mercoledì, febbraio 28, 2007

My Computer Screen Is the colour of Urine

Got damn! One of the computer rooms totes got new monitors, which I was maj. excited about. Until I turned on my computer and the screen looked like this:

Thanks, dudes! And I was so excited, too...

The old monitors were gathered in rows on the floor like made me sad, for some reason. Even though they were crap, I still wanted to take them home with me. And, I dunno, plant flowers in them or something. Give them a lil' love. I heart you, old rejected monitors!!

In other news, I finally got my post about the IKEA fun up, you can view it here. [Note: not only are there words, but also an insane amount of links to pictures. Bwuahahaha.]

Dang, I have to go to class soon. ::is so not even excited:: What was exciting was actually getting something accomplished last night, and getting to talk to Emma and Carrie, who I haven't had a proper chat with in ages! Yay for frenzZz and staying up too late!

Gosh, I'm frustrated right now because I really want to see The Departed, and I actually have it with me right now, but I haven't any means to view it. WTH? I guess I have to wait until tonight. Dangit.

Having ceased to be interesting,
Bee Electric

martedì, febbraio 27, 2007

Toe-tally Gross!

My toe is finally getting better...I put together some pictures but it's kinda gross so click the link to seeee!!

The Five Lives of Bee's Toe!

I think it's getting better!

Wanting to wear different shoes,
Bee Electric

sabato, febbraio 24, 2007

Somethin' sweet for y'all

...after all the negz! I was in a foul mood for the past couple o' days, and I am totes sorry I kinda took it out on y'all!! So enjoy the cupcake. Which brings us to...

What is up with all the cupcakes? Well, first off, I ask this of you: why the heck not? Cupcakes are cute, and MAJ delish. I have always been a loverrr of the tasty treats [hence my tradition of chocolate cake/chocolate frosting/chocolate sprinkled cupcakes every year for school on my birthday...last year would have been the...12th or 13th year...straight...] and semi-recently [within the past few months] adopted the word [and image] into my new alter-ego, Bee Cupcake. And yes, this is an alter-ego to Bee Electric, which is an alter-ego. DANG, I just can't seem to stop collecting them [see bottom of post for more info on this]! Soon I am going to be able to play Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but with myself. Holy handbags, I'm awesome!

So yeah, back to cupcakes. I was feeling the need to make over the site a little, as it's been the same[ish] for ages, and I was gettin' tired of the header [especially because it was too large for the rectangle bit]. And what is better for a makeover than cupcakes? Can't really think of anything. I must say that my obsession with the little frosting topped cuties has only increased during my time here in Italz, especially because they don't have them here. Isn't that insane? So I can tell you right now that one of the first things I'm doing when I get back to the U.S. of A. [besides eating a huge bowl of Annie's Mac'n'Cheese and weenies] is bake loads of cupcakes. And real cakes, too, as I am kind of amazing at them.


On to new! fun! bee! news!

**Our school was on fire today! Well, kind of. Somehow [most likely a cigarette, but we didn't see anyone around there], the pile of discarded desks/chairs/other flammable items outside our classroom window caught a-fire! It wasn't what you might call a roaring blaze, but there were some definite flames, some stinkster smoke, loads of ash, and air distortion goin' on! Unfortunately, it was all over before I could snap a pic of either the conflagration or Giandomenico wielding the fire extinguisher, or I would be able to share it more with y'all. Added just that more excitement to a normal Latin class, though! 'Cause, you know, Latin class is just so excitin' I can hardly stand it. ::rolls eyes::

**I am goin' to Rome again! [The first time —besides when we flew in at midnight— was just to go to the theater, and though we walked around a lot, didn't really get any info on what we were seeing. And yes, I still haven't finished the post] This is another trip set up by the exchange program, only hopefully the actual trip will be more organized than the sign up process! I got the flier 4 days before I had to complete a bank transfer [of 145euro] and fax in the registration! 2 of those days were weekend, as well, which means I pretty much had 2 days. THANKS, GUYS!

Frustratin' sign upness aside, this should be a pretty rad trip! We are going to see all the major sites [Trevi Fountain, Colliseum, Museums, Vatican City, St. Peter's Basillica, etc] and it should be a party to the UTMOST. I'm pretty much really excited! I don't think anyone else from Maddz is going [they've all been to Rome loads] but this girl from the Yucatán [Mexico] that I met on the Paris trip is going, so I am teh uber stoked about that.

