sabato, dicembre 23, 2006

I don't like justin Timberlake.

I'm terribly sorry for my lack of postage lately...At fault is a combonation of not much internet time and not very inspiring times outside of that...Lately I am just tired and bored all the time...gah...And jealous of how even my frenzZz who were away at college are home now and get to hang out with everybody...I miss Alex...I miss my brother...I miss my friends...

Oh yeah by the way MJ got connected...Only I can't call the phone card number!! 'Cause it is like toll free or something. And then I used up all my money on it going on the internet...So I have to go recharge it. I can still get calls, though! Call me, babe!

Well I am about to pass out from tiredness so I'm a-goin' now...

Bye byez,
Bee Electric

giovedì, dicembre 21, 2006

Mary Jane lives?

No, not Spidey's ladylove, though that would be rather cool. No, I'm talking about my dear little black friend cellular telephone. I finally gave up on the SIM card I got when I bought her, and we just today got around to going to Vodaphone Central. I bought a 10euro new scheda [which happened to be 2x as fast as my old one], and within 24 hours I should be up and running! Hooray! The only annoying thing is that all my saved phone numbers were on the other SIM, but thankfully I put 'em all in my computer first before I switched. So now I just need to type them in...

Waiting for the ring,
Bee Electric

mercoledì, dicembre 20, 2006

Strangely Appropriate

Bee Electric successfully averted WW3 with some covert operation that is top secret.
... afterward, Bee Electric ate some macaroni and cheese.
'How will you be remembered in history books?' at

martedì, dicembre 19, 2006

Not Exactly Chinese Water, but close

Today I underwent a unique form of torture. And worse? I signed up for it.

Today we didn't have school in the morning 'cause we had double rotation, so I had a nice chance to sleep in, take a shower, paint my nails [of course, I have chewed off most of the paint by now], etc. It was a nice, leasurely morning. Then was lunch [pasta and beans, mmmmm, and....gah, I completely forgot...], then after lunch Dani asked me if I wanted to go into Maddaloni with them to talk to the teachers. Not wanting to seem a hermit and anticipating perhaps an hour, hour and a half of sitting in a classroom whilst teachers blahbed away, I agreed.

Big mistake. What amounts to Parent-Teacher Conferences in Italy-World is everyone standing in the [boiling hot...I swear, they think they're New England or something, cranking up the heat when everyone's got their winter coat on] hallway outside a classroom waiting to pop in for a second to exchange a few sentences with a teacher, than repeating the process for the other 15 teachers you have to visit. Since I didn't actually have any teachers to talk to, that meant I just stood in the hallway for, oh, I don't know, four hours. [That is not an exaggeration]. I didn't really have anyone to hang out with [though I did chill for a bit with Caitlin the Australian] so I just stood there [there was no wheres to sit and the radiators were the poky kind] and got tired and my feet hurt 'cause I was wearing my boots because they're the easiest to put on in a hurry.

So yeah, it was mad boring and on the way home my mom told me, "Maybe it would have been better if you had stayed home..." My [in my head] response to that was, "Yeah, thanks for telling me that, oh, I don't know, before we went??" But in reality I just [truthfully] said I hadn't known that it was going to be like that, that it is different in America.

For dinz we had some tasty fire toasted saussies, and watched this Samuel L Jackson/Chris Cooper movie that was pretty chrazy...Lots o' whatnot goin' down....Now I'm going to beddy byez! No school tomorrow [like usual...normal rotation]! And that means sleep! And pie! Okay, well, maybe not pie...

Dreaming of Sara Lee,
Bee Electric

venerdì, dicembre 15, 2006

Bet you'll be a little confused...

School has been supremely boring lately, ‘specially with Alex gone…I pretty much spend all my time with Gina, as she has the same schedule as me now. I try and get in the computer lab as much as possible, like usual, but I can’t be in there every period, as much as I would like to. So during the intervening times [when we don’t have other classes…which usually means either being a teacher’s aide type thing or just staring at the wall] I play hangman with Gina [we’ve pretty much run out of movies and so have switched to TV shows, though we are running out of those too], try to work on my English essay [God…I wish that I could actually write about books that I at least like…trying to get through The Scarlet Letter again has been quite hellish], read my Barack Obama book [totes interesting and awesome, but you can only spend so many hours at a time with it], or doodle. Yuck….Thank goodness that Christmas vacation is coming up…

