reckon that's what I get for ordering the stuff online. It also means that I was finally able to paint my nails, as my polish is in my other suitcase. To commemorate the occasion I gave myself a rather horrid b&w french manicure. How the heck does Bill do it? Maybe I'll improve after a few times. It might help if I sprang for some of those little strips, instead of using scotch tape....

Now all I have to wait for is my Fred Flare package to arrive!! I am majorly stoked on that, as it has all sorts of fun goodies, including wigginz [incase the dye job fails], wayfarers [so I can finally jump on that bandwagon], and heaps other rad stuff. Sweeet!!

I just found out that my summer camp is going to have a group attending the university bookstore's Harry Potter party, a fact that literally made me scream with joy, as that was my only real objection to attending the second session. I ordered my book online [wth is up with paying 7 bucks shipping to pick up the book yerself?] and just need to sign up with the camp; I hope that there are still spaces!!!

I reckon that's all I have for tonight...I am going to try [for the second time!] to make a decent cuppa joe with my snazzoid coffee maker that showed up in my luggage...wish me luck!!

Crossing her fingers,

domenica, giugno 24, 2007

And In the Mornin', I'm makin' WAFFLES!

Or, you know, scrambled eggs. And bacon. And coffee! This morning I got up at, like, 7:20...made brekkie for the 'rents. It was kinda cool! I made scrambled eggs with Havarti dill cheese and bacon and coffee. I think that it all turned out OK; I just ate the bacon and drank coffee so I don't know about the eggs. No one has died yet, though, so I reckon I am safe!!

I really need to learn German already. I didn't have a chance to listen to my podcasts over the last few days what with the travelling and whatnot, but I reckon I will start up again. I think that I will look at Pay 'n' Take next time for a textbook.

Oh, guess what? I introduced my frenzZz to Tokio Hotel and they like the music, even though they don't find them quite as good looking as I do, and think that Bill looks like a girl. Whatever! My parents also don't find them completely unsufferable, which is good as it means that I can listen to TH in the car or other places where they are too.

I ate my first frozen peas in nine months today! They were quite how I have missed them.

This afternoon we are going to watch a play of Anne Frank, and then tonight my friends and I are going to see Knocked Up. It will be quite a day filled with entertainment and fun. Well...Anne Frank maybe not so much, but the movie is a comedy.

Before we leave for the play I have more putting away of stuff to do...yuck!! It's also kind of hard now because my room is not really organized great right now. I mean, my mom spent the whole time I was in Italy cleaning and organizing it, but it's not really in a workable way, especially because heaps of my stuff is still floatin' about in the ether in my checked luggage. I just have to get it kind of put away for now at least...get it off my floor.

I can say "My name is Charlotte and I am a pineapple" in five languages. Heck yes that is useful!!

OK I'm off to do some organizin'!

Wondering if she will find some pantaloons,

Back in the USA!

So I am back at home, finally. The journey was filled with trials and tribulations but I will write about that later. I am glad to be back at home and to see my friends again!!!

Speaking English full-time,

mercoledì, giugno 20, 2007

Sayin' Bye-Bye

Today a bunch of peeps stopped by to say was kind of weird because even though I've kind of been in this situation twice before this time I am really leaving, not just to a different town or anything.

I made these videos of the pizzas my mom was making:

I took some pictures, but I will probably put those up after I get back.

Dani's family came by [though it actually took them 2 hours to get here...dang!], which was nice, though a bit awkward....I had a good evening, though.

Right now I am watching One Tree Hill on DVD with Miriam...the first episodes I ever watched on TV back 4 months ago. It is a lot sadder and makes more sense since I've seen all the eps leading up to this. Dang....


The last blog from Italz?

I was thinking about it and while I hope I will have time to blog again, I dunno if I will before I get out of here.

So in the case that this is the last blog from here...I'm just gonna say thanks. Thank you to everyone who helped me to get everyone that I met here that made this the crazy awesome experience that it has all the folks who listened to me ranting on here, on the phone, on IM when I was super excited or sobbing.