**Some excitin' things are gonna be happening in the somewhat near future with the Fred Flare Blog!! Stay tuned, y'all!

**I am working on finally getting slightly older posts [especially ones with prepped pictures] online! Since they will be dated for when they actually happened, I will also post a new entry when they go up, so's you don't miss them!!

**KEITH! OMGosh, you left me comments! <3 Soz I didn't mention them before, but blogger doesn't send me notification when I get them, and I didn't see them until my mom referenced one and I was completely confused!! So to reply:
*RIS is basically the same as CSI, but Italian! I love it to death.
*I am pretty fluent in Italian! My speakin' is improving by the day, but I can understand [for the most part] TV and movies, conversations, and, most importantly, class!
*Hopefully I'll have another podcast soon! They're fun!
*I'll fer sure send you before and after pics! Shoo those winter blues away!
Thanks for makes my life!

Well, I think I'm gonna finish this entry off and post it!!

But before I go...have you ever wondered what I looked like when I posted a particular post? Probably not. But, in case you did...

Click the pic for the flickr set!
[Don't worry, it's only about 7 photobooth pics]
Oh yeah, I gave up giving up sugar. It's my lifeforce, what can I say?
Sorry, Jesus, dude. I tried.

Livin' for the cupcakes,
Bee Electric

P.S. If you look at other pictures in my flickr photostream and are confused by them, they must be for posts that aren't up yet.
P.P.S. About the alter-ego thing: I have had various alter-egos in my life, and have compiled a list [by no means complete] for you to peruse [and ask for deets if you want]: Joe K. Bean, Fredricka Bloom, Raina Thomas, Fred, Bee Electric, brain is not working now but there must be more... ::shrugs:: -whatever-


Move over, Mike. There's a new Teevee in town.

Holy Geez, I have become such a teevee head lately! These are the shows that I watch on a [semi-]regular basis: Seventh Heaven, Smallville, Grande Fratello [the Italy "Big Brother"], RIS 3 [ended this week], Dr. House, Grey's Anatomy, Next, Amici, Striscia la Notizia, Date My Mom, and Room Raiders.

Tonight was Striscia, then Dr. House. While I was waiting for House to start, I checked MTV and there was a programme on about "Young Hot Hollywood." I've actually seen that before [in an airplane some time], but it was more interesting than House, which, for some reason, failed to intrigue me tonight. I must admit I don't find it the most thrilling of shows in general...perhaps some of the wit gets lost in translation. So I flipped back and forth between MTV and House until Grey's Anatomy came on.

Excellent episode tonight, omg! There was a crazy huge emergency that resulted in a couple o' folks stuck together with a big pole [think that one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl where Will and Elizabeth stuck the three pirates with a pole. Only real people.], severed limbs floating around the ER, lots of fun stuff! And all the doctors got called in from the bar, where Grey was drowning her sorrows in tequila. Therefore, she spent a good deal of time wandering the hospital with an IV in her arm, trying to sober up. [She did, eventually, and was all helpful and whatnot...don't know how long she's gonna stay dandy though, as her doctorlove decided to go back to his wife.]

After Grey's [when I usually hit the hay...or the internet] was Nip/Tuck. That show is WEIRD, dude! To be perfectly honest I didn't really pay attention past the first 15 minutes 'cause I was talking to my bruzzler on the telephone, but still! Don't think I'm gonna make a habit of that show. Helps that it starts at, like, 11pm, anyways...

Glued to the boob tube,
Bee Electric

venerdì, febbraio 23, 2007

IzZz THIS how you see me?

I have never touched drugs in my life, never even smoked pot. I will never do drugs. It hurts me that people would think the opposite of me. I would rather go blind, deaf, mute, or lose all my limbs than even try any of that. I'd slit my wrists and throw myself off the Empire State Building before I'd touch any kind of drug. Though, the way things go, I might do that anyway.

NYC Forecast:
Blood showers and falling cupcakes.

My veins run with battery acid so you'd best bring along your umbrella, and watch your feet, the streets are slick with frosting.

Wishing they'd just let her
Bee Electric

giovedì, febbraio 22, 2007

mercoledì, febbraio 21, 2007

Good-bye, powdery white substance!

This is what I am giving up for Lent. Sugar [that is all specifically sugary things like soda/candy/cookies/other dessert types, I'm not going to stand over my mom and make sure she doesn't happen to use sugar in ANYTHING] should be kinda difficult as I adore sugary things. But whatever.

