mercoledì, agosto 30, 2006

J'suis Angrified

I am not very happy right now, though I have neither the time nor inclination to type up why. However, if you read this, you might be able to figure it out.

Not too keen on travelling light,
Bee Electric

martedì, agosto 29, 2006

Skool Daze?

To-day was the first day back at my high school. I went, even though I'm kind of not technically going to that school. It was kind of wierd...I was all detatched from going to class and having (that kind of) homework...I liked the fact that I was legitimately cutting class all day, though. It was nice to see kids that I didn't get to during the summer! But it was also not very nice, at some points, because I had to see some kids I don't like. Oh well, life's a trade-off.

High-speed, wireless internet, is Jesus's way of reminding the world that AWESOME exists.

To-day at work I think I proved to a couple o' diners that I really am a 'tard. To-day's salad was fig with romaine lettuce and other goodies and fig vinagrette. I brought them out to a table, and the lady asked me what kind of vinagrette it was. "Is this raspberry?" My brilliant response was "No, it'" Because I, for whatever reason, could not think of the name of the fruit. I was staring at the figs on her plate, and they were being all...figgy, but I still could not think "fig." When the lady asked "Is it a fig vinagrette?" I smiled gratefully, and tried to make a graceful save. It didn't quite work.

The rest of my work night was spent (unintentionally) acting like an idiot, but having fun.

In closing, I'd like to alter the old adage [heh heh] to "who do you have to screw to get a hoodie in this town?" Because I am having a hell of a time of it. Though I may just go ahead and buy the Good Charlotte one. I listen to Britney Spears and looked forward to Snakes on a Plane. I can handle being/looking like a tool.

Cutting her hair with the fingernail clippers,
Bee Electric

P.S. Have you encountered Bess the Dog or Officer Dave or any other rediculous internet-blockage character? Did they provoke violent tendencies in you? Join the club.

domenica, agosto 27, 2006

Not so Chocolate Decadence

Have you seen Metropolis? Have you seen the Revamped 80s Version? If not, you haven't lived. Or, perhaps you have lived. But not decadently enough. That version is very exciting because you're watching an old silent movie but it feels like you're watching an eighties movie. Thank you, video store!

In other news, it is Macaulay Culkin's 26th Birthday. Happy Birthday, champ! You may be filming a movie called "Sex and Breakfast," but the world will still think of you as the kid from Home Alone. ::makes "Home Alone" face; chuckles; begins to twitch uncontrollably:: Sixteen years later and you're still wierd lookin'. Way to go, bud!

To-day I was held under brief employ as a parking attendantish person at an art opening. There was a lot of picture takin' (some of which can be found here, more to follow when my internet decides not to hate me), weenie eatin', eyePod listenin', and anger supressin' [when folk would not follow my parkin' directions]. All in all it was a good job.

Cursing her dialup,
Bee Electric

sabato, agosto 26, 2006

The Plane that had Snakes on it

Bee Electric has finally joined the Intar Wub generation! I saw Snakes on a Plane on Thursday (yesterday). It was AWESOME. It was, however, also very scary and gross in some parts, and I was quite glad that I went with some friends. Also because those friends informed me that the main, non Sam Jackson fellow, the witness, Sean, was in the Saddle Club, a TV series about riding ponies. How rad! I feel kind of sorry to the folks who were sitting in front of us, seein' as there was a bunch of screams and gasps coming from our row. And we did yell "That's it! I have had it with these motherf---ing snakes on this motherf---ing plane!" along with Samuel L. Motherf---ing Jackson at the correct opportunity. And I did get up on my seat, thrust out my chest, and go "oh! That's right! Yeah!" when Mr. Jackson came on in the music video wearing the same Snakes Flying a Plane t-shirt that I was. I took a picture with Herberta and the poster, but, frankly, I looked RETARDED.

So that was a fun extravaganza, and we went to Longs, which is always a blast.

Sunday in San Francisco was fun, there was lots of friends, ice cream, running around in expensive mall shops (Abercrombie, Guess?, Steve Madden), play watchin', Virgin Megastore visitin', friend hangin', Metreon scoutin', and Burmese restaurant vandalizin'. Seriously, what is with me and slipping into a southern accent. I'm like Faye when she's drunk.