I am kind of worried what is going to happen when Ginaroni leaves…it’ll be just me and Franco at the ole Scientifico. The Aussies are the coolest, of course, but they are all goin’ bye bye at the end of January, I think. The other Alex is here, but I hardly ever see her. I dunno, maybe I will be able to throw myself into English and Latin [party down] but I suspect that my level of boredom will rise exponentially. Though, come to think of it, I will be switched into 5A [Valeria’s class] so maybe that will help. The kids in my current class [3I, with Dani, Grazia, etc] are pretty nice, but I am kind of beginning to be the kid that gets kind of picked on…not really a lot but on my way out of the classroom today I got tripped [on purpose] twice. It was pretty much lame…I don’t want to go back to middle school. Hmmm….

So yeah, the whole Italy thing has kind of flatlined…I really miss Hanna and all my frenzZz back home…thank God for the Intar Wub, that’s all I can say! I hecks of wish that Mary Jane was connected, it would make calling them at odd hours [and if they were so inclined to call me] so much easier! I think that I am going to see if, on Monday, when we go to the bank [to pay for Paris], we can go to the Vodafone place…Jezus.

Today is our 3 month anniversary in this golly gee country! That is really weird to think about…we are a third of the way through…In some ways, partly because Paris, partly because so many people are going home, and partly because I am switching fams, it feels like it is ending now. It is hard to imagine that I still have 6 more months! That seems so long…but then again so does 3 months and look, we’re here already! The time seems to have at once sped by and taken forever. Hopefully the next two 3 month chunks will be fun!!

I figured out one reason why my birthday might have kind of petered out to a lame end…I didn’t have chocolate-chocolate-chocolate cupcakes, for the first time in…::counts on her fingers:: [seriously] eleven years! That is a long time of chocolate-chocolate-chocolate cupcakes! And so when they are not there something just doesn’t seem right, even if you cannot put your finger on it right away. The summer after I get back I want to have a Sweet Sixteen/Super Seventeen birthday party [as I never had a Gualala party last year]…perhaps I can have some thriple [by which I mean triple] C cupcakes then…right the universe. Cupcakes is a fun word to say! Which follows because cupakes are a fun thing to eat! Mm mm Deeelicious! Oh, another thing I want to do when I get home is have a nice big bottle of Sunny-D. They haven’t got it here!!

On a more sprightly note, I love High School Musical! Yes, I do realise that I am about 34578023 years older than the target audience, but gosh darn that is a good movie!! Thank you so much for the DVuD, mumster [and popster]! I am partway through my 3rd time watching it…[keep in mind I just got it yesterday] and it just keeps getting better!! Golly gee!! I really don’t like Sharpay, holy cow. She has bad roots [something I reckon I know a lot about!], a bad voice [singing and speaking], and a bad nose. Gross!

Guh…I was totally thinking about something to write but Sharpay Evans made me forget it. OOOOH, I remember now!! Something else that j’adore [P.S. I speak French like a CHINESE PERSON!!] is Fred Flare, z0mg!! I know I am totally obsessed with them and keep talking about it but MAN! They are kind of rad to the extreme. I love the blog to death, ‘specially how it keeps me updated on not only FF business and cute things in generale, but also ‘cause it helps me keep up with the gossip about the celebs that matter. [That would be Paris, Nicole, Brit, Gwen, MK & A, and that whole gang] This is a good thing, as, unfortunately, my online time is such that I haven’t time to keep updated on EVERYSINGLETHING.

Hmmm not sure I have mentioned this before, but I got my hair dyed!! I got blue black, and it is actually remarkably blue! Like, if you just look at it it looks black, but there is a lot of blue in it. The only thing about this is that it is not as SUPER MAD DARK as I might like, but whatever….They did a pretty good job [it was INTENSE to just sit there as someone else did all the work…weird…] only they missed a bit of my roots in the front [trying to avoid dying my whole face, I reckon, which was nice of them]. That normally wouldn’t be much of a problem, as in general I have pretty dark hair, but the part in the front is actually quite blonde, so it really shows. If you can see that part, which you actually usually can’t because my bangs are in the way. Yay for bangs!!