Last night the toilet exploded. I pressed the little flushy button, then went to wash my hands, when I thought to myself, "That sounds louder than normal! And what on earth is that fine mist I feel upon my feet? OH MY JESUS!!" Did I mention this was at midnight? Luckily my mom was still up, as she had to fetch Valeria at a party at 1 or something. I really demonstrated my communicative abilities when I went to get her. Mom: "What's up?" Bee: "Um..." points in general direction of bathroom "I.." mimes pushing button "and...water..." makes exploding motions with her hands "yeah..." GAR! When she came to the bathroom [by now referred to by locals as "Lago del Bagno"] and saw what was goin' down, she opened the drain in the floor and went to go shut off the water. So our house isn't completely flooded, but we also have no water. WT hull??

Earlier last night was also the final episodes of this season of RIS. Everything turned out OK, I guess. Capitano Riccardo Venturi finally got to Francesca, saving her just moments before she died [she had drank a glass of water that the serial killer had put poison in], and came climbing heroically out of the hole in the ground [the SK had put her in this underground cave/tunnel bit, with a heavy duty glass door separtating her from the way out. Capitano is a badass, though, and this, coupled with his desperation (he could see 'Cesca, collapsed on the floor) allowded him to bust that shizZz] just as everyone [including Darling Davide] came drivin' up. Then Davide had to go run after this super evil criminal who Riccardo had let out to help find Francesca, but the dude had Riccardo's gun and was gonna bang bang Davide! Needless to say I wasn't really breathing at this point. But when the criminal dude fired his gun so did Davide, but only Davide's hit the mark. That kinda messed him up a bit...I dunno if the CD had a history with the them or something 'cause all the carabinieri types seemed sad when he died. -whatever- The eps ended with Riccardo and Vincenzo [Francesca's dad] being friends again [they had a falling out last week when Riccardo's hand spazzed and he dropped his gun, which was then grabbed by the SK who shot Vincenzo], and Francesca recouperatin' in the hospital. Only Riccardo might not be capitano anymore next season because of the hand thing [caused by a bomb that blew in his face a few weeks ago] is worrisome, specially if he can't hold a gun. The only other thing that I wasn't too ezacktly happy about is that Francesca and Davide are just friends now. I totes thought they were gonna be together, especially because he was so out his mind when Francesca was in danger, but he is still with his girlfriend/roommate, Sara. I guess that is what he ought to do, as she's preggers. But I like it better when he's with Francesca. Other than that, though, things were dandy.

Sorry that was so long, but every week it's 2 back to back episodes, so I had 2 and a half hours or so to cover!! Now here's some pictures, so you know who I'm talking about:

Vincenzo [Francesca's dad]


Capitano Riccardo [who in real life is named "Lorenzo Flaherty"...brotha's half Irish!]

And to finish it off...
Davide!!! <3 Il mio amore perfetto.

Done with the RIS talk now...Kinda. I want to buy an all-regions DVD player for my house in California, so I can buy DVDs here [such as, oh, I dunno, RIS, and other movies that aren't out in the US] and, as I'm not ezacktly swimming in cash, would like a cheap one. I found this on Amazon...should I get it? Does anyone know any good all regions DVD players??

OK ketchup with ya later!

Searchin' for the mustard,
Bee Electric

lunedì, febbraio 19, 2007

IntarWub Goodies!!

What I have been chexin' up on in the world of the InterNets.

*Urban Curators: I ran across these folks on BoingBoing and totes fell in love with them. From their mission statement: "The goal of the Urban Curators project is to engage the public in the celebration of the decaying urban environment, recognizing its inherent aesthetic qualities as well as the important role that it plays within our cultural habitat." Urban Curators was started by a group of RISD students, and what they do is run about Providence, Rhode Island, hanging gold frames on old buildings and such, to bring attention to "objects and views that are of aesthetic or cultural value". One reason this strikes my fancy is that I spend a lot of time taking pictures of such things, because sometimes a crumbling old wall can be beautiful. Needless to say, most people think that I'm quite daft.

*This video: I believe this is what they call hysterically funny...especially because it is in Norwegian, which is inherently hilarious. Don't worry, though, the Norwegian subtitles are subtitled in English.

*MAKE: Blog's Egg Drop Secrets: I should really hold on to this, in case I need to do this in physics next year. Although I don't think a jar of peanut butter is usually on the "accepted materials" list. Oh well, it didn't work anyways. Was kinda gross, though!