In other notes...under a month 'til departure! School starts on Monday! Charlie Chaplin is teh radx0rz! I got my Flickr Pro account! There a pictures in there! It is a pain that Flickr and Yahoo! are hella budzZz now!

That is all,
Bee Electric

domenica, agosto 20, 2006

Not Exactly Fresh Squeezed

To-day I woke up early and poured my way through several gallons o' Minute Maid Low-Pulp Orange Juice at the local Lions Club Pancake Breakfast. I felt very seemed like a small bumpkin town like thing to do. I did not, however, partake of the breakfast (pancakes [durrrr], bacon [or ham...I'm not sure], and scrambled eggs), as it is not my cup of tea, and I wasn't particularly hungry. I did, however, fill many, many Disney Princess-themed Dixie cups with orange juice. I am becoming quite the pro at this station, since I have been doing it for many a year. [Most recently was the morning before prom! When most girls were sleeping in and spending all day getting ready, I got up at 5, volunteered at the breakfast for 2 hours, then the film festival for 4 or so, spent 10 minutes getting dressed, and was off! Like a bottle rocket!] Luckily, I was able to fill cups a lot faster than they were distributed, so I was able to catch a few winks in between re-stockings. Hey, give me a break, our shift started at 7:30 AM!!

Later, I went to a lovely art festival, which is ginormous exhibit/music performances/vendors/food thing! It was delicious. And rather cold, I must admit. I had on a scarf, sweatshirt, long sleeved shirt, and knit cap, in August, and was still cold. ::sighs:: The art was pretty good, too! I'll put up pictures sometime. To eat I had a "Jumbo" hot dog, with onions and mustard, a can o' Diet Coke, and a banana split! [well, most of the split...I couldn't quite finish it]

The rest of my day was filled with plant waterin', pet feedin', Howard Zinn. Quiz: How is this different than any other day? Answer: It isn't!

Losing her edge,
Bee Electric

P.S. Tomorrow: San Francisco! Plays! Laffs! Romance! Jesus!

sabato, agosto 19, 2006

DeviantArt finally Doesn't Suck [as much]

....and that!! [click for full view etc]

Downtown pictures!


This is what happens when sheltered ladies are let loose in the grocery store and allowed to read what they please...they find shocking tales of gay cowboyzZz!

[she isn't really shocked...I just told her to look it]

I hope you like the photos!!
Bee Electric

P.S. I think I'm going to buy a flickr account this weekend because deviantArt is pissing me off.

Jellybean salad!

Hey there, gummi bear!

Yesterday I went on a wander through my hometown, accompanied by my faithful Tupelo (and Veronica, though she played a somewhat minor role in this tale), documenting what I saw. It was actually quite informative, believe it or not. For instance, I only then realised that there are public rubbish bins along the side of the street. Who knew?

As I was picture takin', who should pull up but my dear old dad. Though I was initially annoyed with him for inturrupin' my creative flow, annoyance soon turned to greatful...ness(?) when it struck me that he had just saved me a long hike up a hot hill, or three. Plus, as a super! fun! bonus!, we went to the Bookmobile. I don't know if you are familiar with a Bookmobile. It is pretty much an RV Winnebago type vehicle, converted to be...::drumroll:: a library on wheels. Pretty rad-o-licious, no? Old ladies hang out on the Bookmobile...but so do wee tots. At least, I did. So when I entered said Bookmobile, I first smelled its bookmobile-y scent, then scampered off to the children's section. It was awesome.

You know what else is awesome? Earning money. To earn money, you work at a job, like me. Which is usually pretty sweet, except for when you have a "Regardez! Un'redardez!" day, like I did. Apparently, I still suck at not dumping buckets of knives. Only today I think there was a spoon or two hittin' the floor as well. ::sigh:: And I broke a wineglass. I am so going to get fired, one of these days...

I really like walk-in refrigerators. Or, at least, I did. Even though they usually either smell tres rank or overpoweringly like bleach, it is oh-so-refreshing to pop in there for a bit during a super-hot day. The keywords in that sentence being "super-hot day." It is much less fun to root through near-frozen cherries in a cold room when outside it is all gray and foggy and subzero and damp. And root through chilly cherries I had to do, in my miniskirt and short sleeves in the walk-in, as my fingers went numb. Jolly good fun! But even frigid rooting was more enjoyable than the slicing and pitting of the 100+ cherries that followed. Italy damn well better be fun.