I think this entry is quite long enough and I have emails to write, so TTFN! [Jeez, I haven’t said that in an age…]

Filled with marmalata,
Bee Electric

Seventeen Candles

They only want you when you're seventeen
When you're twenty-one
You're no fun
They take a polaroid and let you go
Say they'll let you know
So come on

Yay Ladytron! So, yep, yesterday was my birthday...I'm all of Seventeen right now...just like the magazine! The December issue of which has Paris Hilton on it...I want that magazine!!

It was a pretty sweet day, I have to say. We did end up running into Trevor...after some highly strategized loitering in the hallway. Gina told him it was my birthday and he auguried me but it was fairly clear that he was not completely down...whatever, I'm cool with yet another guy being in love with Gina.

When we got home after school my whole family Auguried me and I felt really special! Then after lunch we had some yummy cake, and family kept dropping in 'cause it was also Aniello's was super nice.

After everyone left I went ahead and watched High School Musical, which I had been dying to do ever since I opened it, and holy cowboy, it was awesometastic!! I was 'specting to go to the gym but we ended up not...juss fine with me as I was feelin' awefully fat and I just kept watching my movie. When that was over I fetched my Paris Paris Vogue [like my favourite magazine EVER] and read [hahahahahahaha] it by the fire. Then Grazia and Anna and Angela came over and we had yumster pizza! It was pretty rad, although I was kind of majorly sleepster so couldn't fully enjoy it. Quite nice of them, though!!

When all the peeps went home I put on my PJs and started watching HSM again, but my heart wasn't in it and I was just kind of cold and tired and uncomfortable. What I really wanted was my best gals but they, unfortunately, where at school. Not to mention 9 million miles away. So, unable to do anything, I went to bed. It was AWESOME.

Staring at the ceiling and counting the days,
Bee Electric

giovedì, dicembre 14, 2006

Happy Birthday to Meeeee

Yeah, so today is my 17th birthday! Party down with my bad self... So far it has been pretty uneventful...I opened two presents from my mom [OHMYGOD HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL AND BARAK OBAMA THANK YOU!!!!!!!!] in the morning before school but am saving the rest for later. And at school then Gina gave me a bag with some delicious candy was awesome. People have been kissing my cheeks and saying "Auguri" all day, it is kind of hard to get used to. Unfortunately Trevor has not been one of them as the door to his class has been closed pretty much solidly all day...what the heck....Whatever. Some girls from my class sang Happy Birthday to me in English this morning, it was teh strangex0rz. Hmm well I'm off to return emailed b-day greetingzZz...

No longer 16,
Bee Electric

giovedì, dicembre 07, 2006

The Last Pizza

Today was Alex's last day of school...It was incredibly sad. I seriously almost burst into tears in the hallway...Though it was kind of neat because a bunch of the kids in her class brought in cookies and cake and whatnot and she gave some to me and Ginster...I had a rather tasty pink iced heart shaped cookie and half a piece o' chokkie cake. Mmmm!

Her parents came to pick her up early, which in my opinion was super lame because we didn't know they were going to and had planned on having the whole day together. Whatever, we [the E|Xies] planned on getting together this evening to say bye and eat pizza...

After Al left me and Gina slopped around school being depressed...but we were going to see her later so whatever...

Only it turned out that NONE of the Madd kids could come to SMaV!! What the bejeezus?? So anyways it ended up just being me, Alex [of course], Carmen, Big Chiara, Dani, Grazia and Anna. I got all dressified up for the occasion with liquid eyeliner, a skirt, and my dangly colourful was fun, but a bit sad.

For Alex's last pizza she tried to get half french fries and half with prosciutto cotto and funghi, but they by mistake made the half with prosciutto crudo...I felt bad for her so I traded her a piece of mine [all prosciutto cotto and absolute favourite] for a piece of the crudo.

For dessert I got this lemon delicioza thing that was pretty good and Alex got this ricotta cake thing...and then we got some chocolate ice seemed like a good idea at the time, until we started feeling sick...

I was sad to say goodbye but she is coming over tomorrow [for the last time...crap] so it wasn't TOO bad...

Missing her already,
Bee Electric

"Yeah, sure, whatevz..."