Thanks a bunch and I will see some of you soon! [ish!]

Feeling like eating turkey,
(and Bee Electric, Bee Cupcake, Nico...e tutti gli altri)

Starting at Zero

It's June 20th, which means that I leave my family tomorrow, Italy the day after tomorrow, ad actually get back to my home sweet home in 3 days. Yikes. It's hard to believe that this "year" is almost over. So much has happened (good and bad) since I left 9 months and 5 days ago. It's going to be very strange to leave this country and return to Gtown.

Whenever anyone asks if I'm happy about going home I usually tell them that I am sad to leave but happy to go home, which is pretty much true, and serves to satisfy & not offend the questioner [as "YES I AM SO STOKED TO GET OUT OF HERE" might], which was basically the point. I am sad to leave, sad that this experience is finally coming to an end. Of course, another week in this apartment and I'd go completely off my rocker (just kidding. kind of). And I am happy to go home to my friends and my cat and my frozen peas. I am also pretty worried though. Over the past few months I have been fantasizing about this summer and how awesome it's going to be, but little by little reality (dang that reality) has been encroaching on my plans. Some of my best friends are leaving for long stretches of time (though, to be fair, I am, too), and I'm beginning to remember that my relationship with the 'rents is not all that it could be. Funny, how you start to forget these things after some time away, it's like how you forget how exceedingly painful it was to get your wisdom teeth out a few months after the operation.

It's not really my parent's fault that we don't get along perfectly — I fer sure do my part, and am far from being the daughter they would like me to be. And it's not like I am too happy with who I am, either. When I sit back and look at myself there are so many things that do not match up with the "could be" version that I carry around in my head that it's kind of ridiculous. The real challenge is getting the actual me to match the "could be". I think that I could do it (or at least get an acceptably decent likeness), but you have to understand that when I'm at home I am working under 17 years of screw ups (and that is a lot because I am awfully good at screwing up) which can make changes (and looking at the bigger picture) rather difficult. This year has kind of been a chance to take a puase and step back, to look at exactly how much I have messed up everything. I also think that it has been a chance for me to grow up a little, to change a little. But I think that if I go back to the way things were before, that won't matter and soon enough I'll be back to the sullen teenager thing and nothing will ever change.

I guess what I really want to do is to start at zero. That's a hard thing to ask of anyone, and yes, it is virtually impossible. But I really think that, if given the chance, I could prove to my parents, myself, and everyone else that I can actually do it, I can actually become a functional human being. I can't do that under all the rules and regulations and expectations and everything that structure my home life now. Not that I'm saying that we need to dump all rules sex drugs & rock 'n' roll, not that at all. It's just that in my house we have a lot of kind of arbitrary rules and ways of doing things that have come from me not managing to do OK, and a lot of them date back to elementary school. As I am going into senior year, it makes sense that some [all?] of them might be the smallest bit obsolete.

So what I'm proposing to my parents is this: give me the summer. Let me try to do things my way [indeed figure out what is my way]. If that works out OK, maybe I can take a crack at senior year. Maybe I'm delusional. Maybe I'll screw this up as much as I've already screwed up everything else ever. At least then I'll know it's me and there's not much point in thinking about it anymore.

I hope I don't mess everything up, though. I really actually want to do well and succeed 'n' all that. We'll see.

On a more Fun and Exciting note, my FredFlare and Hot Topic Orders are all ready to go! 10 pts for new hair and craze amounts of cute!!

Hopefully optimistic,

I. Hate. Packing. OMG.

I have soooo much stuff and stupid airlines have stupid baggage limits. My carryon is going to be super heavy as I have a lot of printed matter to take with that can't go in my suitcases. My sister thinks that I'm crazy for thinking that Vogue is more important than clothes. Can I help it if I think that way?

It doesn't help that I believe in the eternal spaciousness of luggage, so I'm not to worried about making everything fit, though my sister is about to make me puke with trying to help.