*Spice Girls Reuniting!: I heard some whispers of this possibility on the Fred Flare Blog a lil' bit ago, but this looks like it might actually happen! Everyone's favourite Girlz are gonna be back! in! action! this summz, with a super large concert in LDN and then some other ones as well around England. OK, I am totes organizing a pilgrimage, OMG!

*YouTube: I have been spending heaps of time on YouTube lately, mostly watching music videos and feeling nostalgic for early Good Charlotte. Now, I'm still super keen on GC, I like their new songs [though the whole double release Chronicles of Life and Death thing was patently LETARDED] and whatnot, but I kinda miss back when Benji had outrageous hair and before Joel started dating overly skinny celebutantes [Hilary Duff, who we all know my feelings on, and now Nicole Ritchie]. That is why I still sleep with a poster of them [Benj's pink jaguar hair included] above my bed.

"The Anthem"

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous"

And I'm out.

Dancing around the room,
Bee Electric

sabato, febbraio 17, 2007

Happy Birthday to Parz!

It is Paris Hilton's 26th birthday today!!

Doesn't she look so pretty pretty at the Vienna Opera?? Like Belle in Beauty and the Beast.

Feelin' the blonde power,
Bee Electric

I always knew me and Linz were Twinz

[if you know me, you know how true this is for me]

Jumpin' like butterballs,
Bee Electric

venerdì, febbraio 16, 2007

martedì, febbraio 13, 2007

Swedish People are Insanely Brilliant!

I. Love. IKEA. So therefore I was totes stoked to check out it Italz one! It was kind of amazing. The layout was a bit different than the other ones I've been in [Emeryville and Palo Alto], in that it seemed a bit more open and spread out ish...those two are a bit more stacked feeling. Maybe the difference is because this one is probably a bit newer?

I started completely freaking out when we were walking around, like I usually do, because I wanted to buy every single thing. Seriously, IKEA is pretty much reason to build a house with 10,000 rooms, just so's you can recreate all of their samples!

I love taking pictures in IKEA, partly because, as I can't buy all the prodz [obv!], I don't want to forget anything! And also because the pure genius of it all makes awesome pics! Unfortunately, I was only able to get a few before an employee guy was all "Halt afore I force-choke you!" Chillax, dude! Store folk are much more crazy insane in Italz, I think. In the US I can snap whatever I want and they don't care. This is the second time in good ole Italy that I've been told to stop takin' pictures! Man... There were, however, some supah-sweet funhouse mirrors in there that I couldn't resist documentin'...had to be all super sneakz, because they were right next to an info desk. Bros didn't notice, and I came out clean!

I didn't buy too much, just a few pretty notebooks that were on sale. Oh yeah, and Flossie the Barnslug, Herbie's new BFF and the latest addition to my collection of weird-lookin' but cute stuffed animals! [Why "Barnslug"? Because I mis-read the tag that said "Barnslig". And slug sounds better, anyway. Better, and dangerous.] I also have my eye on a Joanna doll from OverCompensating [they are gonna be sold later this week], and am hoping that I [a] don't miss out and [b] can afford one.

Unfortunately, this trip to IKEAz did not include the traditional meatball munchin' and lingonberry gobblin', as my fam didn't really want to stop in the restaurant [we got tasty 1 dollah cheese sammiches on the way out], and I was kind of scared of eating an entire jar of lingonberries all by myself.

There was a playground in the parkin' lot that Valeria took full advantage of, and some pretty sweet flags that I wouldn't have minded stealin'. Next time, next time.

When we got home, the first order of business was assembling the crazy pouf that Vale got, upon which Valeria and Vincenzo soon made themselves comfortable.

All in all it was quite the successful trip, and I hope to make another one soon!

Wanting to live in IKEA,
Bee Electric

P.S. Click the pic to go to the set, links throughout lead to individual pictures.
P.P.S. The number of links in this post borders on obscene.

venerdì, febbraio 09, 2007

Feelin' the LUUUUURVE

OK so this is more important than anything else in this entry will be:
Replied comment from Vanessa at FredFlare:

Hi Bee!

Thanks so much for being on of our fave readers! We love reading your
comments aloud in the office. You're totally the funnest.

Have a fun weekend!


Seriously, I have been insane in love with Fred Flare for years, and I remember watching the first podcasts and thinking, "Wow, these people are so amazing..." [I still think that!] and just the fact that I am now besties with them just makes my millenium. I heart FF tantissimo!!!!

OK, moving on...