Yesterday was pretty fun! I went over to Al's house for lunch, like I said I would, though it was a little crazy trying to get there. I had asked my mom the day before about it, and she was like "yeah, sure, whatevz..." but then I guess everyone forgot about it...when my mom called me for lunch at about 1:45 [I was going to Alex's at two] I was like, "Um....yeah..." Long story short I got to Alex's OK [actually exactly when they were driving up] but I was kind of worried for a bit.

I still wasn't feeling tip-top; I had a wicked headache and my stomach felt a bit topsy turvy. Though I wasn't going to let that stop me, and ate all my food. It was farfalle with tomato and ricotta cheese sauce [not too bad...a little watery tasting though], a little meat patty and some peperoni [like roasted peppers in oil, not pepperoni like pizza], and then mandarin oranges. We also had this strange cake stuff for dessert and Alex made coffee.

After lunch Alex and I lolled about her room for a little bit, chatting about nothing in particular...we made a mini documentary thing with Tupelo...waiting for it to be 4:30 so we could go out. When we did, we went to the candy store [of course], then wandered around a bit...I did a miraculously letarded step...I stepped off the sidewalk onto the hells of uneven street and my ankle completely buckled...I was all "durrrr"...

On the way back to the house Alex got some nutini or however you spell it [like little snail shaped breadstick things] and I ate a couple...heh heh heh...

Later we were going to try and find the aussie boy but then Katie started spewing nonsense about Plane ticket confermations so Alex had to deal with that, and then it was time for me to go home.

For dinner we had some delicious tuna fish and tomato salad...mmmm....

Slightly fishy,
Bee Electric

mercoledì, dicembre 06, 2006

Miss Communication

Yesterday afternoon Alex came over [possibly for the last time, but I don't want to think about that] and we had a bunch of fun...we didn't really do anything in particular, just sat around an chattified. Then, later, I knew we were getting pizza with Dan, Gra, Angi, and some other friends. Now, even though we didn't have school the next day, it was still a Tuesday night, so I had thought that we were just going to L'Anfora, across the street. Hmmm...Put it this way...I was wrong. But how was I supposed to know? Gra had told me earlier that we were going to Napoli for pizza, and, though I thought that was strange, I believed her. Of course, she was kidding...I can never tell when people are joking here...makes me feel like a completle gullible boob, but what can I do?

So Al and I were all ready to go to L'Anf, but it turns out we were going to this other restaurant...and there were like a bunch of kids from my class there, and no one expected Ale to be was kind of awkward and I felt like a total turd for [unintentionally] putting Alex in that situation of being kind of the slightly unwelcome odd man out, but I had thought that it was make the situation better I developed a massive stomach ache that started even before we got our food and quickly got add to this I got insanely sleepy and was operation on that labourous thinking process that comes with super-tiredness...It was weird.

So I was apologizing to Al about the miscommunication, she was telling me it was alright but at the same time telling me I should have made sure sure, and I thought I had, I thought it was all good and down but it obviously hadn't been. I ended up retching over the restaurant toilet but nothing came up...unfortunately, as it might have helped.

We finally got around to paying [one thing I dislike about going out with a bunch of Italians is that they split the bill evenly...that would be great if everyone were getting ezzackly the same thing, but of course no one does...] and getting out of there, and Alex ended up getting home about an hour later than planned. Yet again arriving home late 'cause of me. Oops. Luckily she could borrow someone's cellphone [too bad mine doesn't work 'cause that would have been easier!] and tell her mom she'd be dropped off...

When I got home I still didn't feel very good, and so I put on my PJs and sat on the couch watching LotR extras...I think I may have had a bit of a fever because my face was burning up but if I took my hood off my head got really cold...I actually fell asleep on the couch but then woke up and crawled into bed...slept for 11 hours...when I woke up this morning I had a croissant and a handfull of another tumz upset afterwords, though. Even though that was the first thing I had eaten that day...

I'm going over to Alex's in about a half an hour for should be fun!! I hope that I don't get sick again because that would be teh lamex0rz.