Imagined conversation about work between Bee and a current classmate:
Bee: ...Yeah, so I'm pretty much working with, and, like, palling around with kids that beat me up in elementary school.
Mate: ::gasps, eyes go wide:: You used to get beat up??
B: Not so much beat up, I guess, as made fun of, laughed at, hurt, picked on, emotionally scarred, physically assaulted....
M: But you're like Jesus! Or, like, a god of awesomeness!
B: Yeah, well even Jesus got crucified. And godliness, like cleanliness, is an under-appreciated trait in the middle-school set.
M: I'm wearing socks.

....I make such clever conversation in my mind. If only I could be so witty in real life.

It's ridiculous how much I'm looking forward to the 22, when Paris Hilton's CD comes out. I listened to the single/watched the video (well, most of it) on her myspace, and it's actually pretty good. Catchy, fun to listen to, hot blonde chick in the video, all the makings of a great pop song.

What is wrong with me? When did I go from an intelligent, vinaigrette makin', homework doin', political activist 12 year old to a burned out, pepperoni pizza eatin', class failin', 16 year old cynic who puts ranch dressing on her salad and looks forward to the release of an heiress's pop cd? Somewheres around 8th grade, I reckon. Junior's so....magical.

Counting the toes on her right foot,
Bee Electric

P.S. I have pictures to put up...but my internet connection, blogger, and deviantart have all been being lame...

mercoledì, agosto 16, 2006

Anorexic Movie Star

Not much interesting has been going on Electronic Paradize, and by much I mean anything. But I'll see what I can scrounge up anyways. Got any cigarettes, cigars?

I am so glad that I only have one more chapter of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States to read and do questions for. I reckon if I have to deal with much more of Zinn spending page after page talking about what jagoffs everybody is/was I' something! Something exciting! And dangerous! Like...leave the country! Got damn when did I become so genius?

To break up the monotony I've been watching 1930s war movies (for history!) and cutting out pictures of my favourite anorexic movie stars. And socialites etc. How I wish I could be like that...thin and tan and make a headline when I buy a new pair of shoes. Well, we can all dream, can't we?

Speaking of dreaming, Jeffrey Rowland, Cowboy Poet Hacker Intar Wub comix extrodinaire is on his way to the Snakes on a Plane premiere in Hollywood. ::smiles gently:: Golly gee! Good things can happen!

Didja notice the snazzy new additions to the site? They're fabulous...check out the sidebar, and scroll all the way down to see the beautiful footer banners.

Painting her nails pale pink,
Bee Electric

added to the Wish List

martedì, agosto 15, 2006

Krazy Klutzy Kid

Hi, I'm Bee, and I suck at not dropping things. To-day, whilst at work (unfortunately the faggot count was low this time, although there were some Italians and Norwegians), I managed to drop, not one, but two buckets of knives on the floor, when I was trying to lift the basin so as to polish said knives (and other silverware). Knives being knives, of course, they made a gigantic CRASH every bloody time. Nothin' subtle about this mess up, no how. It was made all the worse by the fact that I was making a special effort the second time so's I wouldn't drop them.

Oh yeah, I also dumped a lot of ice on the floor in the dining room [at work]. And this morning my bag of frozen peas exploded and there were peas all over everywhere. What the heck, Jesus?

In other news, check out my super-duper list/link in the sidebar. It's kind of spotty in its accuracy, but snazzy nonetheless. You may also notice the "Bee Electric's Wishlist." Buy me things! ::giggles::

I hope that this makes sense, I am way too tired for coherent thought.

Stringing her words like beads,
Bee Electric

P.S. It doesn't look like flight regulations will be toning down much anytime soon. Gol durn!!