Today at school was kind of weird. I am actually super tired and don't feel like going into it now, but I didn't have a normal school day [nothin' too exciting happened]...DANG there was something I was going to say about it but I can't remember what it was....whatever.

Giuseppina called this evening...some skool related stuff but I'll flesh that out later, but one thing that made me SUPER HAPPY is she said that my mom was really enthusiastic about me!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!! I guess my concious efforts at being social have paid off.

One thing that helps being social is getting I think I'm gonna do that!

Ketch you 2moz,
Bee Electric're living up to your rep

KQED, stop being arrogant. Especially in the middle of a pledge break, come on! Don't ruin this for me!!

"Do you want to listen to commercial radio and hear about the early demise of Anna Nicole Smith or do you want to spend 10 minutes with us and a Harvard scientist looking for mushrooms?"

The stereotypical public radio...osity is hurting me!!

I wouldn't consider myself an Anna Nicole fan, but it still isn't nice to make fun of people who die. Especially when they had a little baby. Murrrrrrrrrrr....

In more awesome news:


The world's best me,
Bee Electric

four Things that Are True

Click the first 3 pics for bigger, wordless versions.

Normal post [+ more picturezZz in the flickr] comin' when it isn't 2am.

Feelin' kinda indie rock,
Bee Electric

martedì, febbraio 06, 2007


It is soooo stormy right now you would not believe. Rain, lightning, and thunder so loud I am just about to crumble with the vibrations!!

Real post coming soon....

Lighnin' the grease,
Bee Electric

Oh, How I miss Highly Caffinated Beverages...

Lindsay Lohan, taking a break from rehab for filming on her new movie, A Woman of No Importance.

Giggling at celebries,
Bee Electric

lunedì, febbraio 05, 2007


Yezzzz I know I haven't really been updatin' but hey, nothing interesting has happened! To prove that point, I'm feeling really full and my stomach kind of hurts...hmmm that's it!

Plus my laptop is about to DIE [battery wise] and it is all of 11:30 so that means...BED TIME FOR BEE!!

What what...

Reppin' the gansta life,
Bee Electric

I love to Panic!

Yep Panic! At The Disco is pretty much Hausome [and no, I'm not just discovering this now]. And I have a crush on a guy at my school who looks like the lead singer.

Check out the video for "I write sins not tragedies"

Whenever this song came on Live105 I used to sit right next to the speaker to listen to it.


Roxing out in the computer lab,
Bee Electric

domenica, febbraio 04, 2007

Questions I often find myself asking

"Who stole the Wolf's Poop?"


"Why did I not listen to online/get podcasts from NPR etc before?"
Oh yeah, I physically couldn't until this week. DURRRRRRRRRRRR.

Speaking of podcasts I would be working on my next but frankly I am having too good of a time listening to the radio.

Whatever, tomoz is Sunday [FINALLY, OMG] so I can work on it then!!!

Ugh, I have a stomach ache. Possibly caused by the hot dog/french fry sammie I had for dinner. Or the can of Pepsi I drank. Or the repeated [futile] attempts to produce a quality belch.

EVERYONE STATESIDE SHOULD GO SEE Factory Girl SO'S I CAN BE PROPER JEALOUS OF YOU. Yes I know critics or whatever are saying it sucks but I still want to see it. <3 Andy and Edie and Mary-Kate Olsen [who is in the movie for like 30 seconds]. And: Did anyone see Blood Diamond? That's another one I really want to view.

I think it's funny that our lil' cinema here is playing the same movies as Point Arena. Rockin'!

Boy I sure am excited for Spider-Man 3! Black Snake Moan looks pretty snazzy, too. Bridge to Terabithia seems different than I remember the book, but I actually don't remember much from the book, except it made me cry.

See ya at the movies,
Bee Electric

And in the mornin', I'm makin' WAFFLES.

Listenin' to KQED,
Bee Electric

P.S. It is so windy right you would not believe. -omg-

sabato, febbraio 03, 2007


My mouth tastes like
This is bothersome, as I coulda sworn I brushed after snack.

Running out of room,
Bee Electric

My Classwork...Expunged

Written durin' school today...btw I have no idear what Expunged means.

*2dayz HOT TOPIC (by BeeDecree)*
The First! Ever! Bee Electric! Vlog! Podcast! Video Bit! Cosa pensi? Whatcha think? Of course it iz short and kinda lame, but then, so am I! I hope you had at least a little fun watchin' it, as I had a bunch o' fun makin' it! Even though I had about half a second of usable footage. "Footage." Haha! I'm such a toad. Hopefulling the next installment/episode/whatever will be sckooler.