Day counts:
Alex goes home: 4 days
My 17th: 8 days
Christmas: 19 days
Paris: 22 days

Feeling OK for now,
Bee Electric

Not Really that Interesting

To those readers that may have been concerned by various events depicted in this fair blog:

I encourage you to turn your gaze upward to the headline of this blog. That's right, my life is not actually that interesting. It grieves me to admit this, but it is true. In that interest I have a tendency to invent and embellish, all to make myself feel better about the somewhat boring existence that is mine. Although it does somewhat to diminish the mystery, I shall leave you with one guideline [perhaps to be added to if it become apparent that there are other concerns] to put your minds at ease: any mention of consumption of alcohol by yours truly is most likely invented. I, Bee Electric, personally abhor the taste of it, and can choke down but the tiniest smidge of champagne at, for instance an 18th birthday, for tradition's sake, or an occasional small glass of wine with family meals...As far as more social drinking I am utterly hopeless and beg for a pop or just some water.

I hope that this helps to relieve any worries....

Sincerly yours [and obscenely sober],
Bee Electric

martedì, dicembre 05, 2006

Welcome the the Badlandz

Hmmmm....I hate people!!! Gross!!!

Have a nice day,
Bee Electric

P.S. There are two new Australians at our school! The girl, Caitlyn, seems nice, but I guess the boy is a real turdhead....whatever, I don't care...

domenica, dicembre 03, 2006

We seem to have Lost the Captain

Yesterday was pretty rad...though strange. I overslept by mistake [again!] so I didn't go to school...though it did occur to me when I woke up [at like 7:45 or so] that I might have been able to take the bus that we took on Friday [we didn't have 1st period so got to go in a little later], but then I actually thought about it and realised that I didn't know exactly when it stopped, if it was fer sure running that route that day, and how to get into school after it started. And me wandering around in SMaV slash Maddaloni by myself in the cold is probably not the best thing ever. So I said "whatevz" and went back to sleep...ended up sleepin' in until 11ish, which was AWESOME. I heck of needed the sleep though, as I hadn't gotten much in the past few nights.

So yeah I didn't go to school, though when I went online I had messages from Gina and Alex telling me to call Alex, and then Franco IMed me telling me to, then when Dan came home from school she repeated the message. I was like, "Geeez, I got it already!!"

That afternoon I cleaned my room [woohoo! I know!] and then I went over to Alex's. We went to the Candy Store to try and find something to supplement Franco's present [all we had was the giant chocolate cigar]...we didn't find anything satisfactory but we did get him a card and i got a bag of candy...oops...

After that we walked around a bit and got a couple of diet Cokes, then went to Franco's party. We were actually about a half an hour late because we got there a little late and then we had to fill out his card before we went in, but whatevers.

The party was pretty was just exchange students [Alex, Me, Gina, the other Alex, Heather, Pasqual, Franco of course, and Annette], then Heather's sister and Franco's brothers, so it was supes small. We spent a lot of the time talking, some time dancing [though Alex and I left the room when they played Rock this Party because we loathe that song so], and there was pizza and pop, though Al and I consumed neither [we were very proud of ourselves]. We did, however, go for the cake and champagne that was busted out later...heh heh heh...

Alessio was picking us up at 10.30 so we ducked out a little before then, and went out by the street to wait for him. We found him a couple of minutes later and I guess that he didn't know where to go [I had asked Dan to tell him but I guess that didn't happen] and tried calling what he thought was my cellphone but was Al's dad's...I felt bad for making him go to all that trouble but there was nothing I could do...

So when we got in the car he was all "We're going to Caserta is that Okay with you?" I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't, but luckily Alex and I are down for pretty much anything.

We actually ended up going to Gonzales's pub, in San Marco, which is actually where the other Alex had her birthday...but this time we were down in the basement, and it was super-rad. It had all those green bar lights and whatnot and felt more Irish pub than Mexican pub in Italy...whatevz, there was a sign that said "All Gamblers and Fancy Women must register with the captain before the ship leaves for New Orleans". I took a picture of it with MJ, but, unfortunately, it just came out as a big white blob and I didn't have time to Tup-it. Whatevz.

We ended up getting home at, like, 1:30am or something...everyone was asleep by the time I came in, and so all the lights were off inside, but the Christmas tree was all lit up and decorated and glittering and it was the most beautiful thing. I actually just stood there and looked at it for a while until I felt like a dork and went upstairs.

I wasn't too tired [a side effect of sleeping in so much, I reckon] so I set up on the couch with my laptop and my big puffy comforter...ended up sleeping there...woke up in my pearls and converse and Paris t-shirt...felt like a bit of a dweeb.

Glamming it up as only she can,
Bee Electric