P.P.S. I got my super-new case for Veronica, eye-pod extrodinaire. It is magnificent.

giovedì, agosto 10, 2006

Stow Your Baggage In The Overhead Compartment

Got dang terrists. Plannin' on blowin' up planes 'n' shit. That just ain't cool. I reckon I wouldn't be half so upset if it weren't so close to when I'm leaving, but since it is, I am. I'm not scared of terrorists/ism, and I don't have a box cutter so I don't mind leaving that at home. But when I can't carry anything onboard, that causes problems. Especially when I'm taking everything I need for 9 months abroad. If they don't relax the restrictions before I leave (because I'm flying through the UK), I'm going to have to ship my laptop, iPod, camera, and lord knows what else. The only comforting thought is that I won't have to carry around the duffle bag the exchange program does clash horribly with my luggage.

Crossing her fingers,
Bee Electric

P.S. The question of the day: they aren't liquids, so can you still have Snakes on a Plane?
P.P.S. Nevermind the reptiles, it looks like Sam Jackson's got his hands full with the beverages.

Don't judge a lady...

...until you've walked two moons in her red cowboy boots. Because you may realize that they were not quite as comfortable as you first may have thought, and then perhaps you'll have a little more sympathy, because what lady can be responsible for her actions when her feet hurt?

I myself have a pair of red cowboy boots, and they're quite cute. The fact that I procured them for a mere $2 further increases their appeal. And they are rather comfortable, contrary to what I thought when I first pulled them on this morning. "Augh!" I screamed, "these here boots be tight as Keira Knightley's corset!" However, since I was late and had my outfit all coordinated to match, I wore them anyway.

By midday the boots fit fine, whether due to shrunken feet or stretched boot I'll ne'er know. Fine, mind you, is a different level of comfort than "hot damn I sure would like to walk a while uphill in these shoes!" Well just dandy for waltzing around town in (yes, I waltz. And listen to Death Cab for Cutie on my iPod. And almost get ran over by a logging truck.), but less so for walking a mile and a half, up several hills, which is what I thought I had to do. (Oh, by the way, it was super-hot. And I had a jacket. A black one. And a big black purse.)

Apparently, God helps those who wear bad walking shoes, for, as I was laborously lugging myself up the first few hills, who should come a-drivin' along but my fair father. Hitchin' a ride with him entailed being driven down the hills I just had ascended ("O, the futility of life!" spake I), and then back up, all the way to my home spice home. Where, upon arrival, I discovered that my dear red boots had left tacky brown spotches on my white stockings. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything.

Gitin' along with the little dogies,
Bee Electric

P.S. Why wasn't there a "Home Spice"? She could have been the Martha Stewart of the Spice Girls. Except for, you know, the insider trading and house arrest.

mercoledì, agosto 09, 2006

Fruit Sticker Forehead

I have a tip for those working in fine dining. Do not, when prepping fruit and/or vegetables that have stickers on them, remove said stickers and attatch them to your forehead. It may seem like a good idea at the time, a reminder of when you were six and stole the stickers off the bananas in the supermarket, parading around with them affixed to yourself for the rest of the day. IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Your boss could see you, and if he is exceedingly anal about all things being perfect ("YOUR SHOE HAS A SPOT OF GRAY THAT IS 2MM WIDE!! SHOES MUST BE BLACK!!"), then he most definitely will not find your sticker amusing. Even if your boss does not see you, you could, inadvertently, walk out into the dining room with said sticker still on your forehead. This would cause embarrasment for you, and the diners may be less keen on returning to your restaurant, because it is obviously not a very serious place. So be warned.

Not a tomato,
Bee Electric

Note: This warning is not taken from real life experience. Or is it?

Fag Central

The place where I work (a fancy restaurant) was pretty much faggot central the other night. I was in heaven. It was truly, in the words of Seth Cohen/Adam Brody, a "gaysplosion". In a kind of upper middle class, non flamboyant sort of way. Either that or that one night a lot of straight men were having dinner in couples...I hope that wasn't the case, though. Because it would be AWESOME if a bunch of gay folks just randomly decided to eat there on the same night.

Still waiting for dyke night,
Bee Electric

California Dreamin'


This devastatingly lovely blog is going to be primarily about my experience in Italy, obviously, but, since I'm not there yet, I reckon you'll have to settle for my experiences in the Grand Ole U.S. of A. Mhm.

Sincerely your'n,
Bee Electric