Holy Jumping Butterballs! My stomach is havin' a Grade-A meltdown! I think it prolly has somethin' to do with my weird-arse diet yesterday:
*Breakfast: Pack of saltines [4 crackers], Snickers, 2 coffees
*Lunch: 1 serving pasta with chreamy sauce, shrimp, and zucchini [in the pasta], diet imitation Coke
*Dinner: Pepsi, lots o' potato chips, dark chocolate, greens awith olives, capers, and pine nuts [later].
Que healthy! Vabbè...

Speaking vaguely of health-related issues, Vale quit dance [at least the classes here— as far as I know she still wants to go to the Academy/Institute in Rome after graduation], and by default, so did I. She says it's for real this time. If that's true, I reckon they are gonna have some major holes in their dances! I'm fine with either way she actually goes— though I want her to be able to dance, because I know she loves it, I also know what it is like to be in a situation so letarded it takes a lot of the joy out of something you adore [::cough::gymnastics::cough::]. It would be nice not to have as many bored outta my skull hours per week, since I was yanked without explaination [what the hull?] from the moderna choregraphy, so I wasn't gonna be doing that anyways [I reckon].

Breaking news! This just in! There izZz a new Aussie girl at our school! Sketch-ay. I thought we weren't going to gave anymore, since they all went home. Apparently, however, the Australians are disPATCHED in bATCHEZ. So we got a new lass- she's from near Sydney [which I heard as "New Sydney" at first. Bee: "There's a New Sydney? Rad! Gotsa jump on that bandwagon!" OzZzie girl: "Ummm...."] I can't recall her name but she seems pretty nice. During our little rendez-vous Miano [the first time I've seen her in weeks; apparently helping Bee not have math and physics classes is not something she feels the need to do. Thanks, luv!] lent me this photocopied Italian course book from Giuseppina— If I want to use it I gots to make my own photocopies, then give it back. Mom— are you sending me that Ultimate Italian book? Perchè non vorrei pagare per fare le fotocopie per un libro [forse anche troppo facile] se sei inviandome un altro! Dude! That Aussie girl was all, "Do you speak Italian?" [I reckon 'cause Miano was givin' me a "Learn Italian" book]. Before I could answer Miano was all, "She's lazy." Thanx, hun! My response was pretty much "What-EVAR! I speak Italz like a mad woman, and am a pretty good hand at Napolitano, too. So therez." Beh.

Since I am basically GeniusGirl, I have a devised a brill-beyond-brilliant way to make my boring classes [i.e. nearly all] slightly more interessante! IzZz called "Veronica the Super Duper EyePod: Operation Stealthster." ThazZz rite, innit! What VtSDEP:OS means is that [with sweatshirt on & hood up] I can listen [with one ear open so I'm not compleets oblivious] to the audio content of my choice instead of, say, Italian fraction nonsense. 10 points for technology!

Yuck...English class. Teacher's still stuck on the whole other day thing, sayin' I was "upset" and whatnot. 'Scuse me, lady, but I wasn't upset — OK, maybe I was, but more in a "I HAVE TIRED OF YOU AND THE IGNORANCE OF YOUR WAYS" sort of fashion than the implied "OMG the teacher said I'm wrong brb g2g cry now!!!!11!". Apparently she "has nothing towards me" which is too bad 'cause I sure as heck have something towards her! It is a neon arrow of Dislike and I have named it JesusFish. Oh mio dio, now the Latin teacher's talking about the "contadino" thing. What monster art thou? I do bid thee to speak, to reveal thyself for what thee truly be!

A snazzy thing about bein' in Italy: nearly everyone here [spesh teen-folk...or maybe that is just who I hang with] does the airkiss howdy/buhbye, and everyone says "Ciao" like it were goin' outta style. That means that I can, too, and be Normz like Rockwell, instead of a pretentious twit like most people who do that in the U.S. There, it's for 20-something wanna-be Europeans with Netflix queues and Starbucks in the cupholder. Here it's as common as the "Yo, dude"/head jerk is in the hallways of America's high schools. Only so much more continental. Ciao, darling, I'm off to my Pilates class. Slurp.