I'm going crazy.

Shoving that last thing in,

martedì, giugno 19, 2007

Very Cool TH News!

So my heart basically stopped when I read this....I hope you don't have to be a UK resident to enter!!

How do you fancy starring in a very cool special-edition video for Tokio Hotel's first UK single?

'Ready, Set, Go' will be released in the UK later this summer, and we're making an exclusive fan video that will appear on the CD single in addition to the official video. Here's how YOU could be a part of it:

We want you to send in a video of you performing 'Ready, Set, Go' in whatever style you like – the more creative and crazy the better! The only rule is you need to be singing along in English. We'll then pick some of our favourites and edit them together into a brilliant video for the CD.

You can watch the official video in full exclusively by clicking here and you'll find the song words in the Lyrics section of this site.

To enter, follow these few simple steps:

1. Load your file onto a computer – either from your camera, cam-corder or mobile phone.

2. Now go to: - we want you to use this site to send us your video.

3. In "Select a file to send" – click browse and find your file stored on your computer – click the file and then click Open.

4. Then in "Recipients Address" put

5. In "Your Email Address" add – you guessed it – your email address!

6. In "Description" add "Tokio Hotel – and Your Name – then Your Town / City – and Your Country"

7. Almost there! Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page!

8. Tick the "accept the terms" box and click Send and wait for the file to load!

When it's loaded - you'll get an email saying your video has been sent and we'll get your video!

Closing date for us to get your videos is the 2nd of July.

Can't wait to see what you all send in!

Get recording – have fun – and you could see yourself on an official Tokio Hotel UK single release!


Disclaimer: By clicking "Send" you give your consent for your video or film to be used by Tokio Hotel and be broadcast by any means.

sabato, giugno 16, 2007

I have a new last name

And it is Addams!! Because of this girl...

I was thinking "Wednesday" but "Charlotte Wednesday" doesn't exactly rolll off the tounge. "Charlotte Addams" does, perhaps because the cartoonist's name was Charles?

So anyways, I like "Charlotte Addams." I'll prolly mostly just stick to "Charlotte" [or some derivation there of] but it's nice to be complete.

What do y'all think?? Let me know; I might listen.

Lebe die sekunde!
Charlotte Addams

P.S. Did you know that in the Italian version of The Addams Family [La Famiglia Addams] Wednesday is named Mercoledi? It makes sense, but is still kind of suprising. It is her name, after all.

venerdì, giugno 15, 2007

Tokio Hotel Schwaaaa??

This is Tokio Hotel:

Basically the best band in the world, Tokio Hotel consists of four German teenagers: Gustav (kneeling) on drums, Bill (left) singing, Tom (center) guitarist, and Georg (right) on bass. Though identical twins Bill and Tom are only 17, the group has been performing together since 2001. Though they have already conquered Germany, Tokio Hotel is well on its way to taking over the rest of Europe [and the world] with their newest CD, Scream/Room 483, which is compiled of English-language versions of their best songs.

So that is who TH is...They are pretty much my favourite thing in the whole world right now! Unfortz I have not been able to catch their Italian dates, but it has become my mission to [a] convince 'em to come to the US, and [b] see the show when they do finally come to America. Go kidz!!

Here is the music video for their song "Spring Nicht", it is my absolute favourite of them all.

And this the video with the english version of the song "Don't Jump". The video is the same, just the audio is changed. Though I love that because of the English version I can know the meaning of the lyrics, I am not sure that they flow as well as they do in German. No matter, I still heart it.

Now you know what the fuss is all about.

Ich bin nich' ich,

MTV Switch

So I know that MTV is all evil and whatever; but they are doin' a pretty cool thing with their "Switch" program. It is all about savin' the environment and they play ads all the time to raise awareness. It is world wide on the MTV networks and I reckon it might do a pretty good job with the MTV gen getting them to actually care. Yay for savin' the planet!

Tree Hugger 'n' proud of it,