mercoledì, gennaio 31, 2007

Failing at FATALITIES!

Howdy, kidz!

Today was a decent day, I reckon. School was alright...not too bad, but not exceedingly awesome, either. I wrote a bit about it [during school] that I'll post later - don't really feel like typing it up right now.

After school we kind of chillaxed around for a bit [after eating a tasty lunch consisting of pasta with egg (forse a kind of carbonara? boh but it was delish], and then tuna and tomato salad. Yumster!! When it was time for Valster to go to ballet I planned on going with but, as I fell asleep in the car, changed my mind and went with my mom to Imma's, figuring it would be better to sleep there than in the dance studio.

Sleep? Ha! Instead of dozing on the couch, as I am wont to do, I played Mortal Kombat with Vince [pronounced "Veen-chay", not "Vinse"] for 2 hours! It was awesome, and I was actually doing pretty well at it, especially considering it was my second time playing, ever. I was keeping pretty even with him in the points area, which was a tad difficult because his character dude had this hat that he could use as a kind of slicin' frisbee and take out foes real easy. But then he got the ability to do fatalities [when you "FINISH HIM" and totes take someone shows it all big and gory] and I didn't, and you get like, 500-600 points per fatality. Dang. All in all though, it was Rad O Licious! I wanna get a PlayStation when I get home...hook it up to a ghetto teevee from Pay'n'Take, and I'll be the koolest g4m3r EVAR.

When Vale was done with her ballet class she came over to Imma's and we had dinner - pizza, from this place in San Marco called "Il Coliseo" or however you spell "Collisium" in Italian. It's OK, not as good as L'Anfora, of course, and a tad on the greaster side, but not too shabby. I couldn't eat all of mine, a side affect from eating a bunch o' lunch and munchin' on cookies before we left. Vabbè.

After dindin we watched Chronicles of Narnia on SKY Cinema [well, started it...we left partway through, as it finished about...10 minutes ago - 11:25 or something]. I LOVE THAT MOVIE, OMG. And my crush on William Moseley [Peter] was totes revived to the EXtreme. Not that it ever died, of course, but seein' that laddie bein' all Chronic-what-cles of Narnia just sent my heart a-flutterin'. How lovely he is! And thanks to the fact that we missed the end, I didn't have to see the gnarlster Grown Up Peter. Hausome!

Isn't he cute???

I was going to write an entry about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but as I want to go to bed, I'll leave you with this:

VOTE FOR THIS FELLOW IN 2008! Lord knows I'm going to. Because I can do that. Or, will be able to.

[that is Barack Obama, in case you live under a rock]

For the win,
Bee Electric

Dear God This Country Is Weird...


Boy am I glad to be a Maddz E|Xie not a Bari one [and I know several of those]...

Now with that cheery thought I am going to brush my teeth, set my alarm, and knock the heck out.

Bye byez,
Bee Electric

Maybe I Ehn't Movin' After All

I just counted on my fingers and I pretty much just have 4 and a half months left. It would be totes raw to have to move 6 weeks before I leave this country.

A little more secure,
Bee Electric

P.S. Way to be slackster, SEP!: "The 2007 brochure will be available in February 2007." Now I get to check it every day for another month! Hope it'll be up by the JC deadline!

martedì, gennaio 30, 2007

Il Mio Ragazzo...

Chex out my boyfriend!!

Heh heh, I wish. That would be Stefano Pesce [yes, fish], aka Davide Testi on my totes fave teevee show, RIS 3! Holy shizZz I just looked it up and he turns 40 this year...hahahahahahaha! Vabbè, still hot.

Today was pretty fun and chill...I'll post more about it later but I wanna go to bed now...

BTW, I don't know how long I am going to be with Vale's family. I had thought for the rest of the time, but then today Vale was talkin' some 3 months somethin'. I don't want to move again! Partly because I'm really happy here and I love this family, and also because it is, frankly, a huge pain in the arse. Also, where would I go? Move in with Franco at Giuppina's house? Gah...But yeah, I don't know for sure, but it is hard to ask, you know. " long do I get to live here?" Yeah. I am gonna try to find out more, 'cause I hate not knowing.

A bit frustrated,
Bee Electric

lunedì, gennaio 29, 2007

Technically Disco

Ciao Raga!!

Hmmm where to begin...I haven't had a proper update in [i]ages[/i], mostly due to the fact that I have actually been [i]sleeping[/i] lately, -omg-.

On Saturday evening I called my dearest duckling of a best friend, and it was LOOOOVELY. We had such a nice D&D chat, something that we haven't really had a chance to do since I left. It reminded me just why I like her so much, why she is my SUPER AWESOME BEST FRIEND WONDER TWIN SUPERSTAH. Not that I had forgotten...the only downside is it made me miss her even more. What the heck is up with that??

But Duckster, even though I don't think you read this, you wanted to know what we ended up doing that night, so here goes: We actually ended up going out, even though I really didn't want to, as I was super mad tired. However, we left the house an hour later than planned, which meant I spent an hour on the couch watching Mtv [Room Raiders: Arizona, and Date My Mom]. When we eventually left, we walked to this discoteca where apparently there was a festa. We didn't go in, though, just stood around in the cold for ages, until we drove to this pizzeria/rossticeria and got something to eat. I spent 2 euro on a REALLY GROSS hot dog and french fry sammich. I should have just stuck with the 1 euro pizza. Dang.

After eating we returned to said discoteca, again did not go inside, but stood around in the chill for a while longer, until Vale etc got bored, and we went to Antonella's house. [On the way there we passed a girl I knew who said hi to me, but I totes did not recognize her and took too long to respond. And then I tripped over a chair. 10 points!] At Anto's house we just sat around, and I was so tired that I literally fell asleep. ::shrugs:: What can ya do? After a bit we returned home [2 hours after we left], and I promptly went to bed. It was loooovely.

The next day [Sunday] was pretty chill...I slept 'till about 9, got up, took a shower, watched a lil' Mtv [since I figured out that we get it I watch it pretty much whenever no one else is using the TV. Yesss!], then we went to Imma's house for lunch etc. My bro and his fam were there as well, and then some cousins etc showed, too. I played some PlayStation with Vincenzo and Salvatore [my lil' nephews], and totes got my bum kicked in Mortal Kombat. But hey, it was my first time playing, and I actually did pretty good until we met the crazy otherworld fighting chicks, who completely annihilated me.

Today we had 2 hours of lesson and then assemblea. Which, in this case, meant they played music really loud outside. -party-. And we got let out at noonish. 10 points for coming home early!! I ate lunch, took a nap, watched a little Japanese cartoons, a little SpongeBob, then we went to Imma's house for din dinz. While there, I watched American Pie 2 on the Italian. Wow.

The new episode of the Fred Flare podcast inspired me to write up this lil' list of things I be added to in the future as we get closer to VALENTIMES DAY OMG!!

I love: Fred Flare * My friends * Coffee * The Internet * Comic books * Pizza * The Eiffel Tower * New York in February * Valentime’s Day * Hearts * California * My blog * Staying up late * Sleeping in * Dancing * Watching movies * Hot dogs *

I have more things to share with the peanut gallery [that would be you, darling], but as it is after 1am and even though I have rotation 2moz I would like to sleep!

Hoping that Veronica still has some charge,
Bee Electric

Happy Elijah Wood's Birthday!!

[that is, the 28th].

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Elijah,
Happy birthday to you!!!

Elijah Jordan Wood is 26 years old today! Golly gee how time flies.

I celebrated by taking a shower. And am going to further celebrate by going to bed. Catch ya all later!

Asleep already,
Bee Electric

giovedì, gennaio 25, 2007

Drat the n00bz!

Oh, darling FFs and your tendency to bring out new prodz!

This lovely pursopolis hath captured mon cuore [idk how to spell that in the french so i'll go with italian] and now I gots to rethink my FF order a bit!! Vedi:

Che bella!!

Another bellixima thing izZz that I got mah pacco today!!! 10 pts for pink blankinz, tasty candy, Spider-Man, and n00d Orlikinz!! <3 Mi piace!

Mkay bye bye

Off to eat come candinz and read some newzinz,
Bee Electric

Evals and Oregon and Pain in the Rib

Man, my ribs still hurt really badly!! I don't know what is up with that!!! It even showed up in my dream...It's not even just a bone hurt anymore, more like it has infiltrated into my organzZz...spesh my solar plex, it feels like it has poked its way into my...whatever squishy thing is beneath it. HurtzZz like mad but i haven't said anything about it 'cause i wouldn't know what to say "'scuse me i fink i may have a pain in mah organzZz or mah ribzZz an' it hurts a rather lot but i can't really explain it" and also i keep hoping it'll just go away. here's to hoping!

I got my mid-year ASS3 evaluation questionnaire bit thing today...i have no idear how to fill it out, as it asks host family questions and i dunno whether to answer for this one or the first one...gah I hate filling out evalz...that was like, the worst part about SEP, spesh 'cause you had to, seriously, do about 15. in one day. YUKSTER.

speakin' of SEP, they have the costs up [$1220 for tuition, room and board plus $25 registration fee - thazZz for campers...i think it's half that for JCs] but no sign of the applications. they have 6 days before they are officially LATE. and i cry. slash email them.

mKay I'm gonna go...moan and groan and dig out my ole bus passes now, catch yaz on the flip side!!

wondering if you knew that you can get packages of pre-made pancakes in france,
Bee Electric

mercoledì, gennaio 24, 2007

I want, I miss, and wheat the heck?

These are the things I want from FF...If anyone wants to buy them for me I'm OK with that but if not...Mum e-mail me...

This makes me miss Parz like nuffin' else, spesh the lil' videos of the Eiffel Tower sparklin' have to click and watch it, it is OMG amazing, but 13289473298 billion x more in RL...

Attempted Delivery ITALY
01/24/07 10:15am

mean that I ehn't gettin' my package? L4mr.

Holy Wheaties my ribz hurt!!!! What the hex is up with, Mumzter, if I do end up gettin' thizZz pacco, could you stick some ibuprofen in the next one? Thnx.

Mkay I think I am gonna go watch mTV now. It is le-tarded how much television I watch now, OMG. Soz, parents, I rexon that all yer years senza-TV have kind of crumbled like...Apple crumb pie!!

Bye bye birdie,
Bee Electric

'Scuse me whilst I have a Freak Out

OK I know y'all are probz BORED OUT YER MINDZ with me having Fred Flare Freak Outs, but yer gonna have to live with 'em, as they are pretty much the most exciting things to happen to me. Here's my latest, from this post by Keith:

"I spent my junior year of high school in France as an exchange student and I was sooooo lonely. I had no friends and I didn’t have the internets to keep me company like you do, Bee, so I’d go to the movies a lot. It was a good distraction. There was this artsy cinema called LE ROYALE and I saw a bunch of random stuff there."

M'kay I hope that my copious Italicizing slash bolderizing slash underlining made it obvious to you that it says BEE in there...that's meeeeee!!! Holy jeez that soooo threw me a loop when I read when you're just walkin' down the street and someone sticks a high voltage powerline in yer ear...GOLLY!!

It doesn't matter if I'm sickster week has been MADE!! Heck, my year hazZz been made, and it ehn't even February yet!

Now I gots to decide whether to spend the money I have saved over the past few weeks on more rad Fred stuff [whilst they are havin' Free Shipping] or save it for l8rz...Hm....

Still buzzin,
Bee Electric [you know, the famous one]

P.S. Izn't Chloe St Reagan cute?


How'z ya bin?

Hey Kidz...

I've been somewhat which I mean I haven't been roxin' a fever or anything...I slept all night and woke up this mornin' between 11:30 and 12 going "OMG WHERE'S MY PURSE?!?!?!" ['cause, in my dream, I had left it somewheres in the White House...yeah, that's right, they let me in]

I still am mad tired lots of the time and feel a lil' weak [prolly a side effect of the fact that I wasn't eatin' much for the past 4 dayz...] and kinda sore from staying in bed all day...spesh my rib cage and solar plexus...ouchie!!

And I have yet to take a shower so I rexon I'm still a bit stinkster...vabbè I'll take one 2nite...maybez go to school 2moz but I don't know. Haven't been to school since Sat which has been quite nice...apart from the fact that I was sick through 2 non school days [Sunday and Tuesday] and therefore couldn't enjoy them...

OK well I'm off to go lounge in my bed, read UK Elle, and watch The Lucy Show on my laptop...

Catch yaz later....
Bee Electric

P.S. Current weather: Cold, gray, windy, and rainy.
Current listening: M.I.A. - Sunshowers. I wish.

P.P.S. Was gonna call my parents after I finished thizZz...but then though about it; what would I say? "Hi, Mommmy, my ribz hurt....durrrr" So I decided, m'kay, no kthnx. Soz Mummerz...I'll call you some time else. Or you could call me. -whatever-

martedì, gennaio 23, 2007

In-flu-enza, betchez!

Hey kidz!

So, in case you were wondering why you haven't heard from the ole Beester in a couple o' dayz, it's 'cause thizZz lil' lady has been sickster in bed with the influenza omg! At one time rockin' a fever of 104° [that izZz Farenheit...40° Celsius]!! But yeh, I'm pretty much all bettah now, 'cept I'm still awful tired an' sore from stayin in bed for 3 days, plus I feel all gross and smell kinda funny [spesh my's obscene]. So I reckon a shower is totes in mah future for todayz!!

Kay well I'll update more l8rz but I'm tired now and kinda thirsty...

Hopin' she don't relapse,
Bee Electric

sabato, gennaio 20, 2007

Things that Rock...

about having one of your sisters be a teacher at your school:

*You get free coffee from the supes secret teacher stash
*You can skip Latin and drink said coffee and chillax with her class
*Slightly increased computer lab access!!

Imma is awesome.

Something else that rocks:
Lookit my cute message from CJ [FredFlare]!

Hi Beez,

OMG, our trip to Costa Rica was totes amazingness!!! I didn't want to
leave, but it is good to be home! And thanks for all your comments. We
all live for them!!! I'm so happy that you had fun in Paris and I'm
thrilled that our podcast/diary on Paris helped you out! Pls say "hi"
to Ciao Italia for me... I LOVE it there too and pls keep the comments
a-flowin'! xxoo, Chris

Beez is my new nick, innit?

Pretending to be British,
Beez Electric

Doggie Tagz

I just realized that the "tags" feature of Blogger is AWESOME. So now [not now now, now as in sometime after thissecond] I'm gonna go back and tag all my entries. So's you can be like "I wanna read everything Bee's written about Kafka [fer example]" and jess clickify yer way there!! HAUSOME!

Taggin' like a mortuary,
Bee Electric

Po-ta-toes, Roast 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a deep fryer...

The partay was pretty funzZz!! Whilst there I ate two of Italia's greatest inventions: Pizza with french fries and hot dogs on it, and deep fried mashed potatoes! I bet they don't even have that in Arkansas! Funny thing, though...I was eatin' the pizza, and the taste of the wieners made me think of eatin' macaroni and cheese with hot dogs in it [kind of the best thing...ever...] and that made me think of that one American Girl issue that had all the craaazy pizza toppinz, and one of them was mac'n'cheese. So I was sitting there at the table and they were all talkin' about god knows what, and I was thinkin' to myself, 'American Girl is a darn good magazine.' Yay for me!

In my last entry [I think] I briefly mentioned the Flare's trip to Costa can check out more about it, as well as see pix, here.

Tomoz should be pretty fun...we're goin' to school, as I mentioned, and that means hijinks as usual...::rolls eyes:: But now, in light of my recent decision to sleep more, and the fact that I am hecks of tired, I'm gonna comment on CJ's blog, do a few more internetz things, the go to bed. 10 points for the Beester!

Hopin' for sweet dreams,
Bee Electric

venerdì, gennaio 19, 2007

Sleepin' is Where It's At

Hi Kidz!

I have decided that I'm going to start going to bed earlier. Because I think it's a bad thing when you sleep until 12.30 and only get six hours of sleep. And that's the most sleep you've gotten all week. Especially 'cause I'm tired all the time and most of what I do online between the hours of 2-4 is be frustrated 'cause no one else is online. Or get really angry, like last night...that was weird. o.O

Today I actually didn't do ballet, as [a] I didn't have my stuff with me, and [b] they were just practicing pas de deux stuffs. I did do "Moderna" which is not the Modern Dance crap you're thinking of...more like hip hop. It was fun, but I kind of pretty much sucked 'cause I haven't done much dancing in MONTHS. I was all stiff and looked totes the kid that just sits in front of the computer all day [represent!] admist all these ballerinas. 'Specially 'cause I was wearing pretty much all boys clothes [Conz, boxershorts, my gym pants from Targ, and my 21deadmonkeys tshirt] 'cept for my socks [pink polka dotted] and my bra. WHATEVER it was fun!!

Also- what is up with girls hanging up all the tags from their clothes? It is like a world wide habit, seriously. I don't get it! Sure sometimes I'll save a tag if it is cool lookin', but I know girls in the US and here that, like, hang 'em off the bulletin board or wall or something...all of them. I don't understand! Hmm. Maybe I'm not a real girl. I'm an octopus.

Well, gots to go to a birthday party...I don't really want to, as I am pretty tired [see above], but hopefully it won't go too late, as we have school 2moz. For the first time in days. I'm gonna wear my pretty blue shirt that my mommy gave me, my All My Base tee, and my black skirt...Rockin'!

With her cheek on the keyboard,
Bee Electric

PS I am totes besties with Keith and Chris from Fred Flare, OMG. I had left a comment on the blog [like usual] and K totally emailed me back and asked about how Paris was. And then when I left another one on their post about their Costa Rica vacay, I got this from Keith: "YUR SO SWEET, MS. BEE!!!! Thanks!" It makes my day every time they comment me back. Hopefully they will remember how much they love me when I apply for a job...

"Brat" and "Blog" both start with "Bee"

Things that I am sick of:
*Time differences
*Not having any money on my phone card
*Missing friends' birthdays
*Not being in California
*Being too poor to purchase everything in Fred Flare's stock
*Having nothing productive [outside of English essays] to do with my time
*Lacking the motivation to reply to emails that I really ought to
*Not being famous
*Wanting to be really a totes tw*t to people not, because I'm too polite
*Not having a SuicideGirls account
*The snow-less cold
*Black hair
*Blogger being an arsefase and not letting me post

Yah yah I am so greatful for having the chance to have this amazing experience and be in Italy and blah blah blah but shutup, whatever, I'm wallowing. Go slam yer head against a brick wall. I'm gonna have another drink.

Trying to sleep,
Bee Electric

Electric Obsession: Lily Allen

I don't know if I've talked about this before [I'm a totes dumbarse if I haven't...], but HOLY CARP I love Lily Allen!!! If you don't know who she is, she is this SUPES AWESOME British Pop Gal...I've been in HEART with her for ages and I can't believe that her album hasn't even been released in the U.S. yet... -wow- But you can pre-order it here!! And plz order me a copy too [the original version] 'cause it's only 10 bucks and I want the autographed poster! Kthnx.

Lookit the album innit cute??

This song has been pretty much on constant repeat in my eyepod for MONTHS....and the vid is even better!!

And this one is pretty hausome too...

But as much as I like Lilz, Parz will always hold a spesh place in my heart...

Poppin' like corn,
Bee Electric

P.S. If you can't view the vids, GET FASTER INTERNET. [hahaha I can be all elite and arrogant now 'cause I've got DSL! Rockin'.]
P.P.S. Mommy [or anyone else] can get that Marie Antoinette book here [Amazon] for about $13 cheaper than Powellz...don't ask me why it didn't show up on my other search...

mercoledì, gennaio 17, 2007

Leggo my Eggo!

Soz Kidz it's gonna be a few more days before you get to see any pixXx of Parz...I just figured out that my RW discs ehn't actually RW...and I don't want to be burning [haha] through my DVDz/CDz like mad uploadin' 10 pics at a time...soonish, though!! [Momzin and Daddy this is your cue to send me more burnable media in the next package! Kthnx]

But to kind of tide you over, isn't this cute?


And come on, you know they're delicious:

Madly in love with Fred Flare [like always],
Bee Electric

German cinema is the SHIZNIT. And often terrifying.

Good golly goshness it is chillster up in heah! [Heah being my room at the moment]. The heater's on but I think that Vale is absorbing most of the heat directly into her body...thanks, hun!

So I've been working on the Paris pics...they are turning out pretty good so far, I reckon. I mean, considering my mediocre photography skillzZz. I should have the 1st batch up tonight, that is, if I can figure out how to re-burn a DVD. We shall see...

Wow, I just had the worst time answering my cellphone, omigod. It went off, and I was like, hey, that's my cellphone! It wasn't in my pocket like it usually is, so I started digging through my school bag, looking for it, and I couldn't find it and couldn't find it. Then I realised that the noise was coming from my jew-bean-oh, and lo and behold, it was in the pocket. Yay for super stealthy traXter skillz!

I go my ICO today. I reckon it is a pretty good issue. There was an article about the volunteer help with cleaning up the theater which was pretty rad...I'm supes sorry I had to miss out on that! 'Cause we all know how much I love cleanin' up shizZz that ehn't mine. [Note: I am not being sarcastic here.] 10 points for California the country being #6 as far as top world economies! And seriously what is up with being able to open our mail, Prez? Someone needs to get ahold of that kid, he is out of control. Why the heck why don't you just make us all write post cards, that way you can save time and energy [and cut the State Letter-opener budget and give more tax cuts to the rich]? Oh shoot I best not say that...they'll probably do it!!

Speaking of Ameriker goin' to heck in a saddlebag, I was trying to explain the American Health Care system etc to my sister, her husband, and my mom. It was really hard!! [a] 'cause I don't entirely understand it myself, and [b] I had to do it in Italian. I think I got the point across, though, that is is dang broke and don't help nearly no one!


Oh yeah, another thing that the paper reminded me of is that I'm missing Berlin and Beyond this year! What the heck is up with that????

Blowing her nose on a 3 dollah bill,
Bee Electric

Braidy Bee

Since nothing, you know, interesting is happening in my life right now, I'll have to inform you on the oh-so-exciting fact that my hair is now long enough to french braid!! I had nothing else to do with my hands when I was at Imma's tonight watching RIS [rah rah rah!] so I was putzing around with my hair, and it braided up quite nicely!! I am quite keen on this, and will debut it at school tomoz. You'd best watch yerself, Maddz...Bee Electric's gettin' her braid on. Oh snap.

In other news, I discovered this book in a charmingly lovely little English bookshore [that is a combo store and shop. yah, I know you're amazed] in Paris, but, unfortunatly, did not have the cash to purchase it at the time. I would have also had to port it about in the rain for several hours. So you should buy it for me. Pretty please?

One thing that is quite odd, in my opinion, is that tonight, whilst my hair was being quite French, I kept having the feeling that I had brown hair. Not that I actually thought that it had magically turned brown or something, but I just had the sensation of being a brunette, and when I imagined my hair it showed up brown in my brain. Starnge!

Oh noes! My eyepod is about to run out of battery!!

Searching for the right cord,
Bee Electric

P.S. I ran across this and this whilst on the search for the book mentioned earlier. Any (or all) of the items mentioned in this post would make me quite a happy little Bee.

martedì, gennaio 16, 2007


You should go here and check it out. [no, it's not more stuff for you to buy] Just check out Miss Katie Owens' (a.k.a. the epidemic) work sharin' webspace with a portrait of bEe Jellyfish. If that ehn't super-stardom I don't know what is. If you want to check out K's own website it is here. You should go there...she is amazing...

Feeling so small,
Bee Electric

P.S. The title of this post refers to me, not Katie Anne.

Shameless Gimme-ism

Ferris Bueller might not like it, but this is one ism that I am a proud proponent of. And propeller of.

You should buy me this and this, otherwise my head just may explode. [That is the Snakes on a Plane and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest DVDs for your information...I was gonna have snazz-o-licious clickable pictures, but I forgot that Windows hates my face.]

Honorary Member of MFAGG,
Bee Electric

lunedì, gennaio 15, 2007

Let them eat gigabytes.

My hair. Is in such a horrendous state right have no idea. I haven't done ANYTHING with it since I put it up...yesterday night. So it is still a matted, hairsprayed mess. Only now all squished and retarded looking. -whatever- I have rotation tomorrow...I'll deal with it then.

I am downloading Marie Antoinette!! In English!! I sure hope there is room for it on this computer... I'll burn it off tomorrow.

OHYEAH I should have frenchy pixXx to post soon!! Yay for Paris!

I have a new favourite TV show. It is called RTI or something and I guess it is like CSI. That's what I hear, at least. I've never seen CSI. But RTI is super rad with detective work madness and dead peeps and whatnot! Yay for television!

Putting on her lab coat,
Bee Electric

OMJ it's Bee! Wow...

Well for some reason the other photos didn't transfer well, but here's one of what I looked like pre-festa. Clickit for a slightly bigger version.

I'm gonna go to bed now.

Dreaming already,
Bee Electric

Small Town seeks Non Lame Website

I was looking at the Gualala website just now, and I have to admit that my first thought was not "Oh, Gualala, how I miss thee," but "Golly Gee this website sucks." Sorry, kids, but sometimes the truth hurts. Like when someone puts broken glass in your Cheerios. It's all good until you start bleeding from the mouth, esophogus, and upper intestine. OK, I officially have no idea what I'm talking about now.

I think I'm going to go write a story and wait for my parents too call me. Instead of replying to the 10000435 emails that I really ought to. Or, you know, sleeping. Only tools sleep. And I am not a tool. Shut up, Daniel.

Contemplating crackers with a wistful smile,
Bee Electric

P.S. I was sitting outside waiting for MJ to ring, 'cause I'm going to go outside to talk to my parents so's I don't wake up my mom and Valeria, but it was WAY TOO COLD to just sit there holding my cellular telephone in one hand and my eyepod in the other. So I came inside. Mom, if you're reading this, plz callify me!

Yet another thing I don't understand...

The festa was awesometastic! It was at this crazy Old West themed disco [they heart the Old West here...rockin'!] that was built to look like stuccoed adobe, with those Spanish tiled [or whatever you call it] roofs and this one section that so looked like a movie set from a Western. When we got there, we didn't really go inside, just sat in the nice chilly night air for a while...that was kind of less than interesting. When we did finally go inside, though, I had the best time!! There was dancing and whatnot, and it was actually decent disco fun! I once again proved how inept I am at that sort of dancing...I do better in a slam dancin' atmosphere like last night...not this silly disco whatnot. Whatevz, it was still grand! But then I had to go outside with Vale etc and sit around in the chill again...and then we went home. Huh?

That's what I don't understand. It seems like Italians [or at least the ones I know] seem to get the most pleasure out of being miserable whilst other people are having fun, then have fun for a little bit, then leave! Not my cuppa. I like to have fun while other people are having fun...or have fun while other people are being miserable...and not leave! Or, if I do have to leave early, I sure as heck am not going to waste one second of potential fun time. I guess theoretically I could have gone inside before and stayed inside, but, as everysingleperson who I knew was outside, I felt mad awkward inside by myself. I was quite disappointed that we left when we did, though, especially 'cause there was this super cute guy who I was ch-ch-checkin' out, and we know how few of those there are in Maddz.

On the way home we stopped at this lil' rossticceria [guess who doesn't know how to spell that! MEEEE!] to get some grub. I wasn't particularly hungry but I got a piece of calzone that had french fries and weenies in it. It was pretty good [better than their pizza...which tastes like greasy barf] but I couldn't finish it. And now I feel a bit sick. Which I'm sure is one piece of information you were just dying to know.

I have no idea what the heck I am going to do with my hair tomorrow...not sure if there's anything I can do, as I back-combed and hair-sprayed the heck out of it! It is now in a rather rad pompadourish thing. And may continue to be into the next century. o.O But, dude, I dressy dressed up for the party all snazzy like! My striped pink tights, poufy black dress, my hair...heaps black eyeliner with lil' wingy bits, DIY jewellry...[pictures to follow]. I didn't exactly blend in with the crowd, but, as I'm sure we all know by now "blending in with the crowd" is something that I SUCK ROYALLY at. So whatevz! I also wore my Conz, but, judging by the footwear sported by the rest of the ladies, I should have worn pointy toed high heels. Except wait, I haven't got any. I guess I fail at being italian. Vabbè.

Hittin' the nail with the MC Hammer,
Bee Electric

domenica, gennaio 14, 2007

Things that get 10 points

*Boys who fix broken computers!! I went out with the E|X crowd last night, and when I came back, the computer was all fixed up by a very nice young man with a wallet full of CDs! It is quite rad-o-licous, as I can now go on the internet. Which, as we all know, is essential to the existence of this lil' electronic rockstar.

*Moshing! Last night, after Gina left, Valeria, Anto, and the whole crowd went to this...I don't even know what to call it...gathering? This empty building, where a band played American [yay for songs I know!] and Italian [still cool but I didn't know the words!] punk/metal/reggae tunes! I guess that is where all the "alternative" types in Maddaloni convene [which was about, oh, 30, tops, but still more than I thought there were!] to chillax and jump around like someone cocained their dougnuts! Thing is, they didn't exactly start playing until late...after we wandered around quite a bit, and I had a wikked stomach ache. I think it was because I ate a bunch of candy bars at school [mistake!], too much lunch, and then gelato [even though I didn't want to...I was forced] when I was out with the E|Xies. We stopped to get food at a food truck, and I didn't buy anything [since I knew it would make my tummy hurt more] but it looked soooo good, and when Vale couldn't finish her sammy [which had weenies and french fries in it] I did...I knew that wasn't a good idea, and, as predicted, the pain in my gut was turned up a couple of notches. -whatever-, at least it was tasty! And, whilst hanging about by the food truck, I applied my black lipstick [for the first time in MONTHS], utilizing the grime covered side mirror. So punk rock! When we finally got back to the place, they were finally getting around to playing. Super rad! I had tons of fun jumping about, and there was this one rad kid, who has a sidehawk and was wearing the same striped dress I always see him in, 'cept for tonight he mixed it up and added tights [under shorts..durrrr], that was running around and slamming into folk! Jest fine with me, and I slammed him [and some other lads and ladies] back more'n a few times. Unfortunatly, we had to be back at midnight, which gave me, oh, about 10 minutes of mosh time, but golly, it was the best slam dancin' 10 minutes I've had in a while!! Hausome! On our way back home, though, Valeria told me that if you wear black lipstick people think you're a prostitute. Thanks for the forewarning, babe! But then she said that tonight it was OK, 'cause we were with "dark people", and they understand. It's all good, then, and I wasn't planning on just parading down the street in it like I do at home, anyways.

*Orlando's birthday! The future Mr. Electric turned 30 yesterday! -holy shizmuffins- That sounds so old!! But then again I'm 17 and that still sounds odd to me. Woot woot gettin' married in 5 years! My god...5 years ehn't much, is it? Good thing I've already started planning...

*Paris Hilton, The Like, Lily Allen, and Madonna! Parz, Likez [?], Lilz, and Madz are my new! downloaded! music! on Vale's computer...and thusly ROCK THE HOUSE. When we are not listening to Valeria's metal and whatnot. Which is not too often o.O. But I think I'm gonna burn 'em off some time soon, then I can listen to them all the time.

*Fan fiction! I'm back on my ff boardz...which means that life is getting back to its normal, abnormal state! I heart Elijah Wood...and my lil digital palz!

Well, that is all the 10 pterz I can think of for now! At least that have something to do with yesterday.

Gina left on her whirlwind tour of Europa yesterday...her mum came down and we tooled around Maddz for a was quite fun! But I'll write more about that later, as I gots to go get ready for a festa at a discoteca. Oh snaps. And a half.

Making faces in the mirror,
Bee Electric

P.S. I think we're being bombed. I'd be concerned but Madz and Britterz are singing to me so I just can't be.

venerdì, gennaio 12, 2007

Che cazzo?

Gah! One thing you get used to with Mac computers is that they don't get effin' viruses all the time! That and they don't get messed up as much. So yeh, our computer at home is all wonkified! At first we thought it was 'cause the plug got pulled (my mom didn't know how to turn it off...I had left it on to download -oops-), but it quickly became apparent that that wasn't the problem. What it was doing was starting up, displaying an error notification window, and then, after a few minutes, restarting. Not very nice of it!! We thought that maybe it was a virus, but a Virus check scan of the computer came up with "no threats found". Okay. Then I tried clicking the "send error report" or whatever button (up until then we had been clicking "non inviare"), and it took me to the Windows page, where it said that there was a Stop Interrupt Error in the Video drive or something, and the best way to fix it was to download the most up to date drivers. So I tried that, but I think it wouldn't let me (stupid punks, putting their page in Italian), 'cause the version of Windows isn't authentic. Fuuuuuudge. After doing some more reasearch online today, I have pretty much found that the only way to fix it is the thing I can't do. CAN ANYBODY HELPIFY ME?? We might have to take it in to get fixed, but hopefully doing that will not require reformattation...the only thing that I have on there is some music or whatever so's it's not that big of a deal for me, but Vale's got all her files and what not. AND MY PUTRID BROTHER DID NOT PICK UP HIS PHONE FOR LIKE 7 HOURS SO HE COULDN'T HELP ME!! Thanks a million, bro. Oh, btw, the error code we kept getting is "STOP 0x0000008E". Grrrrah.

The (kind of) upside of not having a working, internet-enabled computer in my room is I actually went to bed at a (semi)reasonable hour last night! But when I did go to bed I had the strangest dream...I don't remember the beginning, but where my memory starts I had signed up for the Army. I don't know whether I was 18 or whether they just took me when I was 17, but it doesn't matter. I had to take the school bus to my army base, but first I was going to Mendocino to pick up my camera, which was in my locker. Before we left my mom reminded me to bring some reading material, and what I picked up was this brochure about a type of Mulino Bianco [a Barilla sub-brand that makes cookies and bread and other baked goods] cookies. We were driving along, and I was reading or something, not paying attention. Then we start to stop, but not in a normal way for a bus. The engine shut off but we kept moving forward, and kind of bobbing. I realised that we were floating. What the? That's not how you get to Mendocino! When we pulled up onto the beach and got out, my confustion only increased. Instead of being on, like, Big River beach or something, we were on this almost tropical looking Island. I say almost because there were white sand beaches, but the trees were closer to pines or redwoods than palm. One thing that definitely impressed me, though, was how saturated with colour the place was, like a travel brocure. The ocean was this incredibly deep turquoise aqua, and the trees were impossibly green. I soon came to realize, however, that everything was coated with a thin layer of ice. Not frozen into place, like some sort of deranged Snow Queen palace effect, but that kind of melty ice that you get in California. So was the sand, but not completely. I asked someone what was going on, and they were like, "maybe they want you to start your training a suprise. Some sort of survival thing or something?" And that started freaking me out, 'cause was like, "NO! I have to get my camera!!" And then I "remembered" that we were going to stop at the Port of Versailles on the way, and this must be it. Note: Port of Versailles is where we stayed in Paris, and is nothing like the scene discribed above. Never the less, this calmed me down, as we were where we were supposed to be. Since the whole place was so icy, but looked so warm, I wondered what the water would be like, So I kneeled on the sand and put my arms in it. It wasn't too cold, but then my heavy backpack pushed me down and I started to slide, headfirst into the water!! That was scary! However, I was able to wrestle myself up again. Then the whole reality of signing up for the Army hit me, and I started major panicking. I couldn't shoot people!! Holy cow! What was I thinking?!?!?!?! Before I got too freaked out though, my cellphone went off [in real life] and woke me up. It was weird!!!

OK, gots to go to class now!

Not a soldier,
Bee Electric

mercoledì, gennaio 10, 2007

Chimney sweeps and cookie freaks

My stomach hurts...I think I ate too many cookies. And too many french fries. Speaking of french fries, we are going to Macker's tomoz! Can you say "Double cheeseburger for 1,30euro"? I can. With my eyes closed.

Did you know that in the Italian version of Mary Poppins, the songs are in Italian, too?

MKay I'm going to sleep now.

Corrupting the children,
Bee Electric

Yay for doppia rotazione!!

I am so tired I could keel over.

In other news, we had pasta with tuna for lunch. It was delicious.

Dear God I hope I don't have to do ballet today. Maybe I won't cause I [a] ehn't really signed up and [b] I still pretty much have a wikked cold. Yay for being sick! Or not...

Coughing up phlegm and blowing her nose,
Bee Electric

martedì, gennaio 09, 2007


I am so sick of having black hair!! I have had it for, like....6 months or something! A.K.A. FAR TOO LONG. Only I'm kind of scared to change it, 'cause pretty much all Italian faux-blonde hair looks like crap on a stick!! But maybe mine would work? Grrr I don't know what to do....

Part of my reason for this is I came across this picture...I forgot I used to look like this....

Contemplating the possibilites,
Bee Electric

lunedì, gennaio 08, 2007

This should come as no suprise

You can now also reach me at . Because I do.

Eating 80s candy in the dark,
Bee Electric

I'm a horrible Journalist

I just realised that y'all never hear a damn thing about my best times, 'cause I always want to write really long detailed entries but never seem to finish & post 'em. Sorry. So here's a quick run down of things I don't think I wrote about:

The Rome Trip
*3 cups of overpriced coffee
*Learning to swear in Serbian
*Wanting to move to this Beautiful city
*Paris on Paris Vogue
*Being in Heart with Alex
*Scamming folks for cute pictures.

Christmas Eve
*So many courses I think I'll die
*Hanging out with the knees hurt now
*I miss my real Christmas
*Staying up 'till 7am playing poker with my brother's friends
*Long distance "Night Before Christmas" reading with the fam

*No church
*Sobbing my guts out over Brokeback Mountain
*Watching King Kong with wired blonde kids
*Lots of lasagna and so many other foods
*Playstation Soccer and Old West themed restaurants

*Too long of a train ride
*Having to switch seats 'cause people suck
*Watching Hostel on Franco's computer
*Cute Australians with crazy accents
*An even longer bus ride through what looks like home
*Faking an accent until I forget how I talk
*"You're not a girl. You're just a boy with really long hair."
*Pretending I'm French
*Sleeping in my Clothes
*Meeting a girl from the Yucatan
*Being the only sober one
*Pizza in Paris?
*"I love you!"
*Finally stylish again
*So much rain
*Eating pastries from Laudrée
*"You have to be 18"
*Can't find the Champs Elysées
*English bookstores and the Virgin Suicides
*Spending money
*Chanel sunglasses
*The Eiffel Tower sparkiling
*Major foot pain
*Being in Colette
*"Foto! Foto!"
*The Mona Lisa people crunch
*The best smelling street in the world
*Finding my journal for sale
*Calling my parents at 4 in the morning
*Samuel L. Jackson in French
*Asking directions
*Finnish girls
*Libian food
*Evian water
*Staying up all night
*Packing at 3am
*Slipping and bruising on the Eiffel Tower
*Watching everyone sleep on the bus ride home
*Making snow angels in the Alps wearing a summer dress
*Bacon Royals and Coca Cola Light
*Saying goodbye
*Dragging my suitcase and almost crying
*Sleeping sick on the train back to Napoli
*Hello new family


Wishing for some maple syrup,
Bee Electric

Si Provi, a Prendermi...

I watched this movie in Italian today. It was pretty awesome...I like Leonardo diCaprio!

In other news, my sinuses are all plugged up and I had chocolate mousse gelato earlier.

School starts tomorrow! Boy howdy!!

It's weird, living this close to other people. I'm used to my room being upstairs and away from everyone, but at the other end of a short hall is my mom and sister, and we share the two bathrooms. Strange!!

10 points for being all unpacked!

Prodding her face,
Bee Electric

I wish that I had written these.

Because they are genius.

* * *

"Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master."

"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."

"He spoke with the wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking at high schools about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it."

"She grew on him like she was a colony of E.coli and he was room-temperature Canadian beef."

"She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like that sound a dog makes just before it throws up."

"Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever."

"He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree."

"The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated because of his wife's infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge-free ATM."

"The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't."

"McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup."

"From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie, surreal quality, like when you're on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30."

"Her hair glistened in the rain like a nose hair after a sneeze."

"The hailstones leaped from the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease."

"Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph."

"They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences that resembled Nancy Kerrigan's teeth."

"He was as lame as a duck. Not the metaphorical lame duck, either, but a real duck that was actually lame, maybe from stepping on a land mine or something."

"He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant and she was the East River."

"Even in his last years, Grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut."

"Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do."

"The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work."

"The young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while."

"John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met."

"The ballerina raised gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant."

"It was an American tradition, like fathers chasing kids around with power tools."

"He was deeply in love. When she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up."

"Her eyes were like limpid pools, only they had forgotten to put in any pH cleanser."

"She walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs."

"It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall."

sabato, gennaio 06, 2007

Returned to Sender

Hey Kids...

I'm back from Paris...It was kind of the most amazing thing EVER. The Eiffel Tower sparkiling was an electronic mindblowing thing of much that I got a briuse from it....I am probably the only person that can say that I got bruised by the Eiffel Tower...F£$" yeah!!...I can't wait to tell you about all my adventures and misadventures and glorious decadence...but for now I gots to go be all Italiany...which at this point in time means REALLY CHILLY. But it is allright 'cause I have hobo gloves and a whole lotta love. ::chuckles:: Those just sound good together, don't they?

Still shaking with excitement,
Bee Electric