OMGosh. I just got the BESTEST idear for a television show! My new capacity as GeniusGirl is keepin' me hoppin'! This is how it [the TeeVee show] works: if the target/victim is foreigner, they are secretly filmed whilst an actor from the cast [masquerading as a member of the general public, of course] does something obscenely stereotypical American to them. If the T/V is American, they are tricked into being an obscenely stereotypical one [note— this could prove too easy - more interesting, maybe, if the T/V is a birkenstock wearin' peacemonger treehugger who sponsers a 3rd world child]. Hilarity ensues, and when the joke has played out, the T/V is given a cheapo miniature American flag that they wave as I waltz out from my cleverly hidden spot to deliver what is sure to be the most popular line since "You're fired!". Wait for it...wait for it...."YOU'VE BEEN YANKED!" Oh shizZz! Possible episode ideas include: "MAYBE YOU'LL MAGICALLY LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH IF I SHOUT AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS" and "Look, honey, it's a terrorist!" [Pointing at a harmless bearded fellow— possibly not even Middle-Eastern]. Season finale: invade a country that has nothing to do with us and, at high cost [both money and in human life] make it more unstable and dangerous than it was before. What do you mean that's already been done? Day-um. Unrated Season DVD extras: Draw inspiration from "Guantanamo Bay" and "Abu Ghraib". I'm gonna be the Ashton Kutcher for the next generation. Without, you know, Demi Moore. HAUSOME!

I just read that last paragraph over. Dear God I'm a twisted lil' creep. I can't believe I even posted it...

Just a little messed up,
Bee Electric

In Livin' Colour

Oh. My. God. I'm a podcaster. Shutup, Daniel.

Soz about the shnatchz quality...YouTube wouldn't upload the better one, and Google Video was just bein' plain jane letareded.

I know it's short as a munchkin and borin' to boot, and certainly no wherez near as hausesome as the Flare's first attempt [or any thereafter] but I am workin' on it...stay tuned.

Beeing confused by iTunes,
Bee Electric

P.S. Yeah, I know I mentioned the alien thing the 2nd time like I just though of it...I have a very short attention span. And I'm saying "pops" and "pop babies", not "pot". They didn't used to give out pot at Jay Baker's [at least not to me... >.>] and I don't know what a pot baby is. A hippy version of the crack baby?

venerdì, febbraio 02, 2007


Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Today is my onomastico slash saint's day!!

"Brede, Brede, tar gys my thie, tar dyn thie ayms noght.
Foshil jee yn dorrys da Brede, as lhig da Brede e beet staigh."
" Bridget, Bridget, come to my house, come to my house to-night.
Open the door for Bridget, and let Bridget come in."

ThazZz right.

Ni bu Sanct Brigid suanach
Ni bu huarach im sheire Dé,
Sech ni chiuir ni cossens
Ind nóeb dibad bethath che.

(Saint Brigid was not given to sleep,
Nor was she intermittent about God's love;
Not merely that she did not buy, she did not seek for
The wealth of this world below, the holy one.)

So happy day to meeeeee!!

Btw, I think that "Ni bu Sanct Brigid suanach" is my new slogan. If only I knew how to say it....

FMO: Wikipedia entry, Catholic Encyclopedia.

Feelin' kinda holey and a lil' spesh,
[St] Bee Electric

Someone Set Us Up The Lite-Brite

In case you missed this [unlikely], Boston went letardedly insane on Wednesday over what were basically a bunch of Lite-Brites all over the city. That had been there for 2 weeks [and in 10 other major US cities, including New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles]. They ended up spending half a million dollars [plus] dealing with the harmless devices, and arresting the two fellows who put them up, calling it a "hoax". The light-up signs feature Mooninites from the tv series "Aqua Teen Hunger Force", and were part of a national campaign to promote the upcoming movie. Not in any way intended to be thought of as a bomb, and anyone with half a brain could figure out that they fer sure weren't a terrorist plot to distroy the UNIVERSE.

God, people are stupid.

Additional Links: CNN story; Suspicious in Seattle

Giggling Oafishly,
Bee Electric

P.S. I tried posting this earlier but Blogger wouldn't let me. What the hull?

This is the Comedown

Dear peanut, I hate Michele, aka Gina's ex-host brother. OMG. I never really liked him, due to his creepyness and jerkfase ness to Ginster, but he never actually did anything directly to me.

Story time!

This afternoon, after Vale's dance class, we went over to Giovanni's house for pizza. I was supes sleepster, but figured whatevz, I can handle this. Before the pizza came I was pretty much just chillin' on the couch with everyone, watching music videos. Then I ate too much greasy-arse pizza [I haven't had a quality pizza in ages, this sucks], and everyone went outside to smoke cigarettes, so I settled down on the couch with MTV on. And fell asleep. Until Michele and Fabrizio, hiding behind the other couch, started throwing stuff at me [starting with a pillow, progressing to other objects]. Hard. And then giggling. Fragz. He was all proud of it later, too. Grrrrr....

What the heck is it with me? Do I have some big neon sign that everyone can see but me that says "Plz be mean to me"?? Yuck.

Then, to further end my day on a bad note, I just found out that Pascal, Annette, the other Alex, and Franco all went to Rome to see Gina and the German before they both went off to their respective countries [that would be America and Australia]. Nobody told me about this before [there was vague talk of going to see Gina, but no firm plans, and no German mention], or afterwords...I just now happened to see some pictures. That makes me really...I dunno...sad? Because I would have liked to say goodbye to Gina again, and I heart Dave so seein' him would be hauseome. Whatever, can't do anything about it now, but I am a little hurt.

Wandering off to dream of feta cheese,
Bee Electric

giovedì, febbraio 01, 2007

Someone needs a punch in the head.

Sometimes I can't even believe the US Administration. Seriously, they have reached heights [lows?] of rediculiousness that are borderline fantastic. [that is as in fantasy, not as in awesome] Their great plan to stop global warming is really making me feel safe, giving me confidence. THANKS GUYS.

I'm going to go plug my computer in now...this is to depressing.

Doing her part in mirrored sunglasses,
Bee Electric

Return to Paris

Man, I really wish I could just hop back over to Paris, OMG! For many reasons, but this post is prompted by this Style Bubble post that says that Target's Tar-Jay is gonna be at Colette! What the hull...why did I have to miss this combo of two of my fave stores EVAR?? People suck.

Things that so don't even suck: LAPTOP ON THE INTERNET OMG!!! YESSSS!!!!!

Chex out my Chanel sunnies here:

(Click to go to flickr set)

Learning to type again,
Bee Electric

Skool Daze get longer when they suck.

This is the post I promised yesterday...It was began in astronomy class and ended in English.


Today is minerals. I'm super over them, an unfortunate byproduct of the hours I've spent in museum gift shops and science stores with their miniature sacks to fill with bite sized minerals. Fool's goold doesn't impress me - I'm Californian. I've produced the real thing from the mud with a pan. Clear quartz revives feelings of guilt from childhood, rose reminds me of my best friend. The scientific formulas on the handout make me want to cry so I close my eyes and sleep my way out of this basement classroom. Suprisingly, I don't get caught, strange because my seat is three and a half feet away from the prof.

After waking, instead of paying attention I'm letting my mind wander and where it takes me is fourth grade. I have a Pooh bucket hat and braces, smiling for the camera outside the entrance to a gold mine. Behind me, in the dark, is the funiculare in which the miners descended into the depths. "Roller coaster," we called it, giggling, feeling imagined wind on our raised palms. With the after image of flashes burning our retinas, we made a Disneyland of the past, lacking only the lines to "Meet the Miner" - though animatronics almost make up for the discrepancy. "Get shot by bandits, 2 pm, by the stagecoach. Reservations recommended." In our amusement park of Gold Rush California, lines are short and you never want to leave. Kelly bought goldflake earrings in the giftshop there, at the mine where blue water danced in the fountains and the intricate vents of the big house were painted green.

When I emerge from my reverie it's English class with the teacher I hate. She's one ofthose stupid people who think that Americans speak a different language from the British. I almost want to ask her hwat they speak in Mexico to see if she says "Mexican". Schema. There's no excuse for blatant ignorance when you're shaping the futures of a nations children. [Or when you are running the country. ::cough::Bush::cough:: Sorry...couldn't resist]. Jesus Christ! I hate it when the stupid cow says that I don't know anything because I'm American. Screw you. At least I speak English, which is more than you can truthfully claim. And when I say "peasants" I say "pEHsants," not "pEEsants." So there.


Okay, so I have a few hostility issues against the English teacher. Not my fault! She treats me like I don't know fact, the other day she told me that I "can't know English literature". Because I'm American, of course. What a turd! God! I think she is the only teacher that I have now that really bugz me...I don't adore all the others but they don't get my dander up like she does.

In other news, I don't think that we're going to school today, 'cause Vale didn't have time to finish studying. 10 points! Though I wish that I had found that out, you know, before I woke up and got dressed etc at 7:30ish. Sleep is dear, as we all know. Vabbè...

Not bombing Boston,
Bee